dutasteride side effects what would you do in this case?


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dutasteride side effects (gyno) what would you do in this case?

Been using dutasteride for 2 months or so at 0.5 mg every third day. A few weeks ago I started noticing aberrant sensations from breast tissue. Little sharp pains here and there etc, but I just ignored it. Then when I changed dose to 0.5 mg every other day, I concluded I was getting beginning stage gyno/pseudogyno. It was to the point falling asleep was a pain as the way I normally sleep puts pressure on breast tissue which would cause aching and annoyance. Also even when pain subsided chest felt more tight or puffy, my shirt touching my chest is more perceptable than it would normally be. A few of the days I used aspirin to help blunt the pain. Nips are more puffy and not as soft feeling as normal. It's not quite hard lump but somewhere in between. I have since ceased using dutasteride. Been about 6 days as of today since taking a dutasteride capsule. Breast issues have seemed to taper a lot, tho there is still occasional mild pain.

I wondered what would happen if I'd use once every 5 days or once a week when my dutasteride level would reach a new steady state. But at that point dutasteride probably provides little value over just using 1 mg finasteride or proscar.

What would you do in this situation?

Try finasteride at 1mg dose or so? Continue on dutasteride with lower dose? In a fit of panic I ordered letrozole and raloxifine to use until the breast issue resolved compltely then I'd taper off them.

I have some RU on it's way (10 g).

My main worry was trying to maintain with RU alone. I figured having dutasteride gives good redundancy and should have basically insured my hair loss would not progress any further.


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That's definetly gyno. Get on an anti estrogen right away. If you're still going to use dutasteride then you can continue to use it at any dose you want provided you use an anti-e with it. Arimidex or aromasin in small doses twice weekly.

But did you jump right into dutasteride? Have you used finasteride first?


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Thanks for the reply Einstein. I did jump right dutasteride. Don't ask me why. Overreacting / overparanoia most likely. I have never used finasteride.


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The good part is you haven't been on dutasteride long enough to be too worried about experiencing a big shed when dropping dutasteride.

Drop the dutasteride. Get on finasteride, nizoral 2% shampoo, and minoxidil (or rogaine foam). I'm confident this will not only be a safer alternative but that you'll see better results as well. Expect shedding, but give it at least 6 months before drawing a conclusion.


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Yes, I am glad it's only been 2 months using rather than a few yrs. I've heard bad things about dutasteride shed. Interestingly gyno was not even a listed side for propecia when the drug came out, wheras for proscar I think it was. Hopefully this will mean less likely to get gyno recurrence from that 1 mg dose lol.


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Proscar = 5 mg finasteride

Propecia = 1 mg finasteride

It's unlikely you experience gyno with propecia, not impossible, but unlikely.


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I figured it wouldnt make or break my breast issue, so a week since my last dutasteride tab, I took another dutasteride tab.

That was yesterday. Today, no pain, but I am definitely "more aware of" that area of my body. Perhaps more puffy, more sensitive. Probably not possible for me to use dutasteride without an antiestrogen.


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another weeks passed, i took another single 0.5 mg dutasteride capsule 7 days since the last one. some pain today. im sure it will subside as the week goes on. once a week. once a damn week and breast sensitivity. this is annoying as fk!


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my letrozole and raloxifine arrived and ive been playing with doses of those seeing if i can find a sweet spot. less comfortable with the letrozole than the raloxifine. the ralox is pretty effective at preventing swelling / growth, but when i added another dutasteride 3 days after the weekly and i could see that estrogen wanting to push through and there was some little burst of pain despite 120 mg ralox daily for 4 days prior


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i'm calling a derm for an Rx of finasteride tomorrow.

i hope it doesnt give me breast problems like dutasteride does!


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dropped dutasteride, begun 50 mg daily of RU 58841 (antiandrogen) topically in the kb solution.

i have appt with my general practitioner tomorrow to see about getting a prescription of finasteride


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whats crazy is that RU alone is still triggering gyno swelling and pain. ive been using ralox daily. letrozole every 2nd or 3rd day. i was hoping i could break the gyno tissue up with the antiestrogens so i could eventually taper off, but where i had gyno as a teen the lumps may of been there all along just in a small stable state (nips were always puffy following puberty). it might be too set in to treat with medication (Well to completely cure... obv it controls it from worsening)


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I've been on daily dutasteride for over four months and I never noticed any development on the chest, sexual dysfunctions, etc... Even after 20 days of 200 mg spironolactone and a low dosage of estrogen daily The only thing I got was a bit of nipple increased sensitivity for two days and my libido coming back, bue even that went away after stopping. I won't talk about why I did that now, but... Sometimes I hate being resistant to side effects.


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i have been on .5 dutasteride every 3rd day for almost two weeks. no side effects yet. may be too early to tell