finasteride and Saw Palmetto


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I believe that, like most things you hear on the internet, the complaints about accutane must be taken with a grain of salt.

I remember when I first took Accutane, I felt a bit of tightness in the chest. I posted on an Accutane forum and got a flood of extreme responses, mostly telling me to drop the drug because it was eating my bone marrow or something.

Come now.

To any and all new posters: You must take the scaremongering with a grain of salt. This is not a knock at any specific poster in this thread or on this board. But be mindful that people bring their biases with them and articulate them a bit too much for my taste.

Frankly, if it wasn't for accutane, I'd probably have suffered from acne for my entire life. My father is in his 50s and still gets pimples. So in many ways I'm thankful the drug exists. But if someone was reporting any of the scary side effects, I'd advise them to drop that sh*t with the quickness.


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Re: Saw Palmetto

HairlossTalk said:
bluenun said:
I originally started Saw Palmetto in January 04 for my long standing mild acne (I am 37).
I've never heard of SP for acne. Why not just try accutane? Everyone reports amazing results with it, in time.

I had thought long and hard about taking Accutane, my Doctor thought it was not severe enough to warrant prescribing it, I can see her point. I was going to self medicate when I had another breakout and was feeling down about it but held off. It is mild, right now I have one on my face and about 5 on my shoulders which Retin-A clears up fairly quickly. I cannot use Retin-A on my face as I have Acne Rosacea too.

bluenun said:
So I am only interested in taking Saw Palmetto for hairloss reasons.
Saw Palmetto is not indicated for the treatment of male pattern baldness.

OK thanks.

bluenun said:
Is Finasteride alone helpful if I was experiencing problems with an enlarged prostate?
Unlikely. In studies, Saw Palmetto has shown great results in the prostate but zero results in hair loss. Conversely, Finasteride only performs lackluster-ly in the prostate, but great results with hair loss.

Thanks again.


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My research concludes that Beta-sito-sterol(an active constituent of SP) is much more effective for prostate trouble and high cholesterol. It is real cheap-about 6 cents a pill.

Do you know how much beta-sito-streol is in each pill you take?

I order my SP from a company in the US.
320mg softgel 85-90% standardised extract.
It does not say on the bottle how much beta-sito-streol is contained in each softgel.
It works out to about 14 pence a day.


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marksb11 said:
I am not just assuming that Accutane can accelerate the onset of male pattern baldness. I am only repeating what four dermatologists have told me. It's your choice to believe it or not. I, on the other hand, already do feel it is quite possible.
Honestly, based on your history of reading things, completely misunderstanding them, and then repeating them in an incorrect manner on the forums here, I would be willing to bet that you misunderstood your dermatologists. I don't know a single dermatologist on planet earth who would make the claim that accutane can accelerate the onset of a genetic predisposition. I would be willing to bet they told you that accutane can cause some hair loss in some people. Period. I was just pointing out there is a big difference between Telogen Effluvium as a temporary side effect, and accelerating the onset of male pattern baldness. This is most likely where you misunderstood them as well.

marksb11 said:
I just happen to like to express my thoughts and PERSONAL opinions.
Fair enough, but if your personal opinions contradict known science, Im sure you understand that we will direct you back to learning more, so that your opinions will be more accurate, and newbies won't be mislead by them. Saying "99% of hair loss is NOT male pattern baldness" was one such example of a terribly misinformed "opinion" that would damage the thought process of a new hair loss sufferer seeking treatments. I guess im just going to have to watch you like a hawk and correct all your opinions. I'd prefer that you take some time to learn more instead though.

marksb11 said:
I am not saying accutane will CAUSE hair loss, only that it can start your hair loss ealier than it would have if you are predisposed to it.
Either way, this information is incorrect. Or at the very most, we have absolutely no data supporting this assertation. Nobody has ever done a study to demonstrate this, so no doctor in his right mind would make this claim. Doctors are far more a*** about only commenting on clinical data than I personally ever have been. If you think Im bad about it, you should talk to a Doctor sometime. They don't know what it means to think outside the box, and in fact cannot think outside the "study box" for legal reasons. They will only repeat what they know to be true via studies. No such study exists, so I doubt any doctor made this claim. If you could direct me to the doctor who did, by name, and phone number, I will even call him or her to ask for clarification.