First shed on propecia after 10 months


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Hey guys, long time reader, first time poster.

I started taking propecia along with minoxidil in Feb of last year after receding a quite and bad thinning of my hair at the front. During this time a lot of hair was falling out which to me seemed strange as I thought male hairloss was gradual and was the result of hairs falling out gradually and being replaced by weaker ones?

Anyway, after about 5 months I started seeing gains and up until December was very pleased with the progress.

Then the dreaded shed came - I noticed a reduction in my hairline around Christmas time so it probably started before then.

This is my first shed under propecia but it is also very reminiscent of this time last year when my hair started falling out.

So I wanna know, is this a seasonal thing? Ie something to do with the cold weather making my hair weak? Or is it just coincidence and this is a fabled propecia shed that I'll have to deal with?

All the progress I made has vanished and my hair at the front has become so thin it's a joke.

Any help would be appreciated!


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Stick with it if you have no side, usually every hair will come back stronger, you should have took pics so we could compare


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Stick with it if you have no side, usually every hair will come back stronger, you should have took pics so we could compare

Thanks Bro, I will do as I'm not having sides. Is it possible that the first shed comes at this period?


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So long as you bounce back you'll be fine. I was shedding every other month in shed. Switched to dutasteride August last year and just had my first shed after 6 months of improvement.

Bear ad in mind the psychological effect as well... I looked at pictures of my hair from 2009, 4 years before I started finasteride and it was pretty rank. There has been much improvement since so every shed, however small feels huge in comparison


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Shedding anywhere between 8 to 12 months while on finasteride is common.

Try to ride it out, if the shed goes on for over 4-5 months consider switching to dutasteride, if your hairloss is too aggressive finasteride alone might not be enough