When I was living at home my mother would basically always recommend I drink milk which is vitamin d3 fortified . I was never a fan of cow milk and definitely tried to minimize it. I started balding at about age 17 around the age of when I was starting not to prefer milk.
There are some threads around about the association with heavy sweating with male pattern baldness. Here's one but there are more around:
In high school when I started balding and always outsweated my team mates like 3 to 1 that could have been the start of the deficiency. Not to mention it seemed like I had chronic fatigue syndrome too.
What are the signs of vitamin D deficiency? Vitamin D greatly influences the systems of our body from ensuring calcium supply to our bones to strengthening o...
The thing is...vitamin d3 isn't going to work for everybody about like everything else. I'm pretty sure over 50% of the US population is deficient in vitamin d and I don't even have to take a test because: I eat no fatty fish, don't drink vit d3 enriched milk and not in the sun that much.
Some videos about d3 and K2.
This guys vitamin d3 figures out after conversion to 230 ng/ml which is 2x the upper limit range. 30-100 is supposedly normal. The guys vitamin d3 is off the charts yet he doesn't suffer from hypercalcemia.
Vitamin d3 looks like it didn't work too well for Dr. Mandell:
Yet it looks like it worked for this guy that caught it early:
Worked here too:
HAIR LOSS NIGHTMARE? DISCOVER THE SECRET TO RAPID REGROWTH WITH VITAMIN DToday, we're examining clinical case studies on vitamin D supplementation for hair r...
Don't overdose or especially without K2 this may happen:
So..clearly vitamin d3 is involved with the Androgenetic Alopecia process BUT WHY doesn't it work for everybody? Aside from the always correct genetics answer could it be the capillaries were already too calcified to benefit them?