Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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If you started to go bald at a young age, you may not even try to be treated with 5ap blockers. This is the brutal truth that Ikarus voiced in this thread.


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A great way to spend several years testing drugs and get a deterioration that will then be difficult to cure even on HRT
Of course these treatments are inferior to HRT. But they are also going to have zero effects on fertility and almost no chance of gyno either.

If someone wants to jump straight into HRT, more power to them. It's just not for everyone. But yes, if you are willing to do HRT, the sooner the better.


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But they are also going to have zero effects on fertility and almost no chance of gyno either.
And they will not stop baldness, undermining the mental health of the young man, who had high hopes for them. I went through this. Unfortunately, the only way out is HRT at the first sign of baldness. But I understand that no one will go for it until, like me, I go through a series of mistakes. HRT is something that comes after despair and bitter experience...
But what is needed immediately, not at the end. It's hard to admit to yourself that this is the only way out. I understand it.

John Difool

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Bicalutamide has the highest number of anecdotal stories of success for finasteride resistant hair loss. Very long half life, topical use is challenging due to systemic build up so I would recommend oral at low dose. Very easy to get and very affordable

Sides like gyno will happen even at low dose over time because of the build up.

For a topical AA without sides, check my groupbuy post in the research section.

John Difool

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Estradiol. He does this not directly, but by lowering my T
What you call 5AP blockers is normally called 5a reductase (with a R not a P) inhibitors. Bica doesn't "destroy" DHT, it just blocks it at the AR with T. E competes with T production by other mechanism but doesn't "destroy" DHT, just lower its conversion from lower T. Congrats, you clearly have demonstrated your ignorance about hrt protocol in one single post. Please refrain from posting more wrong info, these could be unfortunately used by other people who read this thread and try to learn from it.

As for me, I will simply ignore your posts starting now.


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What you call 5AP blockers is normally called 5a reductase (with a R not a P) inhibitors

E competes with T production by other mechanism but doesn't "destroy" DHT, just lower its conversion from lower T.

You voiced what I and everyone here knows and said that I do not understand anything about it.
I see no reason to clarify that DHT falls not because E "destroys" it, but because E decreases T, which is converted into DHT - this is already known to everyone. It seems that I mentioned that DHT does not decrease directly:
He does this not directly, but by lowering my T
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Bicalutamide has the highest number of anecdotal stories of success for finasteride resistant hair loss
2-3 cases for the entire Internet and cases of treatment of female hair loss, which, according to the only study of Bicalutamide, stops in 40-50% of cases? Yes bro. That's a hell of a lot.
I read many, if not all, studies of Bicalutamide at the beginning of the year and have continually updated this thread with it as monotherapy. So thanks, Cap.
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DHT has to be destroyed not only blocked imo
inhibition of ligand-dependent AR activity alone may not be sufficient as AR can be activated by various cellular factors other than the endogeneous androgens testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), such as growth factors, kinases, co-activator overexpression. Consequently, blocking the binding of T and DHT to AR with a classical antiandrogen may not be sufficient to have the desired efficacy

So Bicalutamide is not an all-powerful pill that will cause you osteoporosis and make you experience menopausal symptoms. And he won't stop baldness
Estradiol, unlike Bicalutamide, lowers T levels and hence DHT

yung recession

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been on dutasteride for 1 year, oral minoxidil for 10 months, and now RU for 1 month

hairline has grown new hairs but i dont know if the density and crown have gotten worse or better
the shed is still the same

when do i say f*** it and do estrogen

John Difool

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I recommend you don't if it's just for hair sake. There are alternative treatments with even better potential than hrt but everyone on this thread is willing to ignore them.


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been on dutasteride for 1 year, oral minoxidil for 10 months, and now RU for 1 month

hairline has grown new hairs but i dont know if the density and crown have gotten worse or better
the shed is still the same

when do i say f*** it and do estrogen
Whenever having boobs and being infertile are acceptable. Just remember that chemical castration with high estrogen isn't a cure and might not even make much of a difference.

I recommend you don't if it's just for hair sake. There are alternative treatments with even better potential than hrt but everyone on this thread is willing to ignore them.
Would be nice if you got of your high horse for once.


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This is my regimen for the next 3 months! If that fails for my minor thinning on crown i will switch to Estradiol ,Cyproterone Acetate Dutasteride and Finasteride + minoxidil topical.Anti depressants are to handle the moodiness,OCD ,depression and suicidal behavior due to hair loss that meds have as side effects, so i can handle in the long term!! CPA is the strongest and best AA for hair but it is dangerous i wish i don't have to take it.All my meds are legit from pharmacy even Androcur and Casodex.I know i am reckless ! Casodex is the legit brand for Bicalutamide* Current regimen 50 mg Bicalutamide,0.5 Dutasteride,1mg Finasteride,Biotin,Anti depressants and topical minoxidil ED and high protein diet! Side Effects: weight loss, loss of strength,Zero libido zero thoughts about sex no erections not even morning wood and numb dick but IDGAF, and i will not add cialis 5 mg daily because someone on this forum told me it raises T and lowers E so it is counter productive!!
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why antidepressants?

take some progesterone instead (100mg sublingually or oral every evening) and yo can stay healthy (central nervous system)

some E2 is for mental health good too