I wouldn't waste your time mate, but appreciate you at least taking the time to consider how this could feasibly happen.
Sadly there's too much negativity on here, and people not willing to accept annecdotal findings even if it's from multiple people... Their egos are too big to consider anything outside what they believe.
I never usually post on here, or even visit... Left years ago after having success on Dutasteride and didn't feel the forum really had much to offer other than bitching and people being not very friendly (not all but enough to not want to stick around).
I think a lot of people with success leave once they're on track for that reason too.
I know what to do regarding needling now, and rolling... I will just get on with it and see what happens, but I've got far more important things in life to focus on than dealing with some of the personalities in here.
Again appreciate you actually thinking about what I'd said in a more positive light, shame there's not more like you on here
And with that I'll pop back on in 5 years again to see what cures have fallen by the wayside, and what's supposedly coming out in the following 5