Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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True. My family used to point out my hairline/ baldness. They don't do that anymore at least.

I'll update after I fly back home

The only ones here who has noticed anything is my cousin and grandma.. and my uncle if you count him thinking my hair is dyed. my gma seems to think I used to have more muscle. which could be true but Idk, I never thought it was much different.

yeah if i show anyone an old pic, even if they knew me back then, They don't remember me being that bald.

sometimes I'm feeling down and even I need to look back at old pics to fully re-realize how far I came.
Bridge do you think estrogen grows hair because it lowers T or is there something more to it?

Also I read somewhere if you're taking E you should also take progesterone to off set something - you know anything more about this?

Can't fool grandmas, she onto you and will figure it out before you leave.


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and started giiving my face a sunken eyed hollowed out look like a zombie. I found out that its a common side effect of spironolactone and no matter how much water I drank it kept getting worse.
damnn, i didn't know this was a side. Never did that to me, I seem to never get sides lol.

So my doctor gave me a prescription today for cypro but my pharmacy wont have any until monday.
Hell yeah, cypro is that strong sh*t. better keep some v**** handy... just in case ;)
My doctor also gave me a priscription for estrogel today. It was super embarrassing asking for it and even more embarrassing getting it from the girl at the pharmacy. I could tell she was suprised and was tring to seem like she wasn't. She was probably confused a guy like me is getting this stuff (I'm tall, I have a deep voice, thick beard and was wearing a plaid shirt old jeans and baseball hat.) and she's probably thinking this guy is going to make a really bad girl. God that was akward. I guess I'll have to get used to it.
Bwwwahhahahahhhaa, Omg I can only imagine that.
Anyways my Doctor is a really cool guy and I respect him a lot. He gave me a prescription for 2.5mg estrogel per day and 50 mg cypro per day for 3 months. I think I'm going to start off with half of those dosages but it's nice to have the option to move up if needed. Wel
whaattt, I'm shocked your doctor is giving you all this! I always assumed it'd be real hard unless you say your trans. thats awesome
I cant believe this is my life now.
Haahaha, I often think this. It's unbelievable what we are experiencing.
Should I just apply it to my temples for now and maybe my thining forlock? the rest seems like it would be really hard to apply without wasting a bunch.
i always tried to not waste it on hair and only on bare skin. I've used on my temples and forehead too, etc.


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Bridge do you think estrogen grows hair because it lowers T or is there something more to it?
Mainly, it's because it reprograms gene expression.
Dht also antagonizes E receptor (at least in mice)

and the decrease in T, 5ar, increase shbg also help ofc.

Also I read somewhere if you're taking E you should also take progesterone to off set something - you know anything more about this?
i dont think this appliess to men.
Can't fool grandmas, she onto you and will figure it out before you leave.
lol, sh*t. o_O


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Bridge do you think estrogen grows hair because it lowers T or is there something more to it?

I've always been of the thinking that it was due to direct ER agonisation that caused regrowth in HRT Androgenetic Alopecia patients, but now I'm more of the thinking that it's due to muscular atrophy of the muscles surrounding the galea aponeurotica, this unloads tension that otherwise would have been put on the GA which IMO would create the perfect environment for regrowth to occur.
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nWo Wolfpac

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True. My family used to point out my hairline/ baldness. They don't do that anymore at least.

I'll update after I fly back home

The only ones here who has noticed anything is my cousin and grandma.. and my uncle if you count him thinking my hair is dyed. my gma seems to think I used to have more muscle. which could be true but Idk, I never thought it was much different.

yeah if i show anyone an old pic, even if they knew me back then, They don't remember me being that bald.

sometimes I'm feeling down and even I need to look back at old pics to fully re-realize how far I came.

Wow thats amazing that people you knew well in the past dont even remember what you looked like. wow. again thats how people can make the switch to wigs with no one noticing. It just proves that no one is paying close attention to us. we think they are but unless your married or something people are not paying attention.

whaattt, I'm shocked your doctor is giving you all this! I always assumed it'd be real hard unless you say your trans. thats awesome

yeah my doctor is pretty relaxed about leting me try experimental stuff. Hes pretty open minded and I've proven myself to be responsible in the past with other drugs and pain killers so he trusts me. Hes been my doctor for 16 years now. So I imagine it probably will be very hard for most peeople if they dont have a great relationship with their doctor.


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Mainly, it's because it reprograms gene expression.
Dht also antagonizes E receptor (at least in mice)

and the decrease in T, 5ar, increase shbg also help ofc.

i dont think this appliess to men.

lol, sh*t. o_O
Thanks again for the info, I'm still exploring the herbal route and currently trying this HRT, has EstroG in it, couple more months should be enough to see if there is any early signs of regrowth in the temples:


Swiss Natural HRT Multi-Symptom with EstroG is clinically proven to help relieve symptoms associated with menopause.

Helps to relieve the symptoms associated with menopause such as hot flushes, night sweats, paresthesia, insomnia, nervousness, melancholia, vertigo, fatigue, rheumatic pain and vaginal dryness.

I remember Georgie saying something like saw Palmetto made her bleed, so maybe herbals are stronger than they get credit for.

