S Foote.
Experienced Member
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Bryan said:S Foote. said:If this is what is happening, if you then transplant follicles from the normal donor area that are in the natural telogen phase, (miniaturised), these will `NOT' then grow in the male pattern baldness area because the matrix will be small and prevent this!
This would be an important test in my opinion, and i asked Dr Limmer who was interviewed on HairLossTalk.com if this had been tried. He said that as far as he was aware, this hadn't been studied.
I think it should be, because if these transplanted `normal' follicles in telogen `didn't' enlarge, the current theory would have yet another problem!
So what is the approximate success rate of transplanted hairs? Let's be clear about what I'm asking: what is the percentage of TOTAL hairs which, when transplanted into balding areas of scalp, continue to grow normally afterwards?
Here's some BAD NEWS for you, and it comes from Orentreich's original "autograph" study from 1959: he apparently had a higher success rate than the 90% predicted by your theory! :wink: He transplanted hairs in a total of 52 subjects with male pattern baldness (multiple graphs per subject), and here's what he says in the "Results" section (the emphasis in bold text in a couple of places is my own):
"Donor dominance was observed in all of the cases of alopecia prematura. 'Hair to hair' grew hair; 'hair to bald' grew hair; 'bald to bald' remained bald; and 'bald to bald' remained bald.
"The grafts containing hair continued to grow hair in the area of alopecia that was of the same texture and color and, apparently, at the same rate and with the same period of anagen that governed the nature of the hair of the donor site (after 2 1/2 years' follow-up it was still growing)...Moreover, the hair growth of the grafts appeared unimpaired."
How do you explain THAT, Stephen?? At any one time in normal non-balding subjects, about 10% of scalp hairs are in telogen (even HIGHER percentages of scalp hairs are in telogen in balding subjects), so several of the follicles that Orentreich transplanted MUST have been in telogen at the time! And yet he said that in EVERY CASE of the male pattern baldness grafts, full donor dominance was observed, with the grafts continuing to grow normally afterwards. If your theory were correct, several of them (the 10% or more which were in telogen at the time they were excised) would never have enlarged from the miniaturized condition they were in, while in that telogen phase!! I know, I know: you think that just from sheer luck, Orentreich excised only follicles that just happened to be in anagen, right? That would be the usual ad hoc explanation that you always come up with, wouldn't it? :wink:
It's "Strike 3" for your theory! YOU'RE OUT!!![]()
You don't half talk some rubbish Bryan!
I asked you before but you didn't answer the question, so i'll try again!
What `SIZE' grafts did your hero Orentreich experiment with?????????????
The `modern' up to date research clearly shows a `NOW' accepted fact in transplantation, that the `MAJORITY' of follicles in grafts 3mm or over in size, do `NOT' survive in the long term.
This is an accepted fact that i can personally testify too! I really don't care what Orentreich `thought' 50 years ago, the latest research is refuting these `assumptions'!
If you want to believe the assumptions of 50 years ago, go get yourself some 4mm grafts in your bald area Bryan. Then get back to us about it!
S Foote.