So enlighten me.. in what way is it possible to wound differently? Probably something like licl or something as the topical
It may not even necessarily be about wounding "differently". It could based on application timeframes, ethnic variances, depth, individual variances, some other sort of prep, environmental factors during healing, etc.
We don't know. The only people who probably do, given the amount of research they've done.
Remember that Jahoda solved a problem with the cells he was cultivating by flipping the petri dish upside down back when.
The solutions could be something absolutely retarded and innocuous.
View attachment 132540
Your transplant surgeon taking a break between cases.
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The guy's head is not tilted to the side, his head is actually tilted back a bit, and his hair has just been combed sideways, which should've been discouraged but still. The hair also appears to be about the same length as the before photo.
but still, it's obvious looking at the direction of the hair in the second photo that combing sideways would not cover that bald spot and that new hair is spiraling out from it, as it would naturally grow.
I'm sorry, but bitching about this is f*****g retarded. Especially since we don't know which trial this is from, or how many sessions this guy had. This could be one session for all we know.
This is about consistency. If they can more-or-less guarantee you that kind of result, then you'd have to be stupid not to go for it.