Ejaculation frequency and Hairloss


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But... imagine life without orgasms...


(oh and just to be clear, that bang was me blowing my brains out, not me blowing my load...)


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As I have said many times before hair loss is a result of poor health for people who are predisposed to balding. This means that if you were supposed bald at 65 , you may now do so at 30. Its called aging in your youth. I have studied the oldest medical library called "Ayurveda" and that states that hair loss can result from any number of reasons but the focus is to prevent it by following general heath rules:

1) celibacy. Sperm called "veerya" in vedas, is said to be very important for health, " it must be retained so that the body can reabsorb it and use it for health".

"It is easy to tame a wild tiger or a lion or an elephant. It is easy to play with the cobra. It is easy to walk over the fire. It is easy to devour fire and drink the waters of ocean. It is easy to uproot the Himalayas. It is easy to get victory in the battlefield. But it is difficult to eradicate lust"

what does the modern world know about sperm? not much. It is thought that just because it is made continously, it is a waste product? No, it is made continously as a nutrient for our body that must be reabsorbed.
There is a technique in yoga, called Vajroli mudra, in which a person who is practicing celibacy, should engage in stimulation of penis, but without lustful thoughts, and just before ejaculation , he should immerse his penis in a liquid mixture containing mercury, honey and milk and then he should reverse ejaculate that liquid into his body along with the semen that has moved up to the tip of the penis

2) perform Yoga and pranayama exercises daily for 1.5 hours- pranayama has been proven in india to cure cancer for hundreds, and increase CD4 count in AIDS patients. Pranayama is very important to "cure" the disease by breathing in oxygen to different parts of the body etc. Pranayama also gets rid of anxiety and stress, which is very important for hair health.

3) sleep for 6 hours, wake up at 4.30 to 5.30 am

4) eat vegetarian food, moderately and on time
- on time - breakfast 6-7, having breakfast after 8 am is unhealthy,
- lunch 11.30 - 12.30, after 1 pm is unhealthy
- dinner 6-8 pm, after 9 pm is unhealthy
- moderately - do not fill your stomach completely, leave 1/4 empty
- do not drink water before after or during meals
- do not eat cold meals
- dring milk at night
- eat yogurt between meals if hungry
- dont eat unwholesome food
- eat fruits and vegetables mostly

5) toxin removal, drink 5 glasses of water every morning, make sure your abdomen is empty each morning, i.e you go to the toilet and get a full abdominal movement. This is really important

6) Massage hair with oil every day for 10 mins , rub nails for 5 minutes 3 times daily against each other

Swami Sivananda might have gone bald before he started living in a yogic lifestyle, but after he did he had this "light" or spark on his face which made him look beautiful even though he might have been bald:

dont worry if you're bald, you can still look beautiful, by following this routine, you will have a spark on your face. you will have happiness within you, you will be free, you will roam around happily like a child






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"There is a technique in yoga, called Vajroli mudra, in which a person who is practicing celibacy, should engage in stimulation of penis, but without lustful thoughts, and just before ejaculation , he should immerse his penis in a liquid mixture containing mercury, honey and milk and then he should reverse ejaculate that liquid into his body along with the semen that has moved up to the tip of the penis "



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Not to be dissing anybody, but I rather trust science then alternative lifestyle...


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stnl you remind of that guy Finch from American Pie 2 who practices all the yoga stuff in anticipation of sleeping with stifflers mom.



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sheesh... if anyone is so worried about the prolactin spike, why not just take a tiiinny dose of cabaser to keep the levels low and bang chicks/beat your meat as and when you wish?

don't forget that partaking in regular spurts of joy significantly reduces your risk of prostate cancer... i think that's a pretty damn good reason to keep at it.


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funny how all those guys in the pictures (or drawings) are bald, stnl you are king of the trolls :jackit:


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These people have shaved there heads like the buddhist monks,


Look mate all im trying to do is tell you guys about:

1 how to stop hair loss and possibly recover some lost hair.
2 how to look beautiful even if you are bald - i.e if you do these practices / routines/ yogic lifestyle, you will HAVE A SPARK ON YOUR FACE, so you can just shave your head and you will still look hot as they say.
3 how to be happy, obviously first two points will make you happy but you can practice these things you will become even more happier and spiritually happy.

now i will quote some info from sanskrit texts, dated back 5000BC.

- Diet is of three kinds viz., Sattvic diet, Rajasic diet and Tamasic diet. Milk, barely, wheat, cereals, butter, cheese, tomatoes, honey, dates, fruits, almonds and sugar-candy are all Sattvic foodstuffs. They render the mind pure and calm. Fish, eggs, meat, salt, chillies and asafoetida are Rajasic foodstuffs. They excite passion. Beef, wine, garlic, onions and tobacco are Tamasic foodstuffs. They fill the mind with anger, darkness and inertia.


Cow’s milk.
Sweet fruits.

Sour things.
Hot things.
White sugar.

Rotten things.
Stale things.
Unclean things.
Twice cooked things.
All intoxicants.
All liquors.
All drugs.


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advanced yoga technique to increase digestive fire, get rid of constipation, improve absorption of micronutrients:

do this asana for hair growth, this increases circulation and there are many cases where it turns grey hair to black, it is most recommended posture for hair growth, but dont just rely on this posture alone, yog is a lifestyle you have to follow all the rules to get benefits.


