Re: Is there anyone here who took months/ years to recover?
Hey guys,
Just dropping in to give an update.
I ran a weeks course of Proviron about a month and a half ago back and I felt pretty good on it but all the benefits went away, and I'm not sure but it may have made me a little worse because I can't even manage sex once in a day now.
I am currently taking transdermal life flo pregnenolone, 2-3 pumps in the morning to see what this gives me.
Overall - I am worse a year off this drug than when I first came off, sexually that is. Because to be fair, my sleep, my personality, everything about me was a mess when I first quit.
For any of you that haven't been ruined by this drug already and are just down about hair loss. Consider the fact that I am 20, Norwood 4, diffusing into Norwood-6 and I shave my head to the bone. Yet I moved to London this year, started at a brilliant university and hold down a great relationship with a very attractive girl. Things can always be worse, so forget the hair.