finasteride and dutasteride Combination working wonders.


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im neither selling products not promoting brands, im sharing my success story. and im not posting pics. upto you to take my acquired knowledge or be an arrogant ignorant. your hair decide. dont discourage people who want to learn from my success story. god bless your hair.:p;)
doubters n nonbelievers will always be there,

next hair update soon. :):)


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visited my derm today, he asked me to trim my hair short n i did so. he analysed the hair count and he was happy. instead of injecting dutasteride to my scalp he used a micro needling device with topical dutasteride. no blood involved. scalp feels a lil painful if i touch it. nothing too painful. using nizoral 4% shampoo to keep scalp clean.


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I'm on Finasteride 1.25mg ED and Dutasteride 0.5mg three times a week. I am noticing a great deal of improvement; more so than when I was on Finasteride alone.
How long did it take for results to come? I've been on the same regimen for 2 weeks


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Im also on dutasteride twice a week and finasteride everyday and im seeing decent results, previously i was on just finasteride for 10 years + but was starting to lose ground.. adding dutasteride has definitely helped a lot which logically is down to the added DHT suppression..

All this talk about needing to change dosages because you become used to the drugs is nonsense finasteride alone worked for me on the same dose for 10 years just eventually my genetics caught up and even the relatively small amount of dht in my system was enough to resume balding.

I dont believe the peels do much either.. you say you dont use nizoral too often because it removes oil causing the scalp to create more, well what do you think a peel does???

Unlike some here I do believe youre seeing results, but its just down to the meds and you would have exactly the same results if you just took the meds stopped all these other crazy ideas your derm has.

I mean come on dude!!! A vibrator on your head :) glycollic peels, and dutasteride injections in the scalp you got all this done when the meds were already working all you had to do is wait. Whos idea was the dermaroller with the peel? that was never going to work, and minoxidil just during a shed also nonsense

If your derm actually exists I really do hope youre not paying him for all this..

Unless you can show some photos of more progress than meds alone can do.. theres nothing new or surprising about your story. The meds work we know that already!!

michel sapin

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spanishlad what do you think of people increasing finasteride dosage ? some people claim that work for them .


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Im also on dutasteride twice a week and finasteride everyday and im seeing decent results, previously i was on just finasteride for 10 years + but was starting to lose ground.. adding dutasteride has definitely helped a lot which logically is down to the added DHT suppression..

All this talk about needing to change dosages because you become used to the drugs is nonsense finasteride alone worked for me on the same dose for 10 years just eventually my genetics caught up and even the relatively small amount of dht in my system was enough to resume balding.

I dont believe the peels do much either.. you say you dont use nizoral too often because it removes oil causing the scalp to create more, well what do you think a peel does???

Unlike some here I do believe youre seeing results, but its just down to the meds and you would have exactly the same results if you just took the meds stopped all these other crazy ideas your derm has.

I mean come on dude!!! A vibrator on your head :) glycollic peels, and dutasteride injections in the scalp you got all this done when the meds were already working all you had to do is wait. Whos idea was the dermaroller with the peel? that was never going to work, and minoxidil just during a shed also nonsense

If your derm actually exists I really do hope youre not paying him for all this..

Unless you can show some photos of more progress than meds alone can do.. theres nothing new or surprising about your story. The meds work we know that already!!

vibrating laser hair brush n glycolic peels work. look it up before making judgments. I have one of the best derms and his methods have benefited the top models in the industry. ur hair u decide my hair i decide.


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spanishlad what do you think of people increasing finasteride dosage ? some people claim that work for them .

It. May work for some but because finasteride has such a flat dose response curve the benefits will be small. I tried upping my dose to 5mg a day but it made no difference.

vibrating laser hair brush n glycolic peels work. look it up before making judgments. I have one of the best derms and his methods have benefited the top models in the industry. ur hair u decide my hair i decide.

Look it up??? I dont need to.... I ve been battling this a long time and have seen many studies on a laser theres nothing in it ... there may be very very small improvements but there are many treatments that show small improvements in studies with no cosmetic effect.. ie tea tree, nizoral, prp, flutamide, S5 etc etc.. all a med has to do to be classed as showing improvement is grow 1 extra hair.

Glycolic peels increase cell turnover just like the dermaroller does which is why youre decision to use both was strange.. both can help if used in conjunction with a topical to increase absorbsion,but seeing as you are not using a topical personally I dont see the point.

. I have one of the best derms and his methods have benefited the top models in the industry. ur hair u decide my hair i decide.

Really?? Sounds expensive!!! So whats his name then??? And who are these "top models" He wont mind you giving some free advertising if hes so good and its all true. I challenge you to show something amazing that he has achieved with these unproven treatments without dutasteride or finasteride involved and im willing put my neck on the line and say you cant!!.. Im not asking you to post pics of yourself so i dont see why you wouldnt.

There are many results posted from well respected and trusted docs showing fantastic results with just meds.. If he was so amazing the chances are we would already know about him..

Sounds to me like you believe his rubbish (if he actually exists and im not convinced) and hes taking the credit just for the meds doing their thing..

ur hair u decide my hair i decide.

I did and its worked out fine thanks, it costs me just 10€ a month, what you spending???? I suppose its Your bank balance so you decide. I do think you need to open your eyes a little though..

Im not looking for an argument.. just trying to save you some money and time and stop people being misinformed, but if you dont want to listen then its up to you.. You do some research yourself and you will see what im saying makes sense or altenatively if you can Id love to see you prove me wrong..Im all up for new treatments if they do actually work but ill believe it when i see it.
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after my second session of micro needling with topical dutasteride scalp feels lil numb n painful. hair line has been specially done and the topical dutasteride stays overnight, i wash it next day with nizoral. no unbearable pain, no shedding till now.
dutasteride 0.5 twice a weel, finasteride 1 mg everyday, biotin n multivitamin tab every day.

michel sapin

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does dutasteride helped your hairline or mainly crown ? were you a good reponder to propecia ? do you have sides such as gyno or puffy nipples ?


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No I Never got any sides from dutasteride, maybe coz i workout like an athlete. i do loads of cardio and strength training too. i never keep my scalp sweaty and wet after workout.
I take 10 mg biotin daily.
i must share one thing about my diet dont know if it effects my hair or not, i keep my carbs very low and protein high. including whey protein post workout. i also take omega 3 for the good fats.
I am a health freak :) healthy habits healthy body healthy hair.

michel sapin

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that is nice to be an athlete , but dutasteride can raise testosterone a lot , like 30- 40 % in some case . and it decrease dht to 0. so you can have 40 % more oestrogen which can cause bad sides such as gyno or puffy nipples . ANd this despite being a freak athlete , like a testosterone cycle without aromatase inhibitor and DHT.


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ive been lucky to not have any side effects, except watery semen.
after micro needling with dht scalp feels painful on touching...even after 4-5 days.
dutasteride dose reduced to 0.5 twice a week. finasteride 1 mg every day.
trimmed my hair real short to monitor results.


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Cut my hair really short, cause of a bad shedding phase. its growing back dense.

Im currently using a mixture of dutasteride and Distill water spray on my scalp Daily, after shampoo .
I use nizoral max 2 times a week, coz it dries my hair.
will let update about the Progress.
finasteride 1 mg daily, dutasteride 0.5 3 days a week.

Any one has knowledge about applying caffeine on scalp ?
plz share your feedback if you know.


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Applying dutasteride to scalp was making the hair really dry. started applying very lil amount of conditioner.
no visible Difference yet.


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if you are interested to read my success story read it, im not forcing anybody. I have restrictions in life. im not allowed to share my pics publicly. but im allowed to share my knowledge.
If u want to share my knowledge and experience feel free to discuss with me else just go to posts with pictures.

You're not allowed to show your scalp? lol... right.


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negged for no pictors


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current routine
scalp peel with glycolic n lactic acid combination once a month
microneedling once a month
apply topical dutasteride every day n blow dry.
finasteride 1mg everyday , dutasteride 0.5 twice a week.
shampoo with nizoral twice a week.
combat dry hair with conditioner.

time to experiment with the hair line now.
will keep posting.
no mesotherapy, no microneedling with prp.