Confidence, gym gains, beard, tattoos, motorcycle, philanthropy.. lol jk dude. When you get older, women care less because they have less options. Date 10 years older. Have you considered working at just being happy alone and getting a top of the line sex doll? lol. Seriously though my man, in my 20's and half way through my 30's I dated a ton of the hottest women you could imagine. After sex, it's never good. The best women I've dated were actually after I shaved my head. And no I did not look good. I'm 5'8" but yes, success (not just money, but being success), HUMOR, charm, talent etc make even the ugliest dudes a 100 times more attractive to the GOOD women. Are they still shallow? Of course, everyone is. But as