Eenrak's story, Big 3


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You definitely caught your hair loss on time and with very small sides. As other said, amazing results man.


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I noticed initial improvement that was minor after 2-3 months of minoxidil. Now at 5 months my whole hairline is filling in. It's crazy. I hope you get at least as good results. Just be consistent and don't be scared of shedding.

i use Rogaine foam and liquid. But I'm thinking about switching from Rogaine liquid to Kirkland. Basically superstition is stopping me from doing so..
Finasteride stada. A brand in Denmark.


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Eenrak, your results are just motivating! This is my 3rd week applying Rogaine foam on both temple areas that are receding. I don't know if the mino is causing it to shed more or that's just the normal process of MBP right now. This week averaging between 20-30 strands of hair collected daily on the shower drain. I'm sticking to my daily 0.25 finasteride and nightly application of minoxidil along with supplements and nizoral shampoo. Noticed hair seems fuller everywhere (maybe I'm just letting my hair grow out more and not cutting it as short) else but my temples are receding more than ever!

Btw, did you have any symptoms of dandruff when MBP started? I'm trying to use Nizoral 3x a week now since this dandruff that started 3 months ago isn't going away. Keep us posted if you do switch to Kirkland, it's so much cheaper but I just want to make sure I get the best treatment before things get worse.


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I have had dandruff until like 3 years ago when I started head and shoulders. Now I don't have any at all. It's not always about the shampoo but also how you use it on your scalp. Just getting it in your hair won't remove dandruff you need to massage your scalp with the shampoo. Now I use nizoral, so there is no chance of getting dandruff at all.
minoxidil twice daily is of course better than once.


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Made a full recovery ! Just took a picture before going out tonight.


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Amazing results, another success story.

Can I ask if some of your hairline hairs are still a little shorter in places? Some seem to be shorter compared with the hair on top in pics where you pull your hair back.

Love your hair style too in the latest pic, looks awesome.

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Eenrak, could you also please elaborate on your minoxidil routine?

How much minoxidil do you use, do you rub it in, it is applied on damp hair etc? Any specific info would be perfect !


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Thanks. :)

The hairs at the very edge of my right temple (0.5cm) grow slower and the hairs are slightly less coarse, so if I cut my hair and wait 2 months, they will be shorter. But right after a haircut they are equally long. Left temple is pretty much perfect.

I use about double dose of minoxidil foam (2mL) in the morning and double dose (2mL) of liquid before I go to bed. I apply it to the whole of my frontal scalp, however I do tend to put more on the temples. I do rub it in, but just to spread it out.
I am too lazy to wash the foam out before applying the liquid, but I think it is all good.
I always apply the foam to a blow dried scalp, because it is faster, and the foam melts easier in cold rooms, when your head is a bit hot. Also, the liquid, I just apply without washing, so basically on a dry and maybe slightly dirty scalp. I shower every morning.

Hope it helps :)

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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Hi eenrak. :)

Congratulations on your results, quite successful. You caught your hair loss in the earliest stages, got on proper treatments, responded well to them, and got back your full head of hair. Hopefully I can get the same results you achieved. I look forward towards progress to continue, for both of us.

Take care. :heart:


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You have the exact same regrowth pattern like me. I'm growing hair all over my hairline and temples with minoxidil only after 70 days. Great results as you won the war over hair loss. I'll try to post my own thread. I don't have any before pictures because I was scared of facing the facts but I'll try take some now and create my own thread.

This is how I got my regrowth. I got loads of small coloured thin hair on my hairline and they were where my old hairline use to be. They were very thin so I thought minoxidil wasn't working. Then 5-10 of them started getting think and growing longer than just a fuzz and then my temples started growing loads of crazy thick hair which has given me confidence.

I used to be on finasteride but I shed like crazy and stopped it after one year. It destroyed my hairline but I think it was because I didn't ride out the shed.

Now I'm on dutasteride for a month and minoxidil for 2.5 months. Adding Keto 2% tomorrow. This time if there is a shed I will ride it out like a man.

Great inspiring results.

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I am also using double dose after I saw a success story of a guy who used 1ml 2 times a day for years but didn't see any results but transformed into a norwood 1 after using minoxidil 4 times a day, a total dose of 4ml.

I'll start doing what you are doing as that is much easier for me and on the hair.