I never cared about how I looked, because my baldness was never such that it could be noticed by anyone other than me. However, it would have become such if I had not been able to stop it. And this has nothing to do with BDD, because the latter implies either a fictional or greatly overestimated flaw, and baldness really worsens the appearance, besides, many simply do not want to part with what they have always had.
BDD is often mentioned here without understanding what it is. If you have acne on your face and baldness, and you want to look better, you are not a mentally ill person, but a sensible person.
It became obvious to me that if I did not stop the baldness, I would become bald. And the further it goes, the harder it will be to restore it. Hair plays a huge role in my image, as in many other cases, so I could not lose it. It's simple, and you should not attribute mental disorders.