Fluridil or RU58441


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Okay well I tried finasteride and it was horrible so I'm looking for an alternative. I'm able to go with either RU or flu and I'm torn on which I should go for.

Can anyone lend me some advise on which is either the better choice and what has worked for them ??

I also want to start minoxidil at the same time so which product would compliment and work better with minoxidil.

Please I really want to get started and debating now for a month is getting me nowhere..


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Yup I've done the same debate in my head before!

After many arduous hours, I decided I would rather go for fluridil first, and then step up to RU58841 if it didn't halt my shedding. This was because fluridil does not require a freezer, is easier to apply, and not time-consuming to prepare.

It may not be as powerful, but hey for the sake of the cost of a box, you may as well find out! lol :)


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I tried both drugs..and you can ask the few people who tried both and the clear cut conclusion is that RU is far more effective than fluridil.

RU is a drug that can be used on its own to stop male pattern baldness in its tracks, while fluridil is so weak that it is only an ADD-ON to either finasteride or dutasteride.

For the same $2 to $4 a day of treatment cost..RU will give you your money worth in terms of results.

Flurdil will at best slow down male pattern baldness.

And for RU, you don't really need to store it in the freezer although it is recommended for extended period of time (months).

I did weeks of travelling with RU at room temperature or even some brief heat and it worked fine.

takes just 2 minutes to prepare per day really.

I had high hopes for fluridil back in 2008 but sadly, it is really too weak. I even did try 4 ampules a day (4 times the normal amount) which did show some improvments over 1 ampule a day but nothing compared to 50 or 80mg of Ru a day.


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I've been going through the same question for a while now. Can't afford both, which to choose??

As I'm stopping finasteride due to worry about long term side effects, I came to the conclusion that fluridil on it's own wasn't enough to halt male pattern baldness.

I'll be placing my first order of RU around christmas time. I'm just hoping it doesn't have the same risk of sides as finasteride has...


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*admits his knowledge here doesn't compare to El dutasteride's! hehe :) *

-- some great points and info thanks man, I didn't realize RU could last for periods like that away from a freezer, or that it was that cheap or easy/quick to mix! My other concern though was that many people report no results with it (a significant number say they noticed no change, etc). Do you have any thoughts on why this might be? Obviously it seems to work for some but not for others, but whether this is something to do with their unique kind of hair loss or their source, preparation or use of RU is unknown to me...


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The very few people who had poor results from RU also had no results from finasteride, dutasteride or whatever drugs they used.

Either their male pattern baldness is too advanced/aggressive or they have other underlying causes, not just androgenic ones.

RU will thicken existing hair like no other drug can, given the lack of systemic effects,

However it won't increase the number of hair on your head. if you are already bald it will not bring major improvements. It will prevent further hairloss and keep you in the same Norwood.

Most people are very happy with no changes to the worst.

The key is to start treatment as soon as possible.


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El d I sent you a PM but it's still not read and it's been there for days. Are you able to see it ?

I thought about it and I'm going with RU. I will be placing my order this week :)

As for price it seems if I use 25-50 mg it should last me close to six months as I will only be using it in one small area. I will be adding minoxidil to the mix so maybe I could even get a small amount of regrowth. I'm not expecting s miracle but as is I suppose I can deal :)


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el_duterino said:
The very few people who had poor results from RU also had no results from finasteride, dutasteride or whatever drugs they used.

Either their male pattern baldness is too advanced/aggressive or they have other underlying causes, not just androgenic ones.

RU will thicken existing hair like no other drug can, given the lack of systemic effects,

However it won't increase the number of hair on your head. if you are already bald it will not bring major improvements. It will prevent further hairloss and keep you in the same Norwood.

Most people are very happy with no changes to the worst.

The key is to start treatment as soon as possible.

Thanks again for the great information, you are probably right there :)

And yeah, I agree that RU is really for maintenance, but of course there are many good stimulants out there which will probably work all the better once androgens have been removed from the mix!

I think after hearing this I too will probably choose RU over fluridil if I go for a topical antiandrogen :)


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Seems that FE wont be shipping out orders until December, so in the mean time I ordered FLU to give it a go in the mean time. I figured it cant hurt to give it a try while I wait. Not to mention I still have to get the other supplies as well as figure out which application vehicle to use for the RU. Although getting the raw powder was not such a task getting the other supplies and getting set up for the first time is the challenge.

I really haven't looked fully through the RU thread but I suppose all the info is in there ??

If not El D could you possibly post what is best recommended to mix with RU ?

I plan on starting off with a 25mg RU to "X" mix. What would be the right amount of everclear ? and PG ? to use with this amount ? Your advise is HUGELY appreciated !

As well anyone else reading this that has experience could chime in as well with their results.


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Rich- so your saying you can not get RU anywhere until after christmas or just from the one company?


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The one company, seems they are on vacation for some time during Oct. and Nov.

The orders placed by Nov. will ship out in Dec.

Atleast that is what I gathered.


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FE is not the only supplier of RU, there are other firms and I don't order from FE anymore due to their poor availability of batches.

One rep of that other supplier posted some ads on this board in the beggining when they started to make RU, and he was flagged as spam/delete by the moderator so as a result, now no one is allowed to mention their name.

for the mix, use 10 to 30% of PG, add 5% of DMI (not DIM!) and the rest is ethanol (everclear). all this can be eyeballed.
For PG and DMI you need to look online.
for ethanol use everclear (US) or Polish rectified spirit vodka, or similar stuff.
Depeding on your country it might be harder so you have to resort to online.

need a scale to measure the right amount of RU.

i use tiny plastic bags to weight the daily doses, store and mix.

do a search I posted some photos on some other web sites


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Yeah well that's just like.. your opinion man =D

(sorry hehe! - thanks for all the wicked advice El dutasteride! ^^ )


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Oh, as 2 final questions - so excuse my poor maths and understanding but so you chuck in say 30/5/65 of PG, DMI and ethanol respectively, and then mix this with your RU? Sorry, might sound like over specifying but this is all totally new to me :)

Also, about rubbing the RU in vigorously, how hard (and for what kind of length of time) is this best done?

Thanks, and sorry if I killed the thread a bit with my attempt at a joke lol, I thought it might make El smile so long as he hasn't heard it a million times before xD


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i have a 100ml bottle with the liquids pre-mixed already. 100ml is easy for percentages.

this is what i do every time i apply it
1)take one small plastic pouch out of the fridge
3)with the dropper I suck out some liquid from that 100ml bottle
4)pour the liquid into the small pouch and repeat about three times..this gives about 3 to 4ml.
5)close the pouch, shake well a few times and wait 1 minutes..and its completely dissolved (FE powder does not dissolve as well as its not as pure)
6)use that same dropper to suck out the lotion from the pouch and apply

the above process takes 3 to 5 minutes max.

I rub it in as much as possible..

If you cannot find DMI at first (I bought online) ethanol and PG will do..not a huge difference without DMI imo.


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Doesn't that mean just 3-4ml for the whole bag of RU, which is 80mg? o_O That could be correct or totally wrong, my judgement of quantities is too sloppy to tell!!

And hmm I would probably have to do most of my scalp, as I'm sure my thinning is pretty all over but of course with a firm focus on the Norwood region. I would need more RU and solution than you?

It's great to finally get this understood. I don't like finasteride or minoxidil much (sides, etc) so RU is really my only good solo option for halting my diffuse shedding at this point. I also know for a fact it's androgenic, as my body hair increased at pretty much the same time, and there's a firm focus on the Norwood region. I would be so happy if RU works (chances are I'll give it a go at some point fairly soon :) )


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yes that's about 3 to 4 ml per application and I use about 80mg of RU.
The exact amount of lotion is not so important as long as you can cover your male pattern baldness zones.

The more RU you use, the more effective it will be but there is a point where too much will not bring anything more.

I used anything between 20mg to 400mg a day. I now use 80mg.
In the human studies they used 5% which is about 150mg a day.

You have to experiment to find the best amount for you..start with 150mg..as time is important and then decrease slowly to see at what level the male pattern baldness process re-appears.


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Where are you buying your small zip lock bags from el dutasteride?

Most of those little zip lock bags are quite thin and flimsy.


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i buy those at office supplies stores.

mine are also thin and flimsy but that's ok because i keep them stored inside a larger, much better zip lock back.

as long as the RU is protected from air, moisture and light during long term storage that's fine.

i tried different methods..small alu foils..small glass bottles but the small plastic bags are the cheapest and by far most convenient/fastest way to prepare, store and make daily mixes.

some people do weekly mixes..that might also work.

However, most people noticed that RU effects will drop after a week or two when pre-mixed and stored in a lotion, therfore i would not keep it stored in a lotion for too long if you really want to skeeze all of its benefits.

In powder form, stored in the freezer or fridge it can easily last a year .


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All sounds good yeah, although I am a little low on money right now but will still do it asap. I hope very much that it works as it would be great to have a non-systemic, powerful, one-stop treatment! Would save a lot of hassle, time and money! I was just concerned when so many people reported no results - I do hope it is simply because of the reason you said. If not then all I can think of is poor handling/use of the RU, bad batches, poor absorption, or some kind of variation in different people's androgen receptors - you don't think it's any of those?

Anyway erm, perhaps I should get hold of perhaps ideally 3-4 grams of K...g RU, which would be enough for 150mg a day for 3 weeks.. that would be enough to see shedding reductions very comfortably wouldn't it? Perhaps I could even go for less if shedding drops could be seen after just a week or 2. Obviously I don't want to invest too much in something just in CASE it doesn't work!

So, the PG and DMI simply enhance absorption? or?

Hoppi :)

EDIT -- I just looked in the mirror and realized that my hair STILL looks totally fine to the untrained eye (while dry anyway) despite about a year of diffuse thinning! If I can stop it now with RU or something and then recover my hairline with minoxidil or whatever I am in the clear I think! Oh I hope I hope! ^_^