Dr. Vera Price on the "offset of growth" from mino


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Healthy Nick said:
No, I was talking about from 1995-1997 when you said you were just using nano shampoo and something else. How did that go?

You haven't seen my pics? Here, judge for yourself:


Click on my name when that comes up. It was Prox-N that I used, along with occasional NANO shampoo. There was a small but noticeable improvement over 2 full years. It probably would have been even MORE noticeable, were it not for the fact that it was pretty damned "slick" back there on my baldspot.

Healthy Nick said:
Also, are you seeing any results at all from what you're doing? Are you mostly experimenting on yourself, or are you actually trying to do something about your hairloss?

Nick, why do I have so much trouble with your posts?? :lol: I don't understand what you mean! I'm experimenting on myself, AND I'm trying to do something about my hairloss! (Are those two concepts mutually exclusive?)



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Finasteride has always been out of the question for me, because I've always been nervous about using systemic drugs like that.

At the time of those pictures, Rogaine was still a prescription medicine costing around $60-$65 a bottle, so that was also out of the question. I was happy using Prox-N and NANO shampoo.


Bryan: It just seems so odd that someone could be such an authority on the subject and yet apply so little of that knowledge to his own benefit. I've seen your pictures and if you got a transplant to cover that isolated area in the back and strengthened the front with minoxidil or whatever else then you could have a full set of hair.


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Kramer3 said:
Bryan: It just seems so odd that someone could be such an authority on the subject and yet apply so little of that knowledge to his own benefit.

Heheheh... This is the first time that I've ever been accused of not applying much knowledge to my own benefit! :shock: If you could take a brief tour around my house, you might be surprised at what all you find:

Inside my refrigerator in the freezer section are large sealed glass bottles of linoleic acid (carefully preserved with powerful antioxidants like BHT and NDGA, and stored under the inert gases argon, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide), and smaller "working" vials of fatty acids which I'm experimenting with. In the regular part of the fridge, in the "crisper" section, are tubes of Retin-A, and bottles of generic spironolactone tablets and phenytoin capsules, and three or four other drugs that are vaguely hairloss-related. In another part of the fridge (in a section designed for dairy products), I have a stash of some bottles containing some of the experimental solutions that I use, like 11a-hydroxyprogesterone, phenytoin, spironolactone, etc., and a vial or two of Dermovan-spironolactone cream. I also have a couple of vials of Prescription Proxiphen in that area. Just below that area (where eggs are supposed to be kept) I have stored my bottles containing various bulk chemicals that I use to make test solutions, like BHT, NDGA, ascorbyl palmitate, green tea extract, 11a-hydroxyprogesterone, etc. And that's only what's in my refrigerator! :lol:

Let's continue walking around the rest of my house: sitting right here in front of me next to my computer monitor is a bottle of Dr. Proctor's 7.5% minoxidil solution. About a foot away from that on this same table is a bottle of standard 5% Rogaine, an old bottle of Prox-n which is almost empty now, a small bottle (also almost empty) of the liquid version of prescription Proxiphen, and a plastic bottle of an ethanol/water solution which I use to clean my face with, when I'm doing a sebum-excretion test on myself with a topical antiandrogen or 5a-reductase inhibitor (don't ask). I have these things right here in front of me, just to help remind myself to use them. Inside a drawer here to my right is my stash of Sebutape test strips, which I use to help measure sebum production on my face.

Let's continue on into the bathroom: Needless to say, I have numerous bottles of various shampoos ready to go (NANO, Tricomin, and Revivogen), along with some extra bottles of NANO conditioner that someone was nice enough to send me. Inside the medicine cabinet is my last full bottle of Prox-N (gonna run-out pretty soon), and various other hairloss-related products.

Oh damn, I almost forgot! Going back into the kitchen (not in the fridge, but in a pantry area) is my stash of various lab bottles, vials, droppers, etc., that I use for mixing solutions, and my digital scale. Also, my stash of ethanol (Everclear), and a pint bottle of propylene glycol. And another small bottle of BHT. And a small quantity of RU58841 that someone on hairsite was nice enough to send me!

Sitting on my kitchen counter (because I'm constantly having to wash the damn things!) is some other various glassware, like Pyrex beakers, vials, and graduated cylinders (for mixing and measuring). Also my trusty mortar and pestle, for grinding spironolactone tablets and other stuff (I've had that thing for more than 35 years!), and some cans of Private Preserve Wine Preserver (that's the stuff containing the inert gases, which I use to protect fatty acids and other oxidation-sensitive materials).

Whew! I _think_ that covers everything (I'm leaving out one or two other important things that I don't wish to discuss). Do you still think I apply "so little" of my knowledge to my own treatment?

Kramer3 said:
I've seen your pictures and if you got a transplant to cover that isolated area in the back and strengthened the front with minoxidil or whatever else then you could have a full set of hair.

I'm not interested in hair transplants. I don't _think_ that minoxidil has given me much extra benefit (if any at all) over the Prox-N that I used from 1995 to 1997.



brian, it looks like you have been maintaining quite well with your treatments. I don't see why you don't get a hair transplant at the baldspot in the back.


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Bryan: So I'm guessing you don't throw too many house parties. You've listed so many ingredients that you store in your house that i'm only vaguely aware of so I really don't know what to say.. I must admit I still feel your research seems to be targeted more towards helping the general public rather then yourself; very admirable. I'm certaintly glad to have you as a resource that I can ask the most comprehensive data based questions to.

I can see why you've elected not to hit up a hair transplant. You'd be the perfect donor but personally the whole operation scares me but thats just because I dont know how much hair I'm going to lose and I dont want a Frankenstein Hairline.

Thanks for answering the questions



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Bryan, Im not sure if youve already been asked this, so excuse me if Im just repeating.

Has your hair count inceased around the top of your head, since the time of the photo's that you took almost 10 years ago? Will you be posting any updated pics?


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I am considering adding NANO shampoo to my current regimen.

I have been thinking about this for a week now doing a lot of old post lookups. This is a very good thread so I thought I would bump it.

It's no so great in regards to NANO, but good for Minoxidil info. I hopes this does more clarifying than it does asking Bryan Questions.