I don't get them often, but I had another hair dream last night. This time my hair was like a whispy died blond, about 2 and a half inches on top. I stole a truck to get across town to go to some cool kids party. When I pulled up, the first thing I saw was a hot chick smokin a cigarette on the roof. I go inside to find most of the people at this party are hot chicks. So I try and mingle, talking to different girls but they don't seem to want to have anything to due with me. After being shunned repeatedly, I decide to take off. On my way out this asian guy starts harassing me. This guy was coming at me with every name in the book, real aggressive but I kept my cool and just gave him some smart remark,"Hey, common courtesy, it's not just for old ladies anymore- look into it." Before I walk out the door I tell this group of fat people who were just hangin out about the guy I ran into a second ago and this one chick says,"Oh, that's my boyfriend." So I told her that I think something is wrong with him,"He's got some sort of mental disorder, probably Terets. Get him some help." Then I leave. As I was walking down the street, I felt really light and happy, wondering why I wasn't so upset by the whole experience. I realized that it was the fact that I had a full head of hair again that gave me confidence and a feeling of security.