Finasteride shed! pics before and after!


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You're a very bad person.


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... but.... you're funny, so you're forgiven for your hairlosstalk evils.



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Kipwinger, from your photos it looks like you have a perfectly healthy head of hair. Actually, if anything the second photo (after your shed on finasteride) gives the appearance of more volume and thicker hair.

Which areas of your head are you concerned about? Do you have temple recession or are you thinning on the crown? If this is all-over diffuse thinning then I think we'd need to see a close-up picture, not just an enlargement.

If your hair truly looks like it does in the second picture, then you definitely have nothing to worry about and you should cease taking drugs for hairloss because you will be doing more harm than good.


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I agree we need more pics. It doesn't even look like you have male pattern baldness.


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hi! in my second photo maybe you thinnk have more volume becouse i have cut a little bit my hair.... but is worst. i will post more photos to see better what happens. but now seems the shed is stopping finally... i dont want to talk to much it can continue again.... lets see.... i hope now it will be fine again.


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Yeah mate... id be happy if my hair looked as thick as yours! Its up to you if you continue taking finasteride. You know best as to weather of not your losing your hair. We cant necessarily tell from your photos. Id keep taking it.

Either way if anyone has caught the signs of male pattern baldness at an EARLY stage i think its you.

Good luck, and remember, no one knows your losing your hair... believe me.


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thank you Melbs! that s a good words. i know i still have a good head of hairs, and many of you can say that i am crasy about thinking about shed. but i do know how my hair was before...and i know that now i have less hair than some years ago... i usually have many many hair... that s my luky. i ll post some pictures with a better angle. i am still using finasteride and i am not thinking to drop that. another thing, for every one who has many sebun on scalp i sugest to use some pills that i have been taking now. was my doctor that sad to me to do that... and guess what? i have less sebum on scalp and i can see that fall less hairs. i really believe that sebun is one of the biggest enimies of our hair. every one should really care of bloking dht but should care of stoppin sebun in the scalp too. if anyone is interest i can give the name of the pills (portuguese name that i boughted in pharmacy), is a little expensive, but until now i am liking.


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Hello, KipWinger!
I think that my situation is similar to yours. I started taking finasteride 1mg seven months ago, and it works fine for me in first five months. The result is amazing to me because of about ten hairs falling while shampooing. But after five months, my hairs shed apparently than before. I feel frustrated and depression, and have stopped for about three days. After browsing many discussions here, I decide to continue taking finasteride 1mg. Although my shedding continues, I hope everything will be fine in the future. Besides, worry and depression have no benefit to hair growing.
Good luck to us !!! :lol: