For the shaved guys


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I am a 24-year-old Norwood 4, i usually buzz my hair every month, but last week i decided to try to pull off the shaved look. I wish I hadn't done that. A doctor saw me and asked a collegue if i was suffering from cancer, and a girl even laughed in my face. After all, I am extremely skinny, pale and also have dark circles due to minoxidil. On top of that, I'm ugly as **** with a horribily shaped head.

As many users have already said, the moral is, you must be lucky in your misfortune and have the right physique, head shape and facial aesthetics to pull off this look.

It happened to me when I was 17. I felt I was thinning and went to school with a buzzed head. Not even shaved: buzzed.
EVERYONE laughed at my ears!
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I shave two times a week, it takes me less time to shave than it used to take me to wash and dry my hair, certainly less time than the few men who spend half an hour on their hair every morning. Washing your face is hiding blackheads Washing your hair and combing it is hiding your natural stinky dreads IF you want to rock the Louis Cuck King look and gain 30lbs of fat too by all means go ahead. "Giving up" is just a form of acceptance, in some ways incomplete, thinking your problem is so bad why bother trying. Some accept their situation and try to make the best of it, that is another form of acceptance.


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h.l., In my opinion NOONE owns hair loss. Ultimately hair loss "owns" us. Let's not delude ourselves (I'm speaking generally here).

I mean basically I'm not sure if I disagree, but I don't really care. I do always find the phrase "owning it" hilarious, I mean it sounds so false and pathetic, like "bic it, go out and own it bro!" as if you decide how it looks. You can do various things to DIVERT from it, but owning it? That's not up to you, it's up to your aesthetics.

Some rare guys probably do "own it" however, but it's still debatable. Maybe I practically mean they look fine bald or even better, that would be close to owning it, but only in comparison with the other 90%+ guys who undoubtedly look worse.


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like the fat person brought fatness on himself by eating too much (which is not necessarily 100% true).

I agree. If everybody was aware of what the processed food industry has been doing for the last 30 years, they would be outraged. They are worse than the smoking industry (In fact the smoking industry owns the biggest processed food industries and transferred their strategies). Anybody intrigued should read "Sugar Fat Salt" by Michael Moss, a Pulitzer Prize winning book.

In the 70's and 80's, for balding men, that style was usually the comb-over. At the time, it may have been viewed as the best way a balding man might look given his circumstance. It was never really meant to hide the balding itself, because let's be real, a comb-over has never fooled anyone. These days we're shifting towards a buzzed or shaved look, instead of the comb-over, because that's where society has shifted. Men like Brad Pitt and David Beckham have opted for the look for no other reason than because they wanted to, others have done it because of their baldness/thinning. Like one of the above posters said, 400 years ago we might have gone for some powder and a wig instead; 20 years ago it might have been the comb-over.

To call the buzzed/shaved look the new comb-over seems really asinine to me. I mean, duh? What else are we supposed to do, lol.

The point of a comb-over is not to hide the fact that it's a comb over. The point is to fool people at the sub-conscious level.


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Shaving it takes ways more balls then hiding behind a comb over. Don't be fooled.

They have more guts then someone wearing a hair transplant or hiding behind a makeshift hairline, sprayed down with copious amounts of hair spray.

I'm at about 1 grade and what a difference it makes on my appearance going from a zero grade. Massive aesthetic improvement.

Comb overs are on par with hat prisoners for bring the most insecure. Shaved people own there look and have accepted they are shells of there former selves while the make shift hairline artists are in denial

Bicing it would be brutal, a lot of work for lite pay out. The most alpha baldites seem to be the ones who grow the horse shoe out and don't give a rats ***.


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My Regimen
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Shaving it takes ways more balls then hiding behind a comb over. Don't be fooled.

They have more guts then someone wearing a hair transplant or hiding behind a makeshift hairline, sprayed down with copious amounts of hair spray.

I'm at about 1 grade and what a difference it makes on my appearance going from a zero grade. Massive aesthetic improvement.

Comb overs are on par with hat prisoners for bring the most insecure. Shaved people own there look and have accepted they are shells of there former selves while the make shift hairline artists are in denial

Bicing it would be brutal, a lot of work for lite pay out. The most alpha baldites seem to be the ones who grow the horse shoe out and don't give a rats ***.

What I dont get is "making the best of a bad situation" always equates to shaving.... why? Seriously who made that rule? Im sure there ARE guys who look better with a bit combed over. Maybe in the balding/bare crown, very recessed temple areas but for some reason they would be lumped in with "ewwww comb over".
Then again Im sure EVERY guy would look WAY BETTER with a top notch hair system, yet that is even begrudgingly mocked by everyone.
So in my eyes, yes it is a coping mech. Its is society saying "own it", but its not really owning its dissolving. If you have SOME hair still and can pull it off then great but all in all its not always the best option.
Also shaving does not take "more guts" it actually takes more guts to just let your frazz grow wildly and looks bald/ing. Shaving takes NO GUTS. My GF sent me a vid last night of when I was removing a giant oak from on top of my rental garage and at the end of the video some guy with a shaved head popped in. It was me. I remember how easy it was to just do it. It just didnt look good nor was well recieved. It took no guts at all to shave it. It was actually just very depressing.
I always felt it took more guts letting my hair grow out and hoping the wind didnt pick up.


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I prefer just buzzing it short (2-3mm) as I still have high sides and some stubble/vertex on top so not totally horseshoe. I used to have my Norwood-3/4 grown out but didn't care as I was in a LTR and she didn't mind. I still got young women asking to be FWB at work and various women hitting on me. There is a guy at my work who is 5.8 pale skinny, light hair and has a Norwood 6-7 and shaves it he looks awful and has no confidence. It's all about whether you can pull being bald off, if you have height, handsome face with masculine/distinctive features/build good skin and walk with confidence dress well etc you can still attract most women.


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I prefer just buzzing it short (2-3mm) as I still have high sides and some stubble/vertex on top so not totally horseshoe. I used to have my Norwood-3/4 grown out but didn't care as I was in a LTR and she didn't mind. I still got young women asking to be FWB at work and various women hitting on me. There is a guy at my work who is 5.8 pale skinny, light hair and has a Norwood 6-7 and shaves it he looks awful and has no confidence. It's all about whether you can pull being bald off, if you have height, handsome face with masculine/distinctive features/build good skin and walk with confidence dress well etc you can still attract most women.

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I'd like to think most men just aren't naturally wired to dole out the amount of attention to their appearance as is being forced upon us like it's some kind of social norm these days. What a twisted world. I'm not in the "looking good" business, it's not nor never has been my strong suit. This new standard of male preening and grooming is really starting to annoy me; the gender lines become more blurred each passing day like being stuck in some kind of sick social experiment. It then becomes expected of you. My Time / energy is much better spent elsewhere doing other things, not spending more time in front of the mirror like some B*tch. Unfortunately getting stuck in a rut and ending up obsessing over your looks and how they may be holding you back ends up being a big problem for alot of people.

Being the only normal one with everyone around you actually being sick offers no solace. It really makes it easy to just become adapted to being a bad person. Why bother trying to prove you're a good person to every numb-skull who's fixated on the outward appearance (as is par for the course in more densely populated areas, it seems). Obviously this applies moreso to 'average folk', most of whom are pea brains these days...but that's an entire essay in and of itself.

Cities truly are sick, with the bottom rung attempting to climb their way up, by crook or by hook. Amplified by 'diversity' and 'egalitarianism' -- which is at least one source of our issues. Inner thoughts are too plentiful and disorganized at the moment.