Dutasteride Success thread

Thinning Sucks

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Any new updates?....just about ready to order some dutasteride.....finally after 12 years on finasteride and minoxidil, losing the battle bad.


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I'm not sure if this qualifies as a 'success story', more like my experience with dutasteride.

I've been taking Avodart for just over one year. I took finasteride for eleven months without achieving the results I was hoping for. My hair was still limp and flopping around in the wind, so I decided to get a script for dutasteride. I began taking one pill everyday for the first month. Sometime after the first month and half, or so, after getting a haircut I noticed that my hair did actually look better! (i am obsessive about this. I take pictures from several angles every few weeks).

I should add that both with finasteride and dutasteride, I've experienced sides. I had gyno surgery earlier this year. I can't say for sure if this was the direct result of anti androgens or whether this was unfortunately genetics playing a factor again. I also have had libido issues from time to time. I can't say when exactly, but I cut my dose down to every other day. It's now been just over a year and although I like the feel of my hair more than when I was on finasteride, I am definitely still losing the battle. I never believed the stories of how dutasteride destroys your hairline. I mean, why would it only negatively impact your hairline? However, within the past couple months my hair line has substantially thinned out. Probably the reason why I'm back lurking, hoping for some new article to pop up announcing a magical cure, lol. I can't blame this hairline thinning on dutasteride for sure, because it could just be that this is hair loss accelerating and nature taking its course.

I deal with all this though. Hair loss depresses the $hit out of me. I'm following my dad's hair loss pattern, so I know how this story will end. male pattern baldness ALWAYS wins in the end. I would prefer to just shave my head and be done with this $hit for good. But I'm afraid of how i'll appear to myself, as well as to others. I believe that those who have had success on finasteride or dutasteride or RU or whatever, is because they never had a strong disposition to hair loss to begin with. There's only been one success story that has impressed me. That was a poster named SE Freak. He had a full bald spot on his head surrounded by thick hair shafts. I don't see him post often, but his story made me get on finasteride directly. High expectations with little return though for me.

I'll continue to use Avodart for now, but I would like to get off all this crap eventually

I should add that I also use minoxidil, Nizoral, topical spironolactone and sometimes RU (I bought ten grams, but think it's been a waste of money)

Thinning Sucks

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Thanks DTW for the update on dutasteride. I plan to continue my finasteride dosage of either 1.25 or 2.5mg and take one 0.5 dutasteride per week to "kickstart" the process a bit. But still scared.
Did you get obvious shedding when you started dutasteride. This is my fear as have very little diffuse hair to have a heavy shed happen. But I think at 0.5 mg the shed should be minimal hopefully.


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Not when I initially started, but over the past year I've had heavy sheds on a couple of occasions. Right now for instance, I'm losing twice as much hair in the shower as I did before. If I recall correctly, back in March I had a bad shed for a couple of months. And now, probably around the beginning of September to current. It's my hairline that's taking a beating at the moment. It doesn't look like the hairs are coming back stronger. They're actually growing in finer. I am in my thirties though, so I suppose those hairs are doomed anyway. The rest of my head is ok.

I say go for it. One pill/week is nothing. I've taken as much as 1mg of Avodart/day at times


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Wow, does Dutasteride work!!! I have been a long time Propecia user but I let the treatment lapse for five months with the exception of daily Rogaine foam. Big mistake! By the third month I started rapidly losing my hair again with the top of my scalp becoming very diffuse. So I decided to hunker down and went to the following treatment schedule:

Sun, Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri - 1x Rogaine Foam, Tricomin Shampoo, Tricomin Hairspray, Finesteride
Sat, Wed - Dutasteride
Sat - Laser Comb

Already a massive improvement into my 7th week. Dutasteride scares me, but I can not quibble with the results. I will go to a once a week regimen by January.

Thanks to all in here for posting their experiences.


