Energi-f701 Looks Interesting - Thoughts And Comments


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Weight lifting accelerates hairloss. What would you do with rocking apparatus if you loose hairs exponentially?

I'm not sure it plays that big a part.. look at Lou Ferrigno and people like that, good mullets on them and f**king huge. It may raise your testosterone etc slightly but it's a mostly down to genetics (how your tissue reaches and changes under the influence of these hormones and so on).


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I'm not sure it plays that big a part.. look at Lou Ferrigno and people like that, good mullets on them and f**king huge. It may raise your testosterone etc slightly but it's a mostly down to genetics (how your tissue reaches and changes under the influence of these hormones and so on).

All these environmental factors are very much secondary to genetics. Leading the healthiest lifestyle possible is going to be good for your remaining hair and overall appearance but it will do little - if anything - to stop hair miniaturising if it’s genetically predisposed. Similar to people with severe acne; steering clear of junk food will optimise your appearance but the acne won’t go without medical intervention.

It’s debatable whether weight lifting is actually healthy in my opinion, but that’s a separate topic.


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Still yet to complete phase 2 trials, but I think the concept of this treatment sounds interesting, and I feel like whatever we can get that ISN’T something that we’ve already seen before is at least a step in the right direction.


From what I can gather, this treatment, used topically, works to both abgrogate the effects of dht and upregulate intracellular ATP too. So we seem to have something that could potentially be a hormonal and growth stimulant treatment in one. Take a look and tell me what you think.
It says that, after approval from FDA, it will start a trial in Q2 2018. So what happened of that?


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Well I’d assume that they have yet to complete it, or have and are yet to release data.

Well it was actually stated in the comment that phase 2 wasn't finished... My brain wasn't working this morning


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Who in their right mind could dislike you must be losing their sight as well as their hair! You are smokin hot ! Srs , you are stunning, be proud and ignor disrespectful idiots.

My quads are like too big really for my body though. Idk. I don’t bloody quarter rep though >_> btw don’t come for me about my hair. I’m a genius stylist these days.


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Who in their right mind could dislike you must be losing their sight as well as their hair! You are smokin hot ! Srs , you are stunning, be proud and ignor disrespectful idiots.

I’ve not seen anyone be disrespectful about her appearance on this forum. I’ve seen many people question her motivation for persistently drawing attention to her appearance on a largely male forum, though.


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“Largely male forum” What a load of sh*t! How about you grow the fk up and start to act like a male.


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“Largely male forum” What a load of sh*t! How about you grow the fk up and start to act like a male.

It is a largely male forum, though. Particularly the sections she irrelevantly posts pictures of herself in. Describing someone as “smokin hot” is pretty immature and doesn’t comport with your apparent white knighting. So unless you have something relevant and rational to contribute, don’t respond to me again please.


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Dude do yoursrlf a fav.. crawl out of that deep n dark hole you’re currently stuck in, get drunk, hit the town and have some fun and in the meantime, I’ll continue to contribute in my usual irrelevant ways and let my male instincts dominate me every time i see a smokin hot female on a male dominant forum.


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Dude do yoursrlf a fav.. crawl out of that deep n dark hole you’re currently stuck in, get drunk, hit the town and have some fun and in the meantime, I’ll continue to contribute in my usual irrelevant ways and let my male instincts dominate me every time i see a smokin hot female on a male dominant forum.



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Lol some truly weird people on here, actually getting triggered by photos of a girl. Fit girl post pictures of her looking fit, I’m shook. Yikes. How do you guys get on irl?? Inb4 some gimp accuses me of white knighting.
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