Dr. Wolf


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I am about to be 23 and thinning in the temple areas and crown area. Its noticable to me and since being on rogaine foam for 7 weeks has thinned out a lot. I tried several different amounts of finasteride and it did not work well with my body.. sides every time.

Now I am considering a transplant. I dont know how much I need yet. I am going to take pictures and send to Dr. wolf as he is only 10 minutes away. The rogaine foam made me shed bad and im still on it and possible have thickened the crown but the front is worse (i know its early). My idea is that I can not fight this too long because without a dht inhibitor the rogaine wont work if it will work at all on my crown. I have money for it as I recently lost a grandparent.

Anyone used Dr. Wolf?

So should I get a transplant of about 1000 grafts probably and thinking about using some neck hair and donor area hair?

Rogaine foam may be making my face swell some... how do I tell for sure?


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hey bro lets think about this!

lets not jump to the hair transplant at 23 thing

im not sure of your situation "pics"

what kind of sides have u experienced with the finasteride?

not using something that blocks a percentage of dht conversion and getting a hair transplant would be risky

especially at ur age

you will most likely lose the dht sensitive hair and leave you with a "sparse" hair transplant transplant

i would consider that prior to getting an hair transplant


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I know, but I was thinking possible using nape hair and beard hair also. I dont want to use a lot of my donor area. The sides with finasteride were awful. I used it 1mg for 3 months and didnt know of the sides. I was only 19 and I was having trouble staying hard and was very concerned. It came time to refill and I didnt have the money so I stopped use and my erections came back.

Then I decided to try again a few months later but cut propecia into halfs because it was cheaper... had the same problem and thats when i read about erectile problems.. I had watery semen too. so then this year i gave it a try with .25 EOD and sure enough it came back.


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First of all you know that a hair transplant probably isn't a one time cure right?

Most likely you will need further hair transplant's in the future to keep up with your loss and if you aren't on propecia you will almost definitley need several more in the future. Do you have the money for that?

Since you are only 10 mins away from Dr Wolf I would forget sending him pictures. Go and see him in person and discuss with him your options.

If he agrees to give you a transplant you will be in good hands.


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brandnew said:
I am about to be 23 and thinning in the temple areas and crown area. Its noticable to me and since being on rogaine foam for 7 weeks has thinned out a lot. I tried several different amounts of finasteride and it did not work well with my body.. sides every time.

Now I am considering a transplant. I dont know how much I need yet. I am going to take pictures and send to Dr. wolf as he is only 10 minutes away. The rogaine foam made me shed bad and im still on it and possible have thickened the crown but the front is worse (i know its early). My idea is that I can not fight this too long because without a dht inhibitor the rogaine wont work if it will work at all on my crown. I have money for it as I recently lost a grandparent.

Anyone used Dr. Wolf?

So should I get a transplant of about 1000 grafts probably and thinking about using some neck hair and donor area hair?

Rogaine foam may be making my face swell some... how do I tell for sure?

You're very young but as long as you get FUE you have a better chance of not running into a total disaster as you can shave your head.

You are also looking at things the wrong way, your scalp hair is your best transplant hair especially for hairlines, you want to use that up first then if you run out go the BHT route.

BHT is very unproven, I have seen some decent results but I think they are few and far between

Now if I was you I would shave my head down to a a # 2 guard and see how you look, if you can pull off that look FORGET THE hair transplant's as you will chase it forever and with you balding so young and not able to use propecia you are fighting a losing battle


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I have about 12,000 right now i have saved. I am very depressed so badly right now. I was planning on using head hair for the hairline but body hair for a few areas in the crown. I mean I am hoping I can do this and save myself for about two years then something better may come out or i will have saved money for a second hair transplant. Rogaine foam did a number on my hair in the front. I am only on week seven though so hoping for some growth.


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do it asap. I did it in my 24-25's and completely changed my whole life (not to the specific doctor). My opinion is for everyone not to lose his youth years because of this disease


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I would avoid transplanting the crown. A bald crown doesn't affect your appearance in a major way, but it will use up a lot of donor grafts. Save them for the front, especially if you're likely to lose a lot of hair.


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thank you both... good advice... thylax how old are you now and how many grafts did you have done?


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How about posting some pics ?

I would be very hesitant of ANYONE who tells you to get a hair transplant at age 23 ASAP.

Let's talk to that person at age 35 and see if they feel the same way.


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if you look at some of my past threads there are pics... ill post the link if i find them.


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I am 30 and had already 2 operations of around 1500 grafts in the front. However rogaine has completely stabilized my hair loss since my 20's. If this is not a fact to you, then hair transplant may be a problem. But again i would not lose my youth considering my hair loss every single day.


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thylax said:
I am 30 and had already 2 operations of around 1500 grafts in the front. However rogaine has completely stabilized my hair loss since my 20's. If this is not a fact to you, then hair transplant may be a problem. But again i would not lose my youth considering my hair loss every single day.

So you have used 3000 grafts so far ? do you have any pics ? Do you only use Rogaine or also Propecia ?


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how many years have you been on rogaine thylax? I just started and I am right at two months. i shed still a lot when putting it on and have thinned out a lot...


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No, 1500 in total. Well regaine has completely stopped mine even though I shedded much in the beginning. Don't stop minoxidil. I also don't take propecia. Only rogaine+nizoral lately


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Your hair loss is very minimal to only be getting 750 graft procedures which I'm guessing was all temple/hairline


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well im in my 9th week of rogaine foam and its made things worse... im hoping to stabilize then have regrowth then transplant. im not living my twenties in this depression any more.


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brandnew said:
well im in my 9th week of rogaine foam and its made things worse... im hoping to stabilize then have regrowth then transplant. im not living my twenties in this depression any more.

Rogaine will not stabilize hair loss, you need a DHT blocker.

I would go to the Hair transplant Network and read the repair section before you jump into anything


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ive tried propecia 3 times and even in small doses... i got sides.. i also tried topical spironolactone for several months... no difference...