Found something that actually works


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I envy you man. I was norwood 7 ajd with dutasteride and minoxidil i managed to get my hair to norwood 5. But I'm still too far gone for any real surgical results.

Dating life as a baldcel is nonexistent. I never had a date in my life since I started balding in high school. When you bald in high school you know the true nature of women and how f*****g inhuman they really are.

I wish women could look past balding, but they really aren't capable of that. Now I'm stuck looking subhuman for the rest of my f*****g life. Balding IS a life threatening condition because it RUINS the QUALITY OF LIFE.
I couldn't agree more. This is why I still take finasteride despite it giving permanent side effects.


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Holy sh*t @DoctorHouse, is this Dante? We used to have a member with the same mindset. I am sorry you feel this way. I'm 42 and I've lost most trust in women myself. In all reality though, I have seen quite a few decent, good women end up happy with bald unattractive men, actually the only ones I know that are ACTUALLY happy, which are a very very few, are with very unattractive men. Finding a woman will be infinitely harder for you, mostly because of your mindset, but once you do, you have already narrowed it down to one that is not as consumed with vanity or appearance (if you're really as ugly as you say you are). Do you think ANY of these couples are actually happy? Do you know how almost impossible it is to be in a relationship and make it "work". What else do you have going for you? Are you educated? Athletic? Talented? Cool hobbies? You already seem like you're kinda funny. Long story short - it sounds lame but you can either do the best with what you have everyday, or deteriorate into a pit. The middle ground is turning into a lifeless drone. It's hard AF. But you're a f*****g man. Unless you're on estrogen, then you're a c u n t.
I have money, I have hobbies, I have everything except the looks. But the f*****g harsh reality is that the FIRST hurdle a man has to get over when it comes to getting women is passing the LOOKS THRESHOLD. If you fail this then NOTHING you do will help. I'm only 5'9 and I'm bald. So immediately that eliminates 99% of women since 90% of women don't want a guy who is bald and 90% of women will not date 5'9 or shorter.

It also doesn't help that I have a terrible head shape for bald and a lot of women say that to pull off bald you need the right shaped head (as if this is something you can fix).

Women are by nature narcissistic and will never date a guy like me because it hurts their status with other women.


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I have money, I have hobbies, I have everything except the looks. But the f*****g harsh reality is that the FIRST hurdle a man has to get over when it comes to getting women is passing the LOOKS THRESHOLD. If you fail this then NOTHING you do will help. I'm only 5'9 and I'm bald. So immediately that eliminates 99% of women since 90% of women don't want a guy who is bald and 90% of women will not date 5'9 or shorter.

It also doesn't help that I have a terrible head shape for bald and a lot of women say that to pull off bald you need the right shaped head (as if this is something you can fix).

Women are by nature narcissistic and will never date a guy like me because it hurts their status with other women.
i f*****g can't stand you dude. why do you even want dating and sex? i used to be kinda like you (BRIEFLY and not as bad) but castration saved me from this mindset. how much time in a day do you spend thinking about girls you can't f***? get over it, it's not even good. you could have hair again with estrogen but you want to have your cake and to eat it too. you are never getting laid.


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it is over for nw7 probably doesn't realize that he smells like rotting testosterone and looks like your hands would get oily if you touched him

"why don't the gigabaddies f*** with a bald fella like me? :("


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I have money, I have hobbies, I have everything except the looks. But the f*****g harsh reality is that the FIRST hurdle a man has to get over when it comes to getting women is passing the LOOKS THRESHOLD. If you fail this then NOTHING you do will help. I'm only 5'9 and I'm bald. So immediately that eliminates 99% of women since 90% of women don't want a guy who is bald and 90% of women will not date 5'9 or shorter.

It also doesn't help that I have a terrible head shape for bald and a lot of women say that to pull off bald you need the right shaped head (as if this is something you can fix).

Women are by nature narcissistic and will never date a guy like me because it hurts their status with other women.
Confidence, gym gains, beard, tattoos, motorcycle, philanthropy.. lol jk dude. When you get older, women care less because they have less options. Date 10 years older. Have you considered working at just being happy alone and getting a top of the line sex doll? lol. Seriously though my man, in my 20's and half way through my 30's I dated a ton of the hottest women you could imagine. After sex, it's never good. The best women I've dated were actually after I shaved my head. And no I did not look good. I'm 5'8" but yes, success (not just money, but being success), HUMOR, charm, talent etc make even the ugliest dudes a 100 times more attractive to the GOOD women. Are they still shallow? Of course, everyone is. But as much as you want to dwell on this idea that no woman will ever want you because you're hideous it's just not true. Does it drastically limit your options, yes... but that's not always a bad thing