Embarrising situation

Bald Dave

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An embarrising situation occured at work today. I put too much concealer on and the people started laughing at me. I felt like being swallowed up in a hole and dying. I just didn't know how to react except for saying "you are out of order and I will just rise above it". Then they shut up laughing and went back to working. About 5 mins later a colleague emailed saying he was sorry so i think they got the message that I don't like to be laughed at because of my baldness. Why do people have to cruel. Its like laughing at someone in a wheel chair and making fun of their misfortunes. It isn't my fault that im bald like the same way that its a fat persons fault that they're fat but its so frustrating when you are just a normal guy thats trying to go through life without being ridiculed and slagged off for no apparent reason.

The people laughing whare glasses but ok for them to wear glasses but its not ok for me to wear concealer. Its interesting that the people who say shave it off don't shave there own heads - assholes!


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The people laughing whare glasses but ok for them to wear glasses but its not ok for me to wear concealer.

Meh. I understand your frustration and I totally symphathize, but wearing glasses is not the same as wearing hair loss concealers. One is for vanity's sake, the other for function.

Bald Dave

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Avery, my point is that nobody is perfect and unless you have no flaws (no hairloss, no glasses, not fat etc) then you should keep your mouths shut! Its like a deaf person making fun of a blind person. Ok glasses are for function but what about concealer making you feel better about yourself and helping your self-esteem - doesn' that count as a function!


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I definitely agree that its insensitive and people who make fun of baldness don't realize the effect it has on people...it definitely isn't just a small issue that can be laughed off in all cases....

but in this case, you gotta understand, they weren't laughing at the fact you are bald, they were laughing at the fact you were covering it up...its still mean of them, but the joke was your insecurity over being bald, not the baldness itself....


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there is a million times more stigma to using concealer or being busted for having a hair transplant than there is for having a bald patch or being bald. Most men go bald after all, its kinda natural. People can forgive that but as you know, try and hide it and they will rip you up like dogs.

My advice is to go 180 degree and make it into a joke. Your work colleagues will be impressed with your sense of humour.

ITs like this, I learnt at school that if someone insults you take it as a compliment that way they cant hurt you. Its like a 12 year old boy who gets all angry when another kid calls him Gay but when he is 16 and it happens again he pretends that he is for shits and giggles.


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In fairness to them, you said the reason they were laughing was because of your concealer, not that you're balding.

Like you wouldn't crack a smile if you saw a guy walking about with a wig hanging off the side of his head?

Or a girl with a ridiculously badly applied fake tan?


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You think it would've happened if you wouldn't have used a concealer? Now the experience you had is the sole reason why I would never hide my balding in any way. It's there for everyone to see, and if someone makes fun of it, then so be it. But I won't ever get caught using a concealer or a piece, that's for sure.

uncomfortable man

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ghg said:
You think it would've happened if you wouldn't have used a concealer? Now the experience you had is the sole reason why I would never hide my balding in any way. It's there for everyone to see, and if someone makes fun of it, then so be it. But I won't ever get caught using a concealer or a piece, that's for sure.
But if you progress to a point where you are nothing but smooth skin on top, would you consider a piece or at least wear hats more often or whenever you go outside? Or would you just shave it every week and join the brotherhood?


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No, I would shave it every week without joining any brotherhood. Infact, I should already be doing that but I don't have the guts. But yeah, everyone who shaves their head are racists and neo-nazis... nice generalisation there. You're just as bad as the people who make fun of you, if not worse.


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ghg said:
No, I would shave it every week without joining any brotherhood. Infact, I should already be doing that but I don't have the guts. But yeah, everyone who shaves their head are racists and neo-nazis... nice generalisation there. You're just as bad as the people who make fun of you, if not worse.

Calm down, he just meant the brotherhood of bald dudes who shave because they have no other option. He was'nt implying any white extremist thing. :roll:

uncomfortable man

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s.a.f said:
ghg said:
No, I would shave it every week without joining any brotherhood. Infact, I should already be doing that but I don't have the guts. But yeah, everyone who shaves their head are racists and neo-nazis... nice generalisation there. You're just as bad as the people who make fun of you, if not worse.

Calm down, he just meant the brotherhood of bald dudes who shave because they have no other option. He was'nt implying any white extremist thing. :roll:
Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Thanks SAF. GHG, you need to cool your jets dude. I hate that stereotype about bald people looking like convicts, skinheads, perverts and cancer patients. I hate all that sh*t. How could you think I would support a stupid idea like that? And I am not worse than the people who make fun of me. Those type of people would make fun of handicapped people or downs syndrome. They are just despicable and I am offended that you would say such things.

uncomfortable man

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Dudemon, most of us here are pretty familiar with your story but why after 3 hair transplant's could you not get any decent coverage? You claim to have gone to one of the best surgeons so what gives? SAF went to a chop shop 3 times before a decent doctor got a hold of him and with a little concealer he turned out ok, so what exactly do you attribute your failure to? Poor donor? Shock loss? Grafts didn't take? I know it is harder for nw5s to get back to an acceptable level with hair transplants but are the chances of this so slim that unless you have super dense donor, you shouldn't even bother? If I had the money, I would want to get hair transplants but whenever I read any of your posts I get the message that I shouldn't even bother.

uncomfortable man

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Thanks for your detailed response dudemon. I still have other things I need to get in order before I would seriously consider getting hair transplants. I would have to get on finasteride and see if I get any sides. I also still have to send pics to a couple of clinics for an assesment of my donor. Finding a steady job is the major factor and now that I have finally paid off this delinquent traffic ticket, I can get my drivers license renewed. I realize the only way out of this for me is to work like a dog and save up until I can afford to see this hair transplant business through. Thanks to guys like you and SAF I won't be making costly mistakes and given my donor is sufficient, I should have better results than you guys have had. I just need to do something about it.


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Somewhere in the hair transplant section - They're pretty old now, you need to do a search.


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uncomfortable man said:
Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Thanks SAF. GHG, you need to cool your jets dude. I hate that stereotype about bald people looking like convicts, skinheads, perverts and cancer patients. I hate all that sh*t. How could you think I would support a stupid idea like that? And I am not worse than the people who make fun of me. Those type of people would make fun of handicapped people or downs syndrome. They are just despicable and I am offended that you would say such things.

Sorry but you started it by implying that shaving ones head means joining a "brotherhood". The nazi communities are often referred to as brotherhood you know... I don't know what other brotherhood you could've meant by that. Sorry.