Same sh-t happened to me.
Finally wanted to something and then started to lose it aggressively. Life sucks since hair loss.
I can relate all too well...
Same sh-t happened to me.
Finally wanted to something and then started to lose it aggressively. Life sucks since hair loss.
Ever consider wearing a hat?
Wear a skull cap, and grow stubble
Bald to bad ***
just buzz it
if you're legitimately attractive then you dont need gay-boy hair styles.
The plus side is our DHT really helps our Libido. Also, you are in your twenties.
I have a Masters degree, excellent programming skills. Guess what employers say to people over forty?
See you have a long time programming? ** Also I get laughed at. Age discrimination is real.
If you and I go for the same job, same qualifications, I guarantee an employer will pick you. Also, I get the ****ty
jobs nobody wants. That's life. Pays the bill.