Feelings Of Regret


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I realized yesterday that if I would of started minoxidil in the frontal region just 12 months earlier, I would of saved a substantial part of my hairline. Now it's obviously stable and controlled, but higher than it was 2 years ago. I know I have to be grateful for what I have vs. not having anything at all, but the feelings of regret still haunt me every once in a while. Anybody that has had sucess with treatments feel similar? Holla at yo boy...



xzel said:
I realized yesterday that if I would of started minoxidil in the frontal region just 12 months earlier, I would of saved a substantial part of my hairline. Now it's obviously stable and controlled, but higher than it was 2 years ago. I know I have to be grateful for what I have vs. not having anything at all, but the feelings of regret still haunt me every once in a while. Anybody that has had sucess with treatments feel similar? Holla at yo boy...


I started minoxidil before propecia was available. I am with you on the feeling that waiting to start minoxidil is risky at best.

From the follicles perspective, much easier to save one than revive one.

Having said that, don't be so hard on yourself. Look forward, not back.



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I feel exactly the same way. I wish I had started at 21 and not 23; I'd have pretty much all my hair back if I had.


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I agree, and I cringe when I see newbies ask whether they should start using minoxidil, and say they don't want to be "minoxidil-dependent" or whatever. Yes, it is a LITTLE messy, but not that bad, and when you can at least use it just one time at night, there's NO reason not to.

Newbies, if you are listening out there, learn from our mistake of waiting.

Funny, using minoxidil is like masturbating: you think it is wrong wrong wrong before you do it, but then you do it, and there's no regret thereafter. =)

I've been on it for 1.5 mo, and I can already see long peach fuzz on my hairline, which is getting thicker and darker every week, I swear.


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i've started minoxidil when i began losing my hair. and i've still been losing it.. very slowly though. looking forward to getting finasteride


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Ive seen your pictures and let me tell you. Many people wish they had as much hair coverage as yours. Be happy that you started when you did. The normal process is denial, followed by growing your hair out to hide the loss, then.. holy sh*t, I'm losing my hair, I better try one of those hair loss programs I hear on the radio.. then the big 3 after months of research and lost hair.


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hopewas has a lot of hair?



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I would say I started my hairloss battle very early into losing my hair. It was completely unnoticable to anyone when I began treatment. It was almost unoticable some days to myself. Now about 8 months later I have much less hair and it's falling out faster and thinning out quicker than ever before. It is now noticable.

I guess i could attribute this to an agressive case of male pattern baldness or simply i'm in the percentage of folks who isn't a good immediate responder to these treatments.


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bombscience, I am at a complete loss to why your regimen isn't working. i know there have been discussions as to why your treatment isn't working but thats just really weird. I feel for you man. Perhaps dutasteride could be a worthwhile experiment? or fluridil?


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ShedMaster said:
bombscience, I am at a complete loss to why your regimen isn't working. i know there have been discussions as to why your treatment isn't working but thats just really weird. I feel for you man. Perhaps dutasteride could be a worthwhile experiment? or fluridil?

Not yet. For the next 4 months i'm simplifying. Propecia, minoxidil, Sprio, Folligen. No Saw P, no 7-antioxidant regimen.

At 1 year I will most likely drop minoxidil if I dont see results. At 16 months I will most likely drop spironolactone if I dont see results. Then I turn into a lab rat, and i'll probably jump on a dutasteride-Fluridil combo.

I'm amazed it isn't working either. Usually I wouldn't be concerned that my hair density is thinner, because I know that some people do go through shedding periods. But, I am really concerned because the hairs that fall out lose all pigment and diameter over their 2-3 inch length. They're not going to be growing back.

Over 8 months... I've missed 1 day of propecia. I miss at the most 1 minoxidil application every 2 weeks. I never miss a whole day without apply minoxidil. I apply spironolactone nightly. I use folligen every day that I can (usually 6 times a week).

Something has to give. I want to be a beliver!


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for the record, i do have a lot of hair ..but it's going especially in the front middle


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It's so strange Bomb that nothing has worked. Like you need me to tell you that.............

Obviously something needs to be dropped. Maybe it is just to much for your scalp to handle, so many chemicals, while one alone might be fine. But combined, I dunno, just a guess.


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Cassin said:
It's so strange Bomb that nothing has worked. Like you need me to tell you that.............

Obviously something needs to be dropped. Maybe it is just to much for your scalp to handle, so many chemicals, while one alone might be fine. But combined, I dunno, just a guess.

I agree. I think i'm overdoing it. Even though I really dont think I'm doing much at all. I'm really worried about quitting minoxidil. I might shed even more. But looking at the hairs that fall out, and knowing that my scalp is still somewhat itchy makes me wonder. Every hair that falls out thins and ends with a club signaling a telogen phase. minoxidil has a property that accelerates hairs in the telogen phase and thus enduces shedding. Right now i'm losing over 150 hairs a day.

I really can't quit folligen cause it helps with the irritation. So what to do??


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bombscience said:
Cassin said:
It's so strange Bomb that nothing has worked. Like you need me to tell you that.............

Obviously something needs to be dropped. Maybe it is just to much for your scalp to handle, so many chemicals, while one alone might be fine. But combined, I dunno, just a guess.

I agree. I think i'm overdoing it. Even though I really dont think I'm doing much at all. I'm really worried about quitting minoxidil. I might shed even more. Right now i'm losing over 150 hairs a day.

I really can't quit folligen cause it helps with the irritation. So what to do??

To put it bascially...

4 chems on your head Bro. Folligen, Minoxidil, spironolactone, Nizoral, plus one internal Finasteride. That is a lot of stimulants for the follicals all at one time. Perhaps that is just way to much all at one time, especially in such a short amount of time since you have started treatments. Maybe your hair has not had a lot of time to adjust and is going through "shock"?

Like I said this is a basic explanation. Were it me, I would drop spironolactone. No particular reason why. Maybe since we know so little about it and how it works.


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Ive been on propecia for about 7 months and on minoxidil maybe about four months. The results so far: Shedding dramaticly increased, not just haircount but also hair is thinning in typical male pattern baldness pattern. 5 new small hairs in the front maybe from the minoxidil, it could also be weaker hairs, not at all connected to minoxidil, its hard to say.

Its not that strange your treatment isnt working bomb. You and I and many more probably just have a agressive thinning, we cant stop it. I think that the hairlosstalk moderator and others at this site are a little bit too positive about finasteride and minoxidil sometimes. ok I understand that it would be great to see progress, but keep in mind that there are a lot of people like me and bomb that dont reespond to the drugs. These drugs are not that much of a breakthrough for young aggresive thinners as myself..


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bombscience said:
But, I am really concerned because the hairs that fall out lose all pigment and diameter over their 2-3 inch length. They're not going to be growing back.
Where did you learn this was the case?

bombscience said:
Something has to give. I want to be a beliver!
Could you post your photos again and show us how you've lost all this hair and density? I reviewed your photo journal thread just now and every person who saw your pics said you looked thicker, denser, fuller and better while you were saying you looked worse.

The minds eye is more powerful than any camera, and often times way way wrong.

I would also drop the mega man vitamins. You dont need that saw palmetto. For many of us all it did was cause nonstop shedding. If you're going to remove something from the equation drop those and switch to a regular multivitamin.