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you ask - "why would someone put themselves through all this yoga and self control just to stop hair loss, when the ultimate goal of a person keeping hair is to look attractive and go out and shag some chicks!"

I reply - "well because by shagging chicks every other weekend and enjoying a good steak meal will not make you happy ultimately, because you are not this body but the soul, and a soul does not die it simply moves from one body of a species to another unless it is reunited with God and then this cycle of life and death is ended!"

you say - "how can you prove what you just said"

I say - "I can't prove it to you, only you can prove it to yourself, you can live in a yogic lifestyle and experience the bliss. Noone can prove it to you, this experience is not material and hence it can't be proven, you have to experience it."

you say - "whatever man, you sound like a priest, but i know your just a troll!"

I say - "You're wrong, Im here to help you."


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Are you planing to start a cult or something?

"A new society where hair don't mater and all the girls only have sex with baldies!"


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Well stnl, it's fine for you to try help us by giving lifestyle/spiritual advice. I agree that people here could do a lot with what you suggest.

Just don't claim that it's going to grow hair back, since people are naturally going to ask for the evidence behind it (of which is there is none).


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stnl said:
2 how to look beautiful even if you are bald - i.e if you do these practices / routines/ yogic lifestyle, you will HAVE A SPARK ON YOUR FACE, so you can just shave your head and you will still look hot as they say.

but guys don't you want a SPARK ON YOUR FACE?!??! I mean c'mon who couldn't use a SPARK on your FACE? Don't denounce the SPARK! Your FACE needs it. I have a SPARK on my hands and if I slap your FACE you will have a SPARK ON YOUR FACE.


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Thanks stnl for the information... could you provide/message me with some more concepts that you described? I am currently following a Taoism mindset (past 3 months) and have to say, I feel very happy and calm.

It is quite alarming how people are quite happy and content to blame "genetics" and I agree, hairloss is genetics. But what triggers/worsens it... ?


I think most people could learn allot from reading and following this.

Thanks again.


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- i got maintenance by converting to vegetarian diet and practising celibacy in 2003
- but then i stopped living in that lifestyle, until recently when i noticed hair loss again.
- Now i have gone back to this lifestyle and I have added yoga and pranayama routines to it. I can say that I have maintained my hair since starting ( 4 months).

Your asking for evidence as if you already have a proven way that works for all? i dont think you do? im not telling anyone to stop finasteride nizoral and min.

GlasgowCelt - I have given you the links for the books in a private message.


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stnl said:
- i got maintenance by converting to vegetarian diet and practising celibacy in 2003
- but then i stopped living in that lifestyle, until recently when i noticed hair loss again.
- Now i have gone back to this lifestyle and I have added yoga and pranayama routines to it. I can say that I have maintained my hair since starting ( 4 months).

Your asking for evidence as if you already have a proven way that works for all? i dont think you do? im not telling anyone to stop finasteride nizoral and min.

GlasgowCelt - I have given you the links for the books in a private message.

anecdotal evidence is worse than no evidence at all. If this works for you then congrats, and i hope you manage to keep your hair for a long time. This sort of thing as far as i can tell would fall in the can't hurt, might help category. I personally wouldn't bother, as i enjoy sex and meat very much, and yes they do make me happy. However if you feel it works for you then i can understand why you would want to share this with people, but please don't try to play this up as a cure for everyone, when such a claim cannot be supported.


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Powersam - thanks for your comments. I understand that I cannot give any other evidence but just think about it,

can a person

"who eats only fresh vegetarian food mainly consisting of fruits and veges and milk, at right times when the digestive fire is a its peak, i.e 7-8 am, 12-1pm; 6-7 pm, and doesnot over eat, and eats yogurt inbetween and milk at night, and drinks 5 glasses of lemon water to cleanse his system early in the mornign, and empties his bowls twice daily and performs yoga and pranayama - the breathing exercises at 5 am in the morning to 7 am, when the air contains more oxygen than at any other time of the day, and he breaths in and performs the seven pranayama exercises, by breathing oxygen rich early morning air into his lungs which gets rid of all carbon dioxide that is trapped in the lungs and gives the lungs more strength, and he holds his breath in another technique through which he slows down his metabolism, he breaths alternatively through different noses that activates both left and right brain functions, he breaths into is diaphram which exersices the abdominal areas, he breaths in and makes a humming noise through is vocal chords which activates the thyroid glands and ensures the hormonal balance is maintained, he does these exercises for an hour to turn his body into a rich oxygen enviornment in which the cancer cells cannot survive according to the harward university researchers, he performs pranayama which has clinically proven to increase antioxidants in body, and cure cancer for hundreds of patients, he performs yoga asanas like the headstand which increases blood flow to the brain and moves the flow of semen upwards towards the brain, he performs the vajrasana which increases digestive fire and enables body to absorb micronutrients that help hair growth, he performs the halasana which contracts his abdominal muscles and starts abdominal vibrations that clears stuck feces in the abdominal tracts and cures constipation, he performs the lotus pose that restricts blood flow to the legs and increase blood flow to rest of the body which enables him to meditate , he clears his mind by meditating and all the depressive thoughts and anxieties leaves his mind. and then he sleeps deeply at 10 pm for 6 or 7 hours and gets up without an alarm when his eyes automatically open when the body clock tells him to wake up at 5 am, he practices celibacy, he sees every woman as his mother or sister "

can that person experience hair loss at an early age?