Early 30s Bald Guy Still Gets Loads of Women

uncomfortable man

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Your right in saying that people should be judged on their actions and not their appearance but this story is an example of how his appearance is made out to be THE CAUSE of his actions, like, "He is a bald ugly looser that has to resort to blackmail to get sex because no woman in her right mind would be attracted to him, how pathetic." Many of the comments openly bashed his bald head even though it is not directly related to the main story. Maybe they feel like they have license to make such insulting remarks because he did a bad thing. If he had saved ten children from a burning orphanage then I don't think people will be saying he is a bald looser, but I don't think women would be calling him "hot" either... more like, "Oh, what a nice guy." and leave it at that.


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I said the exact same thing about what the comments would be if he had saved children from a fire or something like that....yeah they wouldnt have called him hot, but they wouldn't have been so negative either.

U-man, I looked through the comments and searched for the word "bald"...only 1 that I saw mentioned him being bald. The rest talked about him being ugly but as discussed...its not JUST BECAUSE HES BALD! Not even close...he just isn't an attractive man unfortunately. Your post is an example of how YOU make everything about baldness. Nobody else made comments as if him being bald was the cause of him having to what he did. Yes, they made comments about how the women should have accepted the fine rather than sleep with him. But this was because A) They had just read the story and had only negative emotions associated with him and B) he isn't an attractive man as mentioned before...while the baldness certainly doesn't help, it is not even remotely close to the only thing that makes him unnatractive...its more or less the icing on top of the ugly cake.

But yes, it does reflect on how some people use other's appearance as a means to make fun of them...but this extends to so many things that baldness itself isn't nearly the only thing. People get sh*t for being too skinny, too short, too fat, certain facial features, hair colour, being bald, skin tone, breast size, freckles, moles, etc. Its just how some people are...but I can seriously say I'm getting to the point where I realize that THEY are the problem and not the people who they make fun of. Striving to "fit in" among shallow people like that doesn't make sense to me. Because then you're only accepted for things of a fleeting nature. People who only judge others solely based on looks and material possessions are a joke to me...I don't care how big of a percentage of our population they make. They are the same people who worship celebrities and spend their time indulging in vein nonsense, spouting opinions that they subliminally get from the media that perpetuates this bullshit in the first place. Its a joke to me....Considering you live in California of all places, I can see how this may feel like a big burden to you. But stop seeing yourself as the god-damn problem. Hell, stop seeing other people as the problem either. It just is how it is...maybe you should consider moving to a more laid back, less image focused part of America, or even part of the world in general?


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^^Yeah, but the fact that his appearance is being targeted points indirectly to him being bald.


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Not necessarily. At times I feel like U-Man, like many of us, look for ways to be offended. He mentioned in another post how he heard someone in line talking \about how he'd hate to be bald, not to him but another person and he turned around and gave him a 'psycho stare'.

uncomfortable man

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Obsidian said:
Not necessarily. At times I feel like U-Man, like many of us, look for ways to be offended. He mentioned in another post how he heard someone in line talking \about how he'd hate to be bald, not to him but another person and he turned around and gave him a 'psycho stare'.
^^^This coming from a guy who started a thread about a child actor that he deemed respectable because he has grown bald in his adult years and was still in movies. Only one small detail he overlooked, in the movie he cited the actor was playing a pedophile :whistle: . A movie with a role like that obviously doesn't do the bald community any favors and you thought that deserved our respect? :shakehead: That relates back to this story about how baldies are painted as deprived perverts.


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Boondock said:
Personally, the more hair I lose, the more I start to think UCMan is right.

I know you like to think I'm just trying to "convince myself" but seriously...I CAN relate and just because I have a different outlook it doesn't mean I'm only trying to delude myself...My aim is actually to help others and its a shame when I see people subscribing to such a negative mindset.

IMO the process of going bald itself is awful...especially young. I can relate. The more hair you lose, the worse you feel. Its a shame you weren't comfortable with shaving your head because its definitely helped me. Trust me, I'm not a slybaldguy type...I acknowledge that you may not look as good as you do with hair...but if you look at least decent it can be a big help because you're free from covering up the fact you're going bald and hiding. If its just not an option for you for whatever reason, then either way...its not like your world is ending. I completely understand the feeling that it is over and that maybe U-man is right, etc. But seriously...when you take a step back just realize that his views are waaaay too far extreme. Is baldness considered less desirable than hair?...of course. Can it often make men less attractive? Yup. Can it elicit some dumb comments from dumb people? Sure...But is it this all consuming evil that places you in the backburner of society and renders you completely helpless while people mock, sneer and berate you with their piercing stares in an attempt to constantly remind you of your hairless inferiority? NO! Get real....people don't care that much one way or the other. Thats what I've come to realize. Yeah, it all depends on how you look and especially how you come across overall as a person...but U-man acts like the world is out to keep him down all because hes bald...the reality is, people who aren't bald themselves really don't give a f*** at the end of the day. Its exactly like a minority (a black man for example) claiming that the entire world is racist and out to make him feel inferior because of his race. While there certainly are ignorant assholes who judge people negatively based on that...the MAJORITY of people don't. They understand the concept of genetics and that certain people are just a certain way.

People care way more about themselves than they do about another individual. They're really not gonna care if you're bald (the majority of them) at the end of the day as long as you're a decent enough guy. Seriously...its so cynical to think that the majority of people are so cruel and eager to make a bald person feel inferior. It means that you're being just as cynical and judgmental of others as you think they are being of you due to your hairloss.


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I dunno, man. I suppose you could say that while I agree with UCMan's point of view, I agree with your advice on how to deal with it.

The reality is that baldness is a major handicap, and can lead to much hardship and discrimination. It does make life harder.

I also believe, however, that you've got to make the most of what you've got. Don't get me wrong, I do agree that baldess is a big problem. But as soon as my fight is over, I'm getting out there into the world and pushing on with life regardless. You've got to change what you can, and as soon as I can't win this battle I'm going to fight however harder I need to in order to live the life I want.


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There are both sides to this view. Firstly, in normal setting, ie when you are traveling to work, working etc, the strangers, colleagues really cant care less about your hair. Sure, they will notice and perhaps make a few comments, but by and large balding is a rather common condition and most people are more worried about their own problems than your lack of hair.

However, for the people who are important/close to us, or people whom we WANT to be close to us, balding may be a problem. As mentioned, balding makes us less attractive, which will not help us in attracting people we want to impress.

Thus even though MOST people do not care much about our balding, the people whose opinions we care about may not care for our balding, and it can be quite devastating.


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Obsidian said:
Not necessarily. At times I feel like U-Man, like many of us, look for ways to be offended. He mentioned in another post how he heard someone in line talking \about how he'd hate to be bald, not to him but another person and he turned around and gave him a 'psycho stare'.

I dont feel like UCman was looking to be offended, if I was in a room with black guys in it and turned to my white freind and said I hate ni66ers dont you think the black guys overhearing it would have every right to be offended.


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s.a.f said:
I dont feel like UCman was looking to be offended, if I was in a room with black guys in it and turned to my white freind and said I hate ni66ers dont you think the black guys overhearing it would have every right to be offended.
i wasnt sure which side of the argument i agreed with up until i read your post but yeah thats a really good point.

also on a less serious note,
qball01 said:
Trust me, I'm not a slybaldguy type...I acknowledge that you may not look as good as you do with hair...
it occured to me that maybe HairLossTalk.com.com has its own version of godwins law - the longer a dispute goes on, the probability of someone mentioning slybaldguys approaches one

OH and urmm just out of interest boondock, who is it in your avatar? ive always wondered, the one on the right looks pretty cool :)


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