Go to some knock-off clinic if you like. Maybe you should go to a clinic in a 3rd world country where you can save even more money and grow even less hair.
But I don't see how they will get the exact same wounding effect unless they use the exact same wounding device(s) that the Follica-certified docs use and Follica will likely only give those devices to the Follica-certified docs. Remember that there might be two devices - one device for the docs to use on patients in the Doctor's office and one device for patients to use at home. But hell, you could just use a dermaroller instead, right broscientis?LOL!
And you could just have some 2-year degree techs apply the exact right amounts of the exact right chemicals to your wounded scalp at the exact right time. Hell, maybe you could get your plumber to do it even cheaper. LOL!