Sure, intelligent people are the ones who believe confidence and positivity attract women, not looks.
I've seen confidence and positivity make women laugh.
I've seen looks make women wet and down to f-ck.
The two are unrelated.
I've seen too many shy and awkward good-looking guys getting laid without much effort.
And too many confident and positive average-looking guys getting massively rejected despite huge efforts.
But as I always, whatever helps you sleep at night h.l..
And you've never seen the ugly/average guy making a woman laugh AND getting down to ****? Of course you have, you just hate to admit it. That's why it's not 100% one or the other, you have definitely seen at least 1 example of it, so even if it's 0.00001% of cases, you're a dumbass for believing it's 100% looks based, because you contradict yourself.
Looks are obviously very important, maybe 80% of of attraction, based on first impression from a 5minute conversation. Then even 10mins in, that percentage goes down gradually. You base your opinions on stupidly basic principles, for example when I say first impression from a guy, you think of either the guy being a 9/10 full-head with muscles, or a 2/10 pudgy NW4, your mind can't cope with anything complicated.
Sure, sometimes the girl won't give a **** 10mins into boring conversation with a super hot guy, she'll just want to bang him and will smile and nod along to anything. But these guys are rare, this situation is rare, and for the vast majority of situations, the guy might sort of attract the female, and then he, or even she, has some work to do. The initial attraction will be 80% aesthetic, 20% personality, if conversation is dry and stale, the personality percentage quickly takes over looks, and in a negative sense.
These are all factors in reality, outside your little mind, where things get complicated. All you see in your world are ugly dudes making chicks laugh and getting nowhere, or hot dudes taking women home- which by the way, unless you verify penetration it means nothing right?!
"I've seen looks make women wet and down to f-ck."
Just going by your own logic this means nothing Fred, because as you say, unless you've seen these guys have sex with them, or heard them having sex, you can't say you've seen this a lot, and don't give me 1 or 2 examples when you heard moaning through a wall. You basically ****ed yourself from using your own normally ****ty anecdotal evidence because you can't say if anyone's having sex unless you see it, that wouldn't be fair on the ugly guys you assume aren't ****ing.
Whatever helps me sleep at night? I know what you're doing yet again here Fred, to me before and to others you write this crap about how our opinions is based on "hope that we'll make it" when you know you're just trying to stir and make people defensive. It's really saying something when someone's too stupid to troll decently.
But anyway just to clarify, if someone would say that initial attraction is 80% personality based, I'd say they're being very hopeful (assuming they aren't attractive) or maybe deluded, but I wouldn't be disrespectful enough to their opinion to call them dumbasses. Even though I think it's 80% looks based, I'd still say someone who believes it's 95% looks based is being a bit extreme, but not dumbasses. The rare breed are those that believe it's 100% one or the other, for that thought process you need to be half cracked.
I don't believe that either. Who says very stupid sh*t on a date or at an interview. Well, many, many people, that's true.
If you have crippling social anxiety, now that's another story, and your problems go beyond women.
Do you not have a backspace button? Post of the year.
Not ****ing up or saying stupid **** is one thing, but even being shy can be enough for many women to just not have any interest. And Fred you can keep harping on about you or hot guys who are introverted/embarrassingly shy towards women and still getting laid, but for like a 4-7/10 guy, who a girl actually gives a chance to talk to and see what he's about, and all he does is mumble, go red, and stare at the floor, his chance is over. Instead of this, the exact same guy cracks jokes, controls the conversation, even simple things like makes eye contact, what are his chances? Nothings sealed the deal but, chances are a hell of a lot better.
But hey none of this matters right, some hot guy out there somewhere can still **** women even if he's practically autistic, so all other variables about personality are considered null and void.
Excellent post. As a man who has been on a lot of dates (55 first dates in total), I can confirm everything you've just said.
A woman rejecting is often not even about you. In the sense that there was nothing you could to even have a chance. It was about her.
It's always about them. How many times have I experienced what I thought was the perfect date: the girl laughing all the time, basically having a great time.
Even after a make-out session, or worse, after having sex, the girl will tell you by text the week later: "Sorry, I don't want to see anyone at the moment, it was nice meeting you."
And of course, two weeks later, you see her on the street holding hands with another guy. She just found someone with whom she was more compatible, and yes, I believe that compatibility is almost 100% physical and genetic.
That's how it works. The girls who were all over me, they were like that for no particular reason, sometimes I had 0 thing in common with the girl. That didn't change how she felt about me.
And I had girls with whom I had like everything in common, I remember dating this Mexican girl and she was so surprised that I had Mexican artists on my iPod, she was a musician like me, we both liked the same movies, etc.
Yet, from her, what did I get? She just faded away and used some BS excuse: "I'm 28 and you're 24, the age gap is just too wide!"
Because yes, it cannot be underlined enough, it's all looks. We're talking about mating here, not platonic friendships.
And I agree with David, if you want to improve your chances with women, focus on improving your outward appearance.
H.i is completely delusional
Is it really worth debating if "looks" account for 90, 95, 99, or 100% of male attractiveness to men?
The general guidelines will remain the same.
But if your point is that personality accounts for 5% rather than 0%, I want to say that I agree. I think there's a small fudge factor for personality. But it's so small that general advice will not be affected. And it's not worth perseverating over.