I believe you're correct as long as the same rules apply to them that apply to Replicel.I believe they can release during phase II if it shows efficacy. That's what Replicel aims to do.
I believe you're correct as long as the same rules apply to them that apply to Replicel.
There's a chart floating around that was posted on other threads that shows how new treatments are classified and effected my Japan's new regulations.
I just tried searching and googling for the chart I was talking about - I believe @Swoop had posted it. I couldn't find it but you're probably right. I can't see them mentioning their aggressive timelines if that wasn't the case.Same rules WILL apply. There's no exceptions with the new regulations. I think it's about 2-3 years before a treatment can go commercial.
I just tried searching and googling for the chart I was talking about - I believe @Swoop had posted it. I couldn't find it but you're probably right. I can see them mentioning their aggressive timelines if that wasn't the case.
The Japanese regulations state they can bring a new treatment to market during Phase 2 if they can show safety AND efficacy which is a good thing.
Yeah man. I find it hard to believe a company (kyocera) would spend time and money on something if they didnt really believe it was doable and profitablei believe that they overcame a major hurdle propelling this thing into motion, and are now trying to get the equipment mass produced so they can get the clinical research started.
^No dude. It is almost unheard of in business. kyoceras support is the biggest indicator that they have something that worksI have a question regarding this. Is it normal for companies to partner up before the technology is even proven to work? Why would Kyocera jump on board and start developing before they even knew that this was going to fly. Is this a common practice in business?
Any idea if it should work for women too ? Our donnor area is less preserved/not the same.
Start saving boys & girls. I already started.
Start saving boys & girls. I already started.
Haha I can't wait until we can all have hair like Tsuji's.Start saving boys & girls. I already started.
Swoop you mention tsuji a lot but ignore lauster, tissuse are very close as well and they even have a name for their technique (SHT) !