And I agree with NWO it's embarrassing buying this stuff, luckily at the grocery store I get this one they have self check out - but still hold my head low and try not to make eye contact with anyone!


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I've always been of the thinking that it was due to direct ER agonisation that caused regrowth in HRT Androgenetic Alopecia patients, but now I'm more of the thinking that it's due to muscular atrophy of the muscles surrounding the galea aponeurotica, this unloads tension that otherwise would have been put on the GA which IMO would create the perfect environment for regrowth to occur.
You lost me, "ER agonisation" - maybe elaborate on this one for starters....thx.


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ER activation being linked to switching and keeping hair follicles in the anagen phase, thus causing regrowth
So muscular atrophy happens as we age, why do we lose hair as we age. I have yet to see a senior citizen with more hair at that age then when they were a teen. It might be part of the equation, but a small part.


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So muscular atrophy happens as we age, why do we lose hair as we age. I have yet to see a senior citizen with more hair at that age then when they were a teen. It might be part of the equation, but a small part.

You make a fair point, I don't claim to know the answers but as theories go the tension hypothesis holds strongest atm. In response though, It may just be that the muscles never atrophy enough to effectively alleviate the tension transmitted across the scalp.

I'm positive tension is the major factor in patterned hairloss, how do we explain away how the Galea covers the very region most damaging to HFs? how do we explain how mechanical models show that the frontalis muscle would transmit stresses most concentrated in the Norwood pattern? These don't seem like a small part they seem like causative precursors to a condition.
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You make a fair point, I don't claim to know the answers but as theories go the tension hypothesis holds strongest atm. In response though, It may just be that the muscles never atrophy enough to effectively alleviate the tension transmitted across the scalp.

I'm positive tension is the major factor in patterned hairloss, how do we explain away how the Galea covers the very region most damaging to HFs? how do we explain how mechanical models show that the frontalis muscle would transmit stresses most concentrated in the Norwood pattern? These don't seem like a small part they seem like causative precursors to a condition.
I don't know, but Bridge had tremendous success with anti androgen's - which I guess you can also say atrophy muscles to an extent for a man.
On the other hand woman rarely get baldness, cause they are estrogen creatures whereas men are T creatures - now that points to something important.


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Anyone read the 1990 case report of the dude that regained a significant portion of his hair back after 40 years being bald/NW7! The subject was put on, amongst other medications, Spironolactone to treat his liver cirrhosis, and to the surprise of many the man regained a NW2 after many years on the medication. It was this case that suggested to researchers that HF's probably don't die when they under go the balding process.

I've included the article, pretty interesting stuff, he was on 300mg split throughout the day for many years but only experienced serious regrowth in a 3 month period after 6 years.


  • Reversal of Androgenetic Alopecia in a Male - A Spironolactone Effect?.pdf
    459 KB · Views: 454
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michel sapin

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@BetaBoy ; reallly interesting study !
this is because of the anti androgenic effect that his hair started to regrow ? because his E2 doens't increase according to the study


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Anyone read the 1990 case report of the dude that regained a significant portion of their hair back after 40 years being bald/NW7! The subject was put on, amongst other medications, Spironolactone to treat his liver cirrhosis, and to the surprise of many the man regained a NW2 after many years on the medication. It was this case that suggested to researchers that HF's probably don't die when they under go the balding process.

I've included the article, pretty interesting stuff, he was on 300mg split throughout the day for many years but only experienced serious regrowth in a 3 month period after 6 years.

Now this is the question that i wan to know. Why can't we regain temples back ? All hrt people can get all the nw2 hairs back but they can't regain their nw0. WHY ?


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Now this is the question that i wan to know. Why can't we regain temples back ? All hrt people can get all the nw2 hairs back but they can't regain their nw0. WHY ?

It's not unheard of for someone on HRT to regain a NW0, but it invariably requires an aggressive and reckless regimen that most wouldn't want to put themselves through


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yeah my doctor is pretty relaxed about leting me try experimental stuff. Hes pretty open minded and I've proven myself to be responsible in the past with other drugs and pain killers so he trusts me. Hes been my doctor for 16 years now. So I imagine it probably will be very hard for most peeople if they dont have a great relationship with their doctor.
I don't have a regular doctor. in fact, I never go to a doctor unless there's an emergency. so it'd probably be a pain in the *** for me
Thanks again for the info, I'm still exploring the herbal route and currently trying this HRT, has EstroG in it, couple more months should be enough to see if there is any early signs of regrowth in the temples:
lol, I doubt herbs are strong enough to do anything.. but if you will try the herbal route, try pueraria mirifica, its supposed to be the strongest phytoestrogen


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i am on E2 too ... but i think it is'nt the great booster...

i see my hair was become more and more smoother/softer..more like silk..but not really stronger (this is the part of T..but this is low) .... but not regrow on E2 only..

with P4 it was better and the forehead was more hairy ... but in the masculine M-zone.. (recreeding hairline/corner)

DHEA, minoxidil, Cyproteron acetate, finasteride is now in my regimen too..

i hope, some of the stuff can boost the hair on my forehead...

prolactine is now the enemy .. it increase the count of AR..

we will see it :)
it is a long time to see.. (maybe 6 months and more)