Finally giving up the fight

George Costanza

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Well I've been using spironolactone for over 13 months (5% for 11 mths, 2% for 2 mths) and I've declared it does nothing. I have less hair now than when I started. Perhaps it slowed it down a little, but there is no way to know that for sure. I would much rather have an extra $32 in my pocket every month.

I'm pretty much giving up the fight, it's a losing cause for me. I'm allergic to minoxidil and my scalp would not handle Revivogen, Crinagen, or 2% spironolactone. I would rather go bald then use finasteride. I will still use my lasercomb since I've already bought the thing. No point of selling it for peanuts but if it ever breaks I won't be buying another one. I won't be buying anymore folligen or hair vitamins either. I'm just going to use Tgel and the lasercomb and let nature take it's course.

I've poured a lot of time and money into my hair the past couple years. I've gone through MUCH stress and depression over it but AMAZINGLY, I'm cool with it now. And it actually feels good just to finally say screw it.
It's such a huge weight off my shoulders! I didn't give up, I just moved on. I'm focused on starting a new chapter in my life and leaving these days far behind. Life's too short to be miserable. When life gives you lemons you make lemonade. And that's what I'm learning to do. I'm finally making peace with myself and learning to find happiness within. And I believe that's where it starts, everything else is just a bonus. My advice to you guys is don't let your life, your happiness revolve around how much hair you have or how the women perceive you. Don't depend on someone else for your own happiness, find it in yourself and you'll also find strength and confidence that you never knew you had. When you reach that point in your life hairloss just becomes dust in the wind. Maybe that sounds stupid or impossible but I did it. Good luck and God bless.


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IMO greatest achievement you can find, happiness within :thumbs_up:


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I would also like to know how old you are.

Being middle-aged and married while balding is a little different from being a confused 18 year-old with thinning hair.

I'm happy for you, in any case.

Good luck.


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I was just wondering the other day where you were?? I have not seen you post on here in awhile. Sorry things did not work out for you!! Everything you said is correct and maybe you just need to move on. I'm also very close to pulling the plug on hairloss. Just last night I went out with a ton of friends and it was very windy. I knew my hair looked like sh*t and that people could tell I was balding, but I said "f*** it". I forgot about the whole "hair thing" last night and had a great time (even brought this hottie home with me). Good for you man and just move on!! Good luck!


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man i feel you... i am OBSESSED with my hair due to that damn hairloss/thinning. congrats on getting over it.

yeah exactly how old are you? just curious.

and you should try finasteride.. w/ nizoral =) not too expensive.
oh and what is a lasercomb and does it work?

God bless.


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That's probably one of the best posts i have seen since viewing this site. Your a 100% right Constanza... good luck to you.... and who knows, when hair cloning becomes available you may not even care enough to bother with it.


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it's like it was said.. if you're middle-aged, married, stuff like this, then it's not a big deal to become bald or something.. but if you're in your teen years, then is something i cant handle!! im doing what i can to get my hair back, and i hope so! and when hair clone becomes available, everything will be just fine for everyone..


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Let me first say that after you realise that you wont start not to care...i did it like that atleast...i stopped my treatments and i dont think about it thatmuch anymore and i also am much trust me its not he end of the road


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cudos to you...!!

man...its a great relief if you can get over the obsession with your hair. I am 30 and married but I just can not bear the sight of my hair coming off my scalp. Though my wife is very understanding and I don't think she would care much if I go bald eventually in some years, but I myself start to panic at the very thought of it.


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There is a definite difference concerning others' reaction to your thinning based on YOUR behavior.

Point: if you act squeemish in bright lights or wind, nervously look around to see who's staring, avoid eye contact with others, ect., then people will actually notice it more!

But if you walk and talk with confidence, they notice, yes, but it's not such a big deal.

I know I'm right on this one. It is a fact.


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shosho said:
it's like it was said.. if you're middle-aged, married, stuff like this, then it's not a big deal to become bald or something.. but if you're in your teen years, then is something i cant handle!! im doing what i can to get my hair back, and i hope so! and when hair clone becomes available, everything will be just fine for everyone..

I couldn't agree more.

Good luck, George.


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Cassin you are right.....and also about the hair thing......its a beautiful feeling when you can look at your hair and say f*** it..who needs it........well i mean its a better feeling then getting your heart ripped out by a girl

George Costanza

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I'm 27 and single, no girlfiend. But I'm feeling damn good about things now. I've finally found myself and realized I've got a lot going for me and I can be happy with or without hair. I'm probably going to have my bad days but hair loss just doesn't bother me like it use to. And it is so nice not to have to fool with buying and applying these damn creams!

I feel for you younger guys, I know it's VERY hard. All I can say to you is hang tough and never stop searching. You can find what your looking for in life, it just maybe somewhere you never looked. Don't get caught up too much in this shallow society we live in. Letting your happiness depend on how much hair you have is no way to live. For most of us hairloss is a fight we are destined to lose. And if your very happiness depends on winning, then your going to be going down a long hard road my friend. I know, I went down it myself.

But good luck and godspeed to everyone in whatever you do.


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George Costanza said:
I feel for you younger guys, I know it's VERY hard. All I can say to you is hang tough and never stop searching. You can find what your looking for in life, it just maybe somewhere you never looked. Don't get caught up too much in this shallow society we live in. Letting your happiness depend on how much hair you have is no way to live. For most of us hairloss is a fight we are destined to lose. And if your very happiness depends on winning, then your going to be going down a long hard road my friend. I know, I went down it myself.

But good luck and godspeed to everyone in whatever you do.

Man, you couldnt of put this any better!

Very well said man.....very well said!!!

Good luck!


Red Rose

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Don't get me wrong - I'm only 26 but I'm just curious why some of you lemmings think that when you become middle aged your appearance no longer matters to you?!


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It would definitely still matter to you, but it's much more accepted to be bald at 30 or 40 than at 18 or 20.

Your youth is supposed to be the best time of your life.

Being middle aged and bald would still bother me, but not quite in the same way that hoping to keep my hair for my senior prom bothers me. :(


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Red Rose said:
Don't get me wrong - I'm only 26 but I'm just curious why some of you lemmings think that when you become middle aged your appearance no longer matters to you?!


George Costanza,

Well said and well fought. I wish I could find solace as you have. I have a long way to go before I even touch acceptance. Vanity still controls me when it comes to hair. I have a very loving & beautiful girlfriend that I will marry, and I still care as much about hair as I did before treatments. This is a glaring fault of mine and I have no issues being honest with myself about it. I wish it weren't so, and I know I must one day come to grips with it.

Thanks for posting this thread!