Does anyone else want to share their experiences with drinking liquid minoxidil?
Actually been a study about this, sorry but women age worse than men.
Women age facially at 2-3 times the rate of men
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It is a common expression that comparatively speaking, "men age like wine, women age like milk." Scientifically, it has been shown that this phrase may in fact have validity, as women develop facial signs of aging at 2-3 times the rate that men do.
Facial analysis of aging patterns indicated women experience their greatest rate of aging from 50-60 when their faces age three times as quickly as men. During the rest of their lives, women were evaluated to age twice as quickly as men.
- The female rate of facial aging is higher than the male rate.
- Before age 50 and also after age 60, female faces age—on average—about twice as fast as male faces; between 50 and 60 years, this sex difference in aging rate is even more pronounced (up to three times faster).
- Aging was generally associated with a flatter face, sagged soft tissue ("broken" jawline), deeper nasolabial folds, smaller visible areas of the eyes, thinner lips, and longer nose and ears.
- Windhager S, Mitteroecker P, Rupić I, Lauc T, Polašek O, Schaefer K. 2019. Facial aging trajectories: A common shape pattern in male and female faces is disrupted after menopause. Am J Phys Anthropol. 169:678–688. [FullText]
Here is my testimony. I started Oral minoxidil (6 drops of kirkland minoxidil in the morning) in May 2019 (First picture) because I was scary of hairloss even if it wasn't too bad. Im 21
So I had a huge shedding first month but then guys, it was incredible, I passed from 80 hairs/day to 5/hairs and i'm not lying. My hair was thicker than ever I was getting regrowth everywhere.
I can say that I had body hair growth, even my mom told me that I was getting hairy wtf. I didn't stop until 6 month because I had to muche fatigue and darck circles (October 2019), I have still no big hairloss until these days like 20/day (more than when I was on minoxidil) because the hairs that growed are in the terminal phase but I maybe should get back on treatment in my life, as my dad doesn't have a lot for hairs.
Good luck
Here you can only see my hairline, but the whole density is now better than ever, even on the sides, on the back, on the vertex, I can't really see my scalp now, before it was a complex. The pictures are not the best ones but the little hairs are grown now.
Also don't think I'm stupid, I compt the number of drops to make 1ml in my graduette pipette and it was around 40 (I did 10 counts to be sure
and it was the average)
As I know that there is 50mg in 1ml, 6 drops would make 8mg. And it worked.
Ikarus is mad because he is aging like milk while me and my alts will age like wine. Hail androgens! I’m getting a boner every time I see my free test levels. I’m a man. I’m a strong man.
And men can stay healthy with TRT in old age.
Nah even before menopause hits, women age 2x as fast facially. After menopause they age 3x as fast.
Time to stop coping, testosterone is good for men. And you're still a man, so stop coping and deluding yourself that wrecking your endocrine system is a good thing.
Those results are great, thank you for sharing your experience. How do you know if you’re going through a shed? I never really lose hair as the days go by, but since starting minoxidil, a lot of hairs have been shedding when I wash my hair.
Did you mix it into water, or did you just drop it down your throat? In my pipette (it’s that kind of plastic pipette you would use in high school science experiments), there are 47 drops, so I have been using 4 drops, but I’m not quite sure how much exact MG that is equivalent to.
There's a reason this stuff is so hard to get. Hair places like Bosley etc...know the effect of oral Minoxidil and know it will regrow hair on anybody's head. It's way more potent than the topical stuff. There is a dude somewhere on of of these hair loss forums who literally looks like a werewolf. He was taking 10mg of oral minoxidil for a few months and that dude's hair starting sprouting everywhere. He even had hair on his forehead.Definitely, with the amount of drops required to match the dose of a pill, the bottle must last above six months.
I have been reading his story for inspiration, along with a few others, and it has definitely brought interest to me. In terms of results, many see a significant improvement in hair density after just three months, which is displayed within one of the studies regarding oral minoxidil.
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Looking at the ‘clinical response’ section, with oral minoxidil being used alone, most people are responding as a ‘2’ or ‘3’. With most of them using it at a dose of 5mg/day, which has lead me to making the decision to increase my dosage (I started taking 5mg/day today, instead of the previous dosage). And, interestingly enough, people who previously used topical minoxidil and switched to the oral version had a response rating of ‘3’.
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This is an example of the results, most likely the best responder within the group, who was using 5mg/day (as monotherapy) for three months. Combining oral minoxidil with 5AR inhibitors will probably have the most lasting results, though, and the most significant results.
Just lower your dosage. You don't have to take it everyday. My buddy takes it 3 times a week and that's it. It stays in your system for 30 days and is active for 3-4 days. This is what a hair specialist told my buddy. The lower dosage helps with the side effects people are getting.Bro i will make a thread very soon. I will upload pictures and complete story on it.
the damage is real. I have lost 50% of my density. This is no joke !!
My buddy starting drinking the topical today. Basically the bottles says 12 sprays is equal to 2mg. He does 6 spray's in the morning and 6 at night. He spray's it right in his mouth and under the tongue. He said it tastes like a bad vodka lol.As long as it absorbs, that’s fine. At the end of the day, you can believe what you want to believe, but that doesn’t make it true. Similar to how you believe dutasteride is a castration drug, it doesn’t make it true. Who said I’m comparing topical and oral minoxidil? I’m saying that it can’t be contaminated because it still goes systematic, and that can cause issues if contaminated. And, it’s not like Kirkland is owned by some shady company, it’s owned by Costco, and I am sure Costco don’t want a lawsuit if it’s contaminated.
Bridge has never said he’s not into women, he is in a relationship with a woman. He has never said he doesn’t need his penis, either. I have read every single page of his thread, and I’m well aware of what he has said.
You are a compulsive liar who is attempting to manipulate people into being bald, but you are not fooling anyone. And, I don’t need to ‘drag anyone’ into drinking topical minoxidil, since people have their own minds and can make their own decisions.![]()
HRT plus oral min plus microneedling once a week might just restore anyone's hair but it has for me, at least. The hypertrichosis apparently is common but highly unusual to the point of antydhtor's vampire-like hairline and widow's peak. 25mg daily/50ml daily of oral usage of topical is what I am currently testing. It's made my beard much scratchier although not really visible. I continue with laser removal on my face and most of the rest is gone. I still have to depilate stray ones on my legs but my hypertrichosis seems totally worth it for a chance at full restoration. I plan to go down to maybe 5mg daily as maintenance at some point.There's a reason this stuff is so hard to get. Hair places like Bosley etc...know the effect of oral Minoxidil and know it will regrow hair on anybody's head. It's way more potent than the topical stuff. There is a dude somewhere on of of these hair loss forums who literally looks like a werewolf. He was taking 10mg of oral minoxidil for a few months and that dude's hair starting sprouting everywhere. He even had hair on his forehead.
What is micro-needling?HRT plus oral min plus microneedling once a week might just restore anyone's hair but it has for me, at least. The hypertrichosis apparently is common but highly unusual to the point of antydhtor's vampire-like hairline and widow's peak. 25mg daily/50ml daily of oral usage of topical is what I am currently testing. It's made my beard much scratchier although not really visible. I continue with laser removal on my face and most of the rest is gone. I still have to depilate stray ones on my legs but my hypertrichosis seems totally worth it for a chance at full restoration. I plan to go down to maybe 5mg daily as maintenance at some point.
I used those two articles below along with trial and error, to discern my ideal approach. It does amazing things for face also.What is micro-needling?