1mg if Propecia did enlarge my nipples and it definitely was leading to gyno about 1 year into taking this dosage. However, I don’t understand how one doesn’t immediately stop taking the drug once their chest/nipple gets this severe.
I stopped after 1 year and fortunately my chest/nipples returned to normal. However, my hair-loss accelerated and I was left with a tough decision...accept my NW5 fate or possibly take a reduce dosage after a long break and see if I still get the gyno sides. Had to roll the dice.
Fortunately, 0.5mg did NOT lead to the same gyno issues as I previously experienced and did wonders for maintaining my hair. I recently increased my dosage to 1mg and started to see the slight puffiness and fat in the chest area. For me, 1mg is too potent and leads to this side. However, 0.5mg is a dosage my body can tolerate with minor sides, but yet produces a cosmetically pleasing result.
My point? Try a smaller dosage and possibly start by taking it EOD. The sides, specifically Gyno, are 100% real and no joke. It’s what led me to quit the first time because of a girl commenting on my chest at the beach. At that point, I knew I had to figure this out or accept my future baldness.
Hope this helps.