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If anyone here has been on dutasteride for at least 1 year + please post:

how many years you were on dutasteride
progress (includes maintaining),
dosage (.5 daily? 5. EOD, weekly, 2.5 etc...)
age when started
Norwood-Hamilton pattern before you started
Overall feeling: Positive or Negative?
Side Affects (if applicable)
Additional treatments you were using during this time

Maybe this has been done before but, I'm a new dutasteride user and would love to see a concentrated place where people can post their replies. I noticed many people post opinions without giving full information. So while a 45 year old male who was a Norwood 4 is pissed that he isn't a NW1 after 2 years of dutasteride may offer an opinion, that opinion may not nec. apply to a 24 year old NW2.

Also- if you have negative views on dutasteride (like some people clearly have) please post the above information before you just say something like "dutasteride sucks" or "dutasteride destroyed my life".

Let's see what we can get!!

Where are you buying your avodart are you going online for it or is it from a doctor

Thinning Sucks

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Any more updates? My finasteride daily and one 0.5 dutasteride per week going ok for 3 months now. Some shedding I think now. No regrowth I can see.


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Have you tried RU in in solution? It's much stronger and better than both I have it in my fridge going start next month I tried it last month works wicked.


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I started my 2nd month today!

I am very optimistic. dutasteride has some wonderful results in many studies and there have been quite a few success stories.

Currently im a NW2, thinning in the vertex, but not severe. As of now, no sexual sides (then again I'm 22). Noticed fewer hairs in the shower...went from loosing approx 130 a day to 75 (LIBERAL). I am also removing a lot of fats from my diet.

No massive sheds, for the first month I have definitely shed some hairs the root wasn't gone on most of them tho.

My stress level has GREATLY reduced. I feel like I am taking positive steps to address this issue and I'm increasingly more confident because of it.

Dani, don't worry- 6 months ain't nothing bro. Give it a full consistent year (minimum). What dose are you taking? I recommend at LEAST .5mg/daily. Then again, I'm not a doctor...but that's what I was prescribed.

Dani- At the end of the day if we wind up going bald, screw it. It's nothing weird or strange, embrace it. Millions have and millions will continue to do so. Personally, this is a great motivator for me to get in shape and improve as many other of my physical characteristics as I can! Get a tan, get ripped...ladies dig that! Bald is masculine!

Why do guys promote this ****?

Being bald is masculine = Having cancer and arthritis is human. Mastectomies and stretchmarks are FEMININE.

Make a dating profile of a balding guy and make one of a male model and see which one gets replies. Women HATE balding. It's unattractive. You will find out though. Don't take my word for it.


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I agree.

I also think that anyone who writes a variation of "shave your head, get a tan, become a bodybuilder" without irony on a hairloss forum should be automatically banned.


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Hi all. I started to take dutas when I was 31 years old with a nw3 or nw4 pattern with crown and temples bald and the rest diffuse thinning. I first noticed balding in my early 20s but didn't do anything until I was 31. I'd say I started balding and showing a bald patch on my crown when I was 25 and later so probably had a bald patch last 7 years or so....but had thick hairs all around. But now all hairs are thinned so started to keep hair short shaved look.....anyways I didn't treat my hair until 31 and started to take dutas 0.5 mg a day. Got the normal sides but went away after 2 weeks. Was really happy after 6 months use of dutas my hair looked thicker and noticed new hairs or vellous hairs sprouting up in my bald patch. After a year there seems to be a good regrowth at the back of the head and the bald patch seems to have more vellous hairs....I did have a minor shed but I didn't lose much hair all the time I was on dutasteride so it didn't bother me to lose some hair....I think my hairs were very strong six months in to dutasteride I cud pull the hair and it wudnt come out....I'm now in to 14 months in to dutasteride and just introduced bimatoprost and dermarolling and also cetirizine. So let's see what happens.


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when did you all see you best results from dutasteride? im 7 months in and have seen no improvement :(


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hi! I am spanish, sorry I don't know english. My history begin in 2006 when I began with finasteride 1mg since september 2013, total 7 years. Finasteride went the best for me. but now I have had emaciation. I have begun with dutasteride, I am two month and at the moment I am noting more emaciation and more hairloss.

someone think that can I have results with dutasteride?