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moja opinia nie ma najmniejszego znaczenia, nikt z tutaj piszących nie ma bladego pojęcia kiedy to się zacznie, ale jeśli miałbym prognozować to moim zdaniem minimum 5 lat, dużo więcej będziemy wiedzieć za rok, jeśli zaczną testy na ludziach to już dobry znak, bo żadna firma wcześniej do tego etapu nie doszła, oczywiście aderans i intercytex próbowali, nawet replicell histogen, ale ich podejście było zupełnie inne i szczerze mówiąc rezultaty były gówno warte, Ty jesteś młoda więc się doczekasz:) zresztą włosy są ważne w każdym wieku, i dla facetów i dla kobiet, a niestety łysienie u mężczyzn jest bagatelizowane i to często przez panie, które twierdzą, że to niemęskie mieć kompleksy - kompletna bzdura:)
Wydaje mi się, że to dlatego iż de facto spora ilość mężczyzn podchodzi do tego dosyć łatwo, w końcu prawie każdego mężczyznę to dotyka , stąd generalizowanie. Ale fakt, każdy ma inne priorytety i jeden podejdzie zupełnie luźno do tego tematu, inny wpadnie w ogromne kompleksy i też należy to uszanować. Sama nienawidzę kiedy płeć staje się wyznacznikiem czegokolwiek. Mojego partnera zgrzewa to jakie już ma zakola ale rozumiem tych którzy szukają pomocy gdzie mogą. Wiem po sobie, choć u mnie możliwości się skończyły.

Młoda.. Cóż. No stara nie jestem, młoda w miarę. Oby się udało. Oby nam pomógł. Teraz jeszcze trzeba będzie w miarę możliwości odkładać pieniądze. Choć biorąc pod uwagę inflację, ciężko będzie.


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szczerze? nie mam pojęcia, ale jak pewnie czytałaś Tsuji oszacował swoje klonowanie na 350k$ więc ponad milion złtych, ile zaśpiewa Stemson to wielka niewiadoma, ale tanio nie będzie:(
Cóż.. Na minus, to fakt, że Stemson tworzy z niczego, więc chyba jest to trudniejsze. Teoretycznie zatem droższe.. Na plus, skoro chce pomagać dzieciom, to jak wspomniałeś za drogo być nie może a może i zlituje się nad innymi? ( chciałabym). Więc trzeba niewiadomo z czego zacząć odkładać. Najważniejsze żeby się udało stworzyć to do końca a później będzie już łatwiej.


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hehe w biznesie nie ma litości, więc nie sądzę żeby cena była niska, Tsuji też klonował z niczego - bo ich metoda to polegała na pobraniu włosłów i z tych włosów pobierane są komórki do klonowania, a stemson pobiera krew i z komórek krwi tworzą komórki ipsc z których tworzą komórki mezynchemalne i komórki dp do sklonowania włosów, ale nie wiem gdzie jest mniej pracy- czy u Tsuji czu u stemsona, na plus, że Stemsona ma fundusze i rozszerzyli swój zespół
Rozszerzyli zespół? Im więcej ludzi, tym chyba sprawniej powinno to pójść. No to czekamy na nowe informacje. Oby jak najlepsze i jak najszybciej.


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szukali na wiosnę do pracy naukowców, mają spory , mocny zespół, także może tym razem się komus uda, zniknął by problem ludzkości
Wczoraj napisałeś coś o badaniu Stemsona i o UK. Ale jak weszłam na stronę Stemsona to wychodzi na to, że swoją siedzibę mają w Ameryce. To w UK mają mieć jakąś nową siedzibę, czy ja coś źle zrozumiałam?

Chads don't bald

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Y'all gotta message each other thru DM or something.

up in here posting all these hieroglyphics and sh*t ain't nobody got time to decipher this

This is a Tsuji thread we got enough japanese heiroglyphics to deal with, don't need any more of this smh


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At Least we know as a Christmas present, that the Most promising Hair loss research of the Most celebrated Dr. Tsuji which isnt a God But a son of a b**ch has failed:


A reader got the below response from Kyocera and e-mailed it to me. Not as bad as I expected, although perhaps still false hoping on my part. Key words = “completed” and “postpone”.

This is XXXYYY from Kyocera Corporation.

Thank you very much for your inquiry regarding the joint research project with RIKEN and Organ Technologies.

The joint research agreement with RIKEN and Organ Technologies on “Treatment of alopecia by hair follicle organ regeneration” ended in March 2018. In the meantime, our company had completed the development of hair follicle cell processing technology.

Our company had planned to consider commercialization based on the results of clinical research and experiments led by Organ Technologies, but as Organ Technologies decided to give up clinical research and experiments this time, our company decided to postpone the commercialization of hair follicle regeneration as of now.


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Yep, they gave up cause it doesn't work, I don't see any other reasonable explanation. " our company decided to postpone the commercialization of hair follicle regenerations" , yeah sure brother as if they were ready to give us a head full of hair and organ just decided to walk away from it


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no one knows what really happend, but in the very next future we will find out
My friend you have to tell me who would ever turn his back and walk away from a groundbreaking technology that could make you one of the richest companies out there if it was anywhere close to working? I tell you who : nobody


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Isn't it logical, why should we be grateful for no reason?
he is not my father.
In addition, he does not do research out of a favor, he wanted 400k for his treatment. There is no place for gratitude.

Like I said. „Dr.“ Tsuji is a son of a b**ch.
I was always sceptical in 2018 Why the People in this Forum celeberated Tsuji as a God and well known scientist.

I never Heard about this gaylord Tsuji. Youngjet told me in private Chat on Twitter that Tsuji had an affair with Yasuhiro Sugimura, CEO of Organ technologies. After sugimura saw Tsuji f*****g in a threesome with Alexey Terkish and Lee Buckler in sandwich, sugimura let His Company Go insolvent. Now Sugimura Sucks the dick of Jon Knight, CEO of J Hewitt everyday.

That is why research Will Never find a cure because all scientist Are Gay. The Content of their hairloss congress Meet ups Are only group f*****g sessions that is Why they arent successfull


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what I find morally reprehensible is that a commercialization date is called without even having laid the foundations for it. Without even having conducted clinical studies, without knowing whether it works at all.

Sugimura and Tsuji in end of 2018 „Starting by curing baldness in 2020 it is the beginning road For Organ Regeneration“

Those motherfuckers!!!


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what I find morally reprehensible is that a commercialization date is called without even having laid the foundations for it. Without even having conducted clinical studies, without knowing whether it works at all.
This one.


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Last nail in the coffin. We can pretty much shut this part of the forum down now.
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Please all dislike this Youngjet-Video. He already has 1 like and 9 dislikes. It is obvious He is a liar just for getting clicks. He told me in August that He won‘t attend to the Tsuji Zoom Conference. One week later He uploaded a Video with the Tsuji Content of this Zoom Conference. He said in a Comment that Tsuji told in August 2020 that they will Start human Trials in end of 2020. So everything in this Video was a lie!!!




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Please all dislike this Youngjet-Video. He already has 1 like and 9 dislikes. It is obvious He is a liar just for getting clicks. He told me in August that He won‘t attend to the Tsuji Zoom Conference. One week later He uploaded a Video with the Tsuji Content of this Zoom Conference. He said in a Comment that Tsuji told in August 2020 that they will Start human Trials in end of 2020. So everything in this Video was a lie!!!


if there haven't been anything announced officially, then don't trust a youtuber.

All of those with "secret sources" and what not, and still doesn't get things right. Why even spend time on those persons?
Or else report them for false information or report it to Riken, that someone tries to give false information on their behalf. Many companies will act on it.


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Please all dislike this Youngjet-Video. He already has 1 like and 9 dislikes. It is obvious He is a liar just for getting clicks. He told me in August that He won‘t attend to the Tsuji Zoom Conference. One week later He uploaded a Video with the Tsuji Content of this Zoom Conference. He said in a Comment that Tsuji told in August 2020 that they will Start human Trials in end of 2020. So everything in this Video was a lie!!!


Dislike his video? Are you 12?

I swear to Christ the quality of this site has taken a nose dive over the past several years.


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Please all dislike this Youngjet-Video. It is obvious He is a liar just for getting clicks. He told me in August that He won‘t attend to the Tsuji Zoom Conference. One week later He uploaded a Video with the Tsuji Content of this Zoom Conference. He said in a Comment that Tsuji told in August 2020 that they will Start human Trials in end of 2020. So everything in this Video was a lie!!!

