Dutas/finasteride and Arimidex


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Hello i have been searching around, but i haven´t been able to find any information about the counter meassures of side efects fron finasteride/dutasteride with arimidex in particular
Im 34 years old and im losng hair since i was around 30-31, at that moment i started finasteride and my hairloss stopped almost inmediately, since i was reading too mucho in forums i decided to lowewr progresively the dose by myself, previous to that i noticed chages in my semen, like a lot less amount of it, i suspended this not regular treatment and hair loss got worse
At some point i was taking propecia 1mg EOD and i started taking arimidex 0.25 EOD also, it caused like an androgenic reaction, thining hair, raise of libido, a bit of acne and overall more strength at the gym, it also caused joint pain almost unbearable, well i discontinued treatment, Id say i did not lose more hair while on the drug.
On september 11 of this year i started a strict regimen of propecia and minoxidil, taking 1mg of propecia ED and 1 ml of minoxidil twice a day and i think everything was going great, for some dumb reason i decided to add Dutas to the treatment 3 times a week, days i took propecia i would not take dutas and vice versa
At the beggining of taking Dutas i noticed a great strength and better recovery when training, but almost 1 and a half month of taking dutas i began noticing some weird waistline, more abdominal fat, also more fat on the chest (more like puffy nipples, not gyno) so i decided to quit dutas, it gave me great results on the hair though, at the same time i have started taking 0.125 mg of arimidex (1/8 of the tablet, i try my best to cut it right) twice a week and im already noticing better erections and the fat deposits around my waistline are almost completely gone, also better looking chest, My hair it seems a bit weaker than when i was on dutas despite the fact im on propecia 1mg ED.
I find using higher dose than 0.125 of arimidex giving me more androgenic efects
My question is if someone has found based on his own experience like a sweet spot on the arimidex dose?? and if it is the case, was it for finasteride or for dutas, since dutas blocks almost 94% of DHT and finasteride only 60% or so and only one type of the 5AR.

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I had blood work done receantly and hormones were fine, its just that Estrogens were more like to the hieger limit and i usually have them around 15, this time they were at 43 or so.


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There is a guy on hairlosshelo that use arimidex

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There is a guy on hairlosshelo that use arimidex


Established Member
My Regimen
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so what you did at the end? how things went for you? i have same issue and wanted to know how you doing, if you see this post please do make me informed


Established Member
My Regimen
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Hello i have been searching around, but i haven´t been able to find any information about the counter meassures of side efects fron finasteride/dutasteride with arimidex in particular
Im 34 years old and im losng hair since i was around 30-31, at that moment i started finasteride and my hairloss stopped almost inmediately, since i was reading too mucho in forums i decided to lowewr progresively the dose by myself, previous to that i noticed chages in my semen, like a lot less amount of it, i suspended this not regular treatment and hair loss got worse
At some point i was taking propecia 1mg EOD and i started taking arimidex 0.25 EOD also, it caused like an androgenic reaction, thining hair, raise of libido, a bit of acne and overall more strength at the gym, it also caused joint pain almost unbearable, well i discontinued treatment, Id say i did not lose more hair while on the drug.
On september 11 of this year i started a strict regimen of propecia and minoxidil, taking 1mg of propecia ED and 1 ml of minoxidil twice a day and i think everything was going great, for some dumb reason i decided to add Dutas to the treatment 3 times a week, days i took propecia i would not take dutas and vice versa
At the beggining of taking Dutas i noticed a great strength and better recovery when training, but almost 1 and a half month of taking dutas i began noticing some weird waistline, more abdominal fat, also more fat on the chest (more like puffy nipples, not gyno) so i decided to quit dutas, it gave me great results on the hair though, at the same time i have started taking 0.125 mg of arimidex (1/8 of the tablet, i try my best to cut it right) twice a week and im already noticing better erections and the fat deposits around my waistline are almost completely gone, also better looking chest, My hair it seems a bit weaker than when i was on dutas despite the fact im on propecia 1mg ED.
I find using higher dose than 0.125 of arimidex giving me more androgenic efects
My question is if someone has found based on his own experience like a sweet spot on the arimidex dose?? and if it is the case, was it for finasteride or for dutas, since dutas blocks almost 94% of DHT and finasteride only 60% or so and only one type of the 5AR.

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I had blood work done receantly and hormones were fine, its just that Estrogens were more like to the hieger limit and i usually have them around 15, this time they were at 43 or so.
Man for God's sake Please tell me how it worked out for you with arimidex?