DavidSWP, I've been offered sex many times by women I was not attracted to, so I turned them down. I know if I'm willing to take a woman I'm not attracted to, I can go get sex today. I just don't want to do that any more than I want to find out which gay men I can take home. The only way I'd do favors for a gay man is if he took care of his health and either I knew he was the only gay man left (say the others had died off somehow) or he was the only decent looking one left. Since there seems to be a billions of straight men over a full spectrum of appearances, I don't see the need to date women I'm not attracted to, unless she has polio or something else that is completely out of her control and not her fault.
I can't find the thread someone said this in, but someone said I could have started my hairloss treatment much sooner. That is true, but I was already about a NW2 at about age 15 or 16, before Propecia was on the market, and before I was 18. Rogaine did not yet have a generic, and my parents were poor. I was a high NW3 before I had the finances to buy finasteride from a local pharmacy. I am almost 27.
Hair loss is not something that one does to himself and can readilly undo. It is done to him by genetics, and can be stopped in 83% of cases and not reversed very easily, and can sneak up on people who don't have family members who went that bald especially at a young age.
Also, I never said women would dump their boyfriends the instant they start going bald.
1) The probability of partners being exact equals is not high, since it would take too long to find an exact equal. Therefore, half the women out there are less attractive than their boyfriend before he starts loosing hair.
2) Before some woman break up, they often will take a month or two either being nice to clear their conscience or being not nice in hopes he will dump her first, or looking for other reasons for the break up so she does not have to mention the hair, or just finding another partner so she is not without one when she dumps him.
3) Women who are more committed don't just plan a break up. They just start noticing that they are not as happy as they used to be. The physically attraction my not be there as much, if the two did not have a strong attraction to begin with. She also will continue to get hit on by guys who look better than he does. It all just starts to weigh on her a bit, and unless she acknowledges it and makes a conscious decision to stay with him despite it all, because she loves him and wants to spend her life with him, she will eventually decide to leave, and maybe enter point #2 or be more direct.
Some women will stay. But if only your future marriage partner stays, i don't think that the fact that the woman who dumped me was not marriage matterial yet would console me about getting dumped and possibly having to start lower next time. Getting dumped is hard enough for guys whose appearance did not change. Of course if these non-balding men had their hopes up if their girlfriend got in shape, then I guess it could hurt them as much when they got dumped.
Finally, baldness does not have to lead to a break up if you make up for it in other ways. If she took you when you were NW3, that means you were close to equal then, and your change to NW4 is not that big of a change. If she took you at NW1 and neither of you changed in any other way since then, and you go to NW4 and don't have a head that looks good shaved, that is a different issue. She will likely stay only if she is very committed to you, or really thought you were way better than the other guys she could get when she first caught you.