flutagel does work!!!


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Hi guys
Just wanted to share with your little observation.
I hate shaving! Alwas has and always will. I already had a full beard when I was 17 and have to shave daily to I'll look clean and even then the shadow persists. I have used many lotions and potions that promised to reduce thickess of my beard and even at some point considering lasering my beard off but the patchy after results trew me off a little. So I bought vaniqa and used this. It made shaving easier and my beard a little lighter. It was a little change but not much I still had 5 o'clock shadow. I still use it though. about 3 months ago I ordered flutagel and been using it on my scalp daily and decided week ago to star putting it on my beard as well. Ive read in one of the studies that antiandrogen without systematic absorbation is capable of reducing your beard thickness tremendously. After one week I see huge difference!!!!!!!!!!!! when I shaved yesterday for work the shadow on the sides of my face almost dissapeared! My beard is less course on the sides. It's only been a week and the hair is getting thinner!
It truly feels great to finally find something that works for the problem youve been struggling for long time.
Above all it seems like flutagel is working well. I dont have any side effects and my libito is great and all.
Just thought I share this with u!


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Good to hear about your beard thinning. That should mean that it will make the hair on the scalp thicker then right??? I just ordered yesterday and am hopeful that it will help me out too. Have you noticed any difference in the hair on your head?


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i guess thats good news.. did you try the same thing with spironolactone?
btw, which one should be better, flutagel (1% flutamide) or genhair's 2% flutamide lotion? they're both about the same price so..


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I have never tried spironolactone because I heard it has bad smell and is messy. I tried fluridil before on my scalp but never on a beard. Then I ordered flutagel and been using it on my head and now my beard. As far as my head. The thing are going very well. The shedding is minimal to almost none. I thing this flutagel is really doing it's job as far as antiandrogen. I am ust sitting now typing this and will scratch my beard from time to time and I feel huge difference and it's only after one week.

I would use flutagel because flutagel is supposed to minimize absobation and genhair I think is not a gel but flutamide mixed with alcohol.


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philly said:
If what you say is true than we have a cure for hair loss.
I don't get this. It's far from cure even if it works but damn good to maintain what you still have.


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Actually i am looking for a anti-dht topical and i just found out that flutamide is one of the most powerful anti-androgens - "It competes with testosterone and its powerful metabolite, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) for binding to androgen receptors" - from wikipedia.
Doesnt look bad! But i wish they had a 2% lotion for the same price.


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I think it's the best antiandrogen we have right now and I used them all(RU,fluridil, pepermint oil and now flutagel) Good Luck
The bottle lasts long and it's not that expensive


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Hi , can i know where can i get flutagel and how much it costs? and does it leave any smell or such ? and what colour is it when applied on the scalp ? i am concern about my housemates finding out that i am using hairloss product .


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it doesn't say anything but flutagel on the bottle so unless you mates are really noisy and will look it up on the internet you have nothing to worry about. It leaves no residue or smell it's a clear gell that's all.


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How long have you been using the flutagel newbaldy? once a day or twice?

I've been using it once a night for 2 months now, this week my hair is looking the worst it ever has, I'm hoping it's a shed that will come back!

strange that it's took 2 months for the shed to kick in tho?


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Ive been using it once a day usually right before bedtime. Ive been thinking about the sheddings and sometimes it does happen even when you'r on antiandrogen. My first weapon against hairloss was rogaine. After 3 months I got the biggest shedding of my life. I thought if I am going to keep losing at this striking speed I will be Bald by the next year. So I did my research, quit rogaine and that's when the things started to improve. Since I don't need much of a regrowth I don't really need rogaine. I think the best things to keep your hair and keep whatever you have is by antiandrogens. So I took double action. Went on finasteride than started looking for topical antiandrogen. Tried Ru fluridil and now Flutagel. So that's all and since starting this regimen I haven't had any sheddings and the hair is improving all the time. I had a close to perfect hair before rogaine. I will never use rogaine again. Even if it works and grows hair you will go through periodic sheddings. Right now I am on finasteride, flutagel, apple poly pills and I roll my scalp daily. I also change my lifestyle completely. I don't drink I dont smoke, I don't hang out late at night my body gets a proper rest. I exercise daily. So It's hard to say what works best but Flutagel definetly works. My beard is the example which is androgen sensitive.


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do you keep your flutagel at room temperature?



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That's ok.

On their website it says its ok to keep at room temperature for short periods, but how short are they talking about? 1,2,or 3 months?


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By short I think they mean a week or two. I keep mine refrigerated all the time. I have to since to use an entire bottle it will probably take me 6 months.


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I keep mine at the room temperature and it seems to work just fine. I am so excited!. My work requires me to be clean shaven every day and usually on a 3rd day I couldn't shave no more and even if I did I wouldn't be clean shaven. This week was terrific Had to shave 3 days in a row and I was clean shaven every time!. Now I actually looking forward to shaving cuz it's so much easier now and no longer a drag. Damn this flutagel is amazing Just today I received new flutagel. It's a little different than the last one. This one is in a plastic bottle and is much more thicker and no so watery like the last one.
Flutagel rocks!


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Which shampoos are you using because I think you said that Keto interferes with flutagel?