Feelings Of Regret


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I'm nervous about getting on minoxidil, though this thread pretty much drives the point home that we should all be giving it a try at least. I tried it for a month once before, but I saw a study which lead (maybe mislead) me to believe that minoxidil causes hair to fall out that wouldn't have otherwise. Bryan helped to set me straight with his usual research-packed posts, and I realize now that I shouldn't be waiting to take minoxidil. The problem is simply this: I just started revivogen 2 months ago, and I'm curious to see what the results will be. If I add minoxidil, well, then I think that's going to mess up the results, so I'll never know if revivogen really works for me. Also, the revivogen website says that I cannot apply any topical within three hours of apply revivogen (before or after) so....
perhaps i'll try it in a year, but this thread makes waiting sound like a bad idea.