forum members (ex)


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didnt want to hijack Ali`s farwell thread so im posting this here.

s.a.f said:
All the 'big names' that have come and gone Jayman, Hairwegoagain, GHG, Doctor house has left and Bald Dave. Ucman and Hatprisoner dont come on here anymore neither does CCS. :thumbdown2:
Things aint what they used to be. :(

never got what was the big deal with J-man? Doctor House is negotiating the deal for the movie. IMO what really dried up this place in terms of the regulars and the quality of the discussions, was the religion ban and a bunch of forum member bans... what the Admin called a "clean sweep" or something like that if memory serves....

Just to name a few who made this place what it was... Starseed, Lucky UK, Libertine- Hans Gruber ..etc.... a diverse group. discussions on politics, music, religion, sandwiches, gadgets, puppies... you name it.
Now what seems to be popular are threads on "sl*ts", more sl*ts, rate random pictures of people and things...???...... :whistle:

IMO the mods do a great job. Guys like Old Baldy, Harold, Dave 001, docj007, Michael Barry, etc who are knowledgeable on the science of hair, topicals and experimentals rarely post anymore....


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This forum goes in steady consistant cycles and the mix of people is nothing short of amazing. It's very odd and the ultimate goal is to leave the place and put this crap behind you. This is the first forum I ever joined and will likely be the last I ever pay attention to.


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And the bans were unfortunate but you guys weren't seeing the tidal wave of complaints we got. I was averaging 3 pms a day for a year of people complaining and forwarding me pms from other users. People were saying some nasty stuff to each other. But before you know it things will be like that here again. It's happened several times since I joined. This place is far too diverse for change & cycles not to happen.


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I love a good cycle..................................... :whistle:

The Gardener

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Man, there have been some CLASSIC threads in this forum back in the day. Remember Gunner and TynanW's epic feuds? And then, the various trolls... the "grunge" people, etc. And then there have been a few people here who had notoriously short fuses before going into full meltdown mode, and the funniest thing is that these oversensitive folks who melted down were always the ones who presented themselves as "internet tough guys" at first.

My god, after perusing this forum over the years, I have learned that the internet can seriously warp people's personalities.


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The Gardener said:
Man, there have been some CLASSIC threads in this forum back in the day. Remember Gunner and TynanW's epic feuds? And then, the various trolls... the "grunge" people, etc. And then there have been a few people here who had notoriously short fuses before going into full meltdown mode, and the funniest thing is that these oversensitive folks who melted down were always the ones who presented themselves as "internet tough guys" at first.

My god, after perusing this forum over the years, I have learned that the internet can seriously warp people's personalities.

good times...hah

there has been some epic meltdowns for sure.


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Who here remembers that guy helpme007?

The guy must have been bipolar, his mood swings were pretty epic


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Don't worry!

More wild rides on their way............................................. :whistle:


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What happend to Hatprisoner? UncomfortableMan? GhG ? Iwantperfection? and teH CCS?? all these guys havent been posting for a while now :S


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All I remember of CCS was people taking the piss out on him.

He was never really obnoxious, he just had louder, dare I say, crazier opinions than most people here. :hairy:


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People were taking the piss out of CCS since day 1 but it never seemed to bother him, is it just me or did he seem to get crazier towards the end? Eventually he stopped posting about hair then looks and women and by the end he was just talking about law and politics.
In his day he was the most entertaining poster this forum has ever seen.
I suspect wherever he is he's still up to something odd probably on a different forum freaking everyone on it out.

GHG had problems with BDD his hair was ok he seemed to have a short fuse and would get upset when anyone disagreed with him.

Hatprisoner and Ucman really had trouble dealing with their baldness (like dudemon) they just left quite abruptly with no explanation. I hope their doing well and have somehow come to terms with it.
Maybe we'll hear from them again one day?


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Bismarck..................................................... :whistle:


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I remember bismarck, Tony Montana, (brasilairo) Traxdata, Tynan, Gunner, Aplunk...They could all come back, Hopewas returned after a long absence. Axon who used to be a mod, memory lane.....


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Is there anyone in particular you moderators remember best? someone who gave you guys a lot of problems ? (other then myself ;D jk ofc)

The Gardener

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Smooth said:
Is there anyone in particular you moderators remember best? someone who gave you guys a lot of problems ? (other then myself ;D jk ofc)
oh yeah...

We've had some pretty stubborn trolls on here before, people who are peddling products but do so in an indirect way by pretending to "recommend" them as an impartial contributor here... the Demodex guy, the Arr Kay Nineteen guy (what a nightmare)...

Then we've had some folks with some seriously internet-warped personalities... HairCoverage comes to mind. Every time he got into a political disagreement he would slide into total rage, resulting in him spamming the board with personal attacks threads with titles in ALL CAPS. In retrospect it was some really funny sh*t.

TynanW was a handful... I remember getting into contests with him where he was trying to post personal attack threads against his various prey on this forum, while I was rasing against him trying to delete them as fast as he could post them. LOL... that was hilarious. TynanW HATED to be moded, and he could be a really stubborn old coot.

Can't forget about JayMan... the once "shining light" of the forum who slid into the dark side....

LOL... I remember when the entire site got hacked and hijacked... something to do with Gunner and Traxdata, if I recall? The entire site was, for a time, totally controlled by a hacker. I'm not sure to this day who it was, but I have my suspicions.

There's been all kinds of stuff that has gone down here... wow.


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How could we forget Taug??? :sobbing: :sobbing:

And Hairwegoagain with his photoshopped CCS pics.


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The good times....................................... :uglylol: