finasteride and Saw Palmetto


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I would like to get some opinions from different people on this board about whether I should carry on taking Saw Palmeto (started Jan 04) along with Finpecia (.625 since July 04).

Is there any need to take both of them?


I don't think it can do any harm. Have you noticed any adverse affect or has your hair responded very well.

The Gardener

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bluenun said:
I would like to get some opinions from different people on this board about whether I should carry on taking Saw Palmeto (started Jan 04) along with Finpecia (.625 since July 04).

My opinion is no, you shouldn't.


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bluenun said:
I would like to get some opinions from different people on this board about whether I should carry on taking Saw Palmeto (started Jan 04) along with Finpecia (.625 since July 04). Is there any need to take both of them?
If you feel you are experiencing problems with an enlarged prostate, I would recommend staying on Saw Palmetto. If you're just trying to treat your hair loss, finasteride should be sufficient.


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How do you know you're getting .625mg finasteride daily?

Why don't you just go a full 1mg ?


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Saw Palmetto

traxdata, I started taking saw palmetto for my mild acne which got worse after being on it for a few days then died down a couple of weeks later. It never did clear up though.
I also noticed an increase in libido which went back to normal 2 or 3 weeks later. No other effects were noticed.

Cassin, thanks for the link.

Hairlosstalk, I do not know if I have an enlarged Prostate. I originally started Saw Palmetto in January 04 for my long standing mild acne (I am 37).
I have not noticed any change in my mild acne from taking Saw Palmetto or Finasteride.
So I am only interested in taking Saw Palmetto for hairloss reasons.
Is Finasteride alone helpful if I was experiencing problems with an enlarged prostate?

iwantmyhair, I cut my 5mg fincar into 8 pieces because I have read a lot of threads about this dose being as effective as a 1mg dose.


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Re: Saw Palmetto

bluenun said:
I originally started Saw Palmetto in January 04 for my long standing mild acne (I am 37).
I've never heard of SP for acne. Why not just try accutane? Everyone reports amazing results with it, in time.

bluenun said:
So I am only interested in taking Saw Palmetto for hairloss reasons.
Saw Palmetto is not indicated for the treatment of male pattern baldness.

bluenun said:
Is Finasteride alone helpful if I was experiencing problems with an enlarged prostate?
Unlikely. In studies, Saw Palmetto has shown great results in the prostate but zero results in hair loss. Conversely, Finasteride only performs lackluster-ly in the prostate, but great results with hair loss.


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Re: Saw Palmetto

bluenun said:
Hairlosstalk, I do not know if I have an enlarged Prostate. I originally started Saw Palmetto in January 04 for my long standing mild acne (I am 37).
Most men sometimes in their life will have an enlarged prostate. Once that starts, it won't stop on its own. Taking saw palmetto can delay onset or perhaps reduce the enlargement from what it would have been absent taking the sp. It's not a bad idea for any man over age 35 to take it. It's cheap, relatively effective, and it has no know negative side effects. Waiting to take it until you know you have an enlarged prostate probably isn't a good idea.

But it won't help with hair loss.


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I would actually discourage use of Accutane.

I used it for a few months my junior year of high school and it didn't do a thing for me. My acne wasn't bad, but my Mom wanted me to use it because she wanted me to have a clear face.

Anyway, I did a lot of research on Accutane and hair loss. I found that it can cause temporary hair loss (teleogen effluvium). After looking on the internet, I also called a few family friends who are dermatologists. They said that Accutane could accelerate the onset of male pattern baldness if you're destined to have it, but that info hadn't been proven.

I went to a dermatologist a couple weeks ago about the hair loss issue and my face just so happened to be broken out that week because I was so stressed about my hair loss, and he suggested I use a second round of accutane. I said no right away. I won't ever use that drug again. EVER.


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I know a lot of people first hand who have had amazing results in accutane so it all depends on how you respond to it, as with everything. If he's been fighting it until age 37 id say give it a shot.


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Since we're talking about acne, does anyone know how to get rid of acen scars? I've never really had acne besides one or two pimples here and there, but over the summer i got bored and decided to shave my chest and back. My back and chest broke out very severly. I thought it would eventually go away, but after a month I still had a lot of pimples. I bought a produce called zap-zits, which is a benzoyle-peroxide cream. It's a decent product, it took about 2 months to clear up my back and chest. Now I just have a lot of scars on my back and chest. Am I stuck with these forever, is there anything I can do to get rid of them?


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See a dermatolgist for acid peels and dermabrasion. Hurts like a mofo, but it works fairly well.


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I had SEVERE facial and back/chest acne from high school years til around age 20.

When I joined the Air Force at age 18 when my acne was most severe... I had to put up with it all through basic training, which was horrible... (hard to shave), and very uncomfortable in general. I turned 19 in basic.

When I got to my base (Charleston, S.C.), I kept putting up with my acne for close to another year... til I almost 20 or so.

I decided to get help. So I went to the dermatoligist at Ft. Jackson, N.C. (we didn't have one at Charleston), and I was prescribed the strongest dose of Accutane.

I had to drive up there for progress reports and lipid level/cholesterol checks (dunno if they still do that, but she wanted to check my blood when I visited her).

Anyway, after 4 months (almost exact) of religious use of the Accutane, and moisturizer for my dry skin.. I was almost clear of my acne. My back and chest cleared up as well as my face.

It took many many months after all my acne was gone, for my skin health to get regular again and for the redness to go away. I have minor pitting but it's nothing bad my face looks pretty good actually. Nothing interfered with facial hair growth either, some people think that treatment will mess it up somehow.

So, I believe Accutane is a MIRACLE drug when used according to directions from a doctor. I haven't had a zit since ! I'm 27 years old now.

I loved Accutane for what it did to help me.. and I HIGHLY SUGGEST anybody with moderate to severe acne on the face/chest/back GET ON ACCUTANE !

It comes in 3 strengths I believe.. I was on the strongest.

The sh*t dries you up badly though so using moisturizers is essential!


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You're right....Accutane comes in 20mg, 40mg, and a 60mg, i think...but you could really take as little or as much as you want (cutting the pills or taking extra, which is really isnt good)

I'm interested to see how many people on this forum (who are suffering from hair loss) also used Accutane at some point in their life. Like I said, I was told by several dermatologists it could start the onset of hair loss earlier.


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I began balding before the use of accutane. It hasn't affected my regimen or maintainence in any manner since.


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marksb11 said:
I was told by several dermatologists it (accutane) could start the onset of hair loss earlier.
marksb11 said:
99% of hair loss is NOT male pattern baldness. it is androgenic aeorta
Mark you are KILLING me with your comments.
Please read the FAQ and educate yourself better on hair loss before you continue posting.

Accutane cannot *cause* the onset of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Androgenetic Alopecia is a genetic predisposition to a hormonal process in your body. Accutane cannot and does not speed up that genetic disposition.

Earlier you stated that accutane can cause some temporary hair loss in some people. That is not the same as saying it causes male pattern baldness to start early.


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I understand you are a moderator of the forum and know more about hair loss than me. I am also aware that I said Accutane can cause temporary hair loss, and I know that is a proven fact.

I know it is genetic and you are predisposed to it. I am not just assuming that Accutane can accelerate the onset of male pattern baldness. I am only repeating what four dermatologists have told me. It's your choice to believe it or not. I, on the other hand, already do feel it is quite possible.

I didn't look to hard or long as it is pretty late, but if you search "accutane + male pattern baldness" or "accutane + androgenic alopecia" you will find some interesting stuff. Here is a forum I found where people complained about hair loss from Accutane. ... 8&start=10

By the way, I am more educated about hair loss than you think. I just happen to like to express my thoughts and PERSONAL opinions. I am not a scientist and therefore know I cannot prove my THEORIES.



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I think SP is much too mild in its action to get any real effect with hair loss or prostate trouble.

My research concludes that Beta-sito-sterol(an active constituent of SP) is much more effective for prostate trouble and high cholesterol. It is real cheap-about 6 cents a pill.

I have been taking it for about 2 years. My cholesterol has gone down to normal, but it did not help hair loss a bit.


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In my first post about accutane and hair loss, i said

"They said that Accutane could accelerate the onset of male pattern baldness if you're destined to have it, but that info hadn't been proven."

In the second one i said
"...can cause the onset of hair loss."

For the second post, I meant to say what I said in the first one, but poorly worded it.

So, in conclusion, I am not saying accutane will CAUSE hair loss, only that it can start your hair loss ealier than it would have if you are predisposed to it.