For those who are taking Oral Minoxidil


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I'm drinking minoxidil also. I might be cautious if I'd be drinking liquid minoxidil which is NOT OTC drug or prescription (like from polaris, which is cosmetic product) drug because they are cosmetic product, not drugs so they has much lower requirements for purity etc. and are tested less often than OTC or prescribtion drugs. and I dont see reason why liquid minoxidil is destroy by gastric acid while tablet form is not, if this is the case then minoxidil tablet should be putted in special coating which prevents it being break by gastric acid, just like some drugs are made that way and minoxidil never was and it was working in tablet form anyway.
Just take it with baking soda. That will neutralise acid


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@Janey or anyone care to rehash the dosages via Kirkland or some other brand.. Assuming I went that route which I dont want to. My Derm wants my BP monitored, which seems like a good idea.
To equate topical oral to Loniten, divide by 2 and remove the decimal.
So .25ml, for instance equals 12.5 mg of Loniten. That's for five percent topical. Two percent should work just as well but you have to increase the dosage by 40 percent compared to liquid topical at five percent.
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I came across this post on a YouTube comments section regarding liquid Minoxidil:

"Not alone is it toxic but the active will be denatured in gastric acids. It's not formulated to be metabolized in the liver like oral so it won't even benefit the scalp if taken this way. Topical is metabolized by outer sheath cells in hair for activation to it's active metabolite minoxidil sulfate."

What do you think? Does sublingual administration work better?
It's worth considering but does SL pass the liver? I think SL and buccal go straight to the blood stream. I hate SL in general but some people think it "works" better for some things.


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You have to get a prescription for OM, and it's very hard to get. My friend went to a doctor and dermatologist and both wouldn't write him a prescription for OM. They told him to keep taking the topical garbage. OM is cheap but if you get it online without a prescription your gonna pay like 100 bucks plus for a 3-6 month supply. My buddy paid like 100 bucks for a 3 month supply. With that said drinking the topical is the way to go for a lot of these guys on here. It's cheaper.
You need to go to a Hair Surgeon.

Go in for a free consultation, see what they have to say (you don't even need to get a transplant but act interested). Then just ask about finasteride and oral minoxidil and they'll usually prescribe it to you right then and there.

Dermatologists don't deal with hair loss at the level of care that you need.


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How many mg (or droplets) are you on now? And the most you've ever been on?
I was at .25ml twice daily but my results have been so good that I am going to try halving the dosage, It has about a five hour half-life. Females use it at .25mg quite often but that is so small as to not be able to dose well with a liquid but some take two drops, say and twice daily.
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Where from? Are you in the US?
im in japan, but that stuff isnt from japan, the online pharmacy is a regular japanese one, what i order comes from wherever, no idea honestly... i can check next time i order, if that is important to you... finasteride was from india, that i remember... somehow it is always shipped from or via taiwan^^ thats all i know...


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@Janey or anyone care to rehash the dosages via Kirkland or some other brand.. Assuming I went that route which I dont want to. My Derm wants my BP monitored, which seems like a good idea.
Yeah. I mean that's always best but if it works for you then you could get a portable BP device if constant testing is a hassle. Just me but I probably use more than most people and I am just one data point but my BP is fine.


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Oral minoxidil users. What is the optimal dose? 2.5 mg a day, or is higher better?
You need to titrate upwards or just pick a normal male dose like 2.5mg which is a very common dosage. Most don't go pass 5mg daily. I have been at 25mg for quite a while but it does make what's left of my beard grow faster which I dislike. I have also had feet swelling so I am halving or decreasing my dosage where the sweet spot is.


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Oral minoxidil users. What is the optimal dose? 2.5 mg a day, or is higher better?

I'm on 2.5mg oral minoxidil per day. I wouldn't go past 5mg, personally.

I had slight headaches the first week. I don't feel anything anymore but I have had palpitations in the past when I first used liquid minoxidil with dermarolling so I'm sure I would get it again temporarily with a higher oral dosage.

Just wanna see how 2.5mg works first.


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Also since I am a tranny on HRT don't go by me because my HRT as Bridge said, seems to help with the rogue hair growth issue. I mean when something is working then ride it but now it seems that I mean, I can't say it but I am going to restore a full head of nice brown hair since I have no gray hair and it is much smoother and nicer to the touch and maybe Oral min doesn't help texture or shine. Nobody knows and nobody knows apparently if minoxidil makes your hair grow faster. Oral min seems to but eh who knows.

People talk about cures and palliatives but I often lack the data to give good enough advice and this goes for HRT as well. The data if it exists is usually mixed but I think HRT makes your hair grow slightly slower but anagen is maybe three times longer. That's my other pet peeve. Nobody apparently knows what affects anagen. Anagen might be the whole puzzle in itself. Increase anagen back to high school levels and by definition you have much more hair without any "regrowth" per se at all. See how imprecise our terms are. I distinguish regrowth from restoration because restoration means "teen hair" or "girl hair" while you can have regrowth and it looks crappy and the anagen barely changes. Nobody knows why or what increases anagen except for estrogen.


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@Janey or anyone care to rehash the dosages via Kirkland or some other brand.. Assuming I went that route which I dont want to. My Derm wants my BP monitored, which seems like a good idea.
chemist here: a 5% topical minoxidil solution contains 50 mg/ml minoxidil. so you should dilute it 20x to get 2,5 mg OM from a 1 ml dropper. if you happen to have a 10% solution then you should dilute it 40x obviously.


note: a topical minoxidil solution also contains other stuff, which might include (depending on the brand you're using):


Therefore, I think using minoxidil powder to make your own solution or Loniten is preferable.

michel sapin

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@bassie21 ; hey bro, do you know how to make a minoxidil without PG and alcohol? or very low content of those component?
Do you know if 1.25 mg oral minoxidil is better than massive dosage of topical? thanks