Estro Guard


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How about this stuff:

One amazing component of pine pollen is its ability to balance hormone levels in both male and female. Pine pollen has this ability due to its phyto-androgen compounds. This helps regulate the excess estrogen levels in our bodies. Fact, testosterone levels are at the lowest it’s been for both males and females. Deficiencies in testosterone are associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and high blood pressure. Results of the study published in the online version of the journal Diabetes Care showed that 40 percent of obese participants had lower-than-normal testosterone readings. The percentage rose to 50 percent among obese men with diabetes. This is a huge concern considering 1/3 of the US population is obese (CDC). Many components play into the weight issues among Americans, however, the largest being the overconsumption of phyto-estrogen in the overall lifestyle. In the American market place there is a vast majority of estrogen mimicking substances on the market. Such items include plastic (BPA), soy & flax. Check out any packaged food label and you are more likely to find soy as an ingredient.
Pine pollen contains actual bio identical testosterone; it is exceedingly high in testosterone. It’s possibly the only plant that contains this hormone at high levels. Also available in pine pollen is over 200 bioactive natural nutrients, minerals and vitamins in each serving. This includes Androstenedione & DHEA (body building, increase structure and longevity), SOD (Super oxide dismutase, repairs damaged DNA), complete amino acids, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides, MSM, vitamins such as A, D, E and the Bs, minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, and silicon, flavonoids, fiber, living enzymes and many more.
To summarize additional benefits pine pollen will have on your body are regulation of low testosterone and excess estrogen, improve lung, skin, hair, heart and reproductive system (libido). Pine Pollen will also strengthen the entire body (organs and tissues) and immune system.

Here's the one JOHNNYBOOTS is talking about..decent list of ingreds:


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Well the first link mentions "Enhance metabolic function of the skin and nourish the hair at its roots" ..I've asked them to get into a bit more detail if they could..we'll see.

On estrogen...the testosterone & dht debate...let's get ready to rumble!

I personally think such products can help. Of course I'm not so anti-dht as most seem to be. And too much estrogen is NOT good...and there is a too low testosterone problem going on out seems.


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44 doesn't take much time. It's just being able to use the search engines right :)

I'm tempted to try the pine pollen for awhile btw. The Surthrival is 15% off..or at least was..but I'd like to see what else is out there. The link with the quotes/info above also sells the stuff.


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Jacob said:
Well the first link mentions "Enhance metabolic function of the skin and nourish the hair at its roots" ..I've asked them to get into a bit more detail if they could..we'll see.

On estrogen...the testosterone & dht debate...let's get ready to rumble!

I personally think such products can help. Of course I'm not so anti-dht as most seem to be. And too much estrogen is NOT good...and there is a too low testosterone problem going on out seems.

Where is your evidence too much estrogen is bad for hair? Estrogen is good for hair. Androgens are bad. Period.

M-T-F transexuals regrow hair because they lower androgens and raise estrogens.


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blaze said:
Jacob said:
Well the first link mentions "Enhance metabolic function of the skin and nourish the hair at its roots" ..I've asked them to get into a bit more detail if they could..we'll see.

On estrogen...the testosterone & dht debate...let's get ready to rumble!

I personally think such products can help. Of course I'm not so anti-dht as most seem to be. And too much estrogen is NOT good...and there is a too low testosterone problem going on out seems.

Where is your evidence too much estrogen is bad for hair? Estrogen is good for hair. Androgens are bad. Period.

M-T-F transexuals regrow hair because they lower androgens and raise estrogens.

Well I wasn't necessarily talking about hair there..but there's a reason why I said "let's get ready to rumble!"

Too much of either isn't good it seems...a balance seems more appropriate. Which, in some cases..could mean increasing estrogen. But if it works so well by increasing estrogen(for hair)...why isn't anyone doing that big-time? But then you might as well get castrated at the same time :woot:


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Jacob said:
Too much of either isn't good it seems...a balance seems more appropriate.

Give me evidence of some sort that a "balance" of estrogen and androgen is required for the proper growth of scalp hair.

Jacob said:
Which, in some cases..could mean increasing estrogen. But if it works so well by increasing estrogen(for hair)...why isn't anyone doing that big-time?...

The side effects from doing that would be waaay too prohibitive.


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Jacob said:
...Can you fricken read? "Well I wasn't necessarily talking about hair there"

BE MORE CAREFUL what you write, dumbbell! Here are exact words you used in your post above which led me to believe that you're talking about a "balance" of estrogen and androgen which is supposedly required for hair growth:

"Well I wasn't necessarily talking about hair there..but there's a reason why I said 'let's get ready to rumble!'

"Too much of either isn't good it seems...a balance seems more appropriate. Which, in some cases..could mean increasing estrogen. But if it works so well by increasing estrogen(for hair)...why isn't anyone doing that big-time? But then you might as well get castrated at the same time"


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Bryan...being dumb again. You can't even say he's just "playing" dumb anymore.

Why don't you go screw a bottle of Proxiphen? The size is probably perfect for you. Can you fricken read? "Well I wasn't necessarily talking about hair there"

Stop with your asinine demands for evidence. It's that you never can do the same for Proctor's crap. Another recent example can be seen here:


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Any good movies on HBO tonight?


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Monty..not even disagreeing with that point. But even Bryan..if we're going to agree with him :woot: ...said increasing estrogen too much isn't a good idea. I guess it's another thing that is OBVIOUS.

Now we've talked about it...TOPICALLY... estradiol. Some of us even used it...the 17-a-estradiol in Lipoxidil's products. do realize that is what BRYAN is...bald :shock: Around 60 years old too I think. Maybe more :dunno:


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Jacob said: do realize that is what BRYAN is...bald :shock: Over 60 years old too I think.

I don't care about Bryan... I bet half the people on this forum using some obscure products are already bald. Seriously, no success story has even come out from this forum. Without proven treatments you will all fail


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Well Bryan must have failed long ago..since he gave up. He did use Proxiphen as well(has that "proven" ingredient) Me on the other hand..I'm doing pretty well. Would I love way better results/improvement? Of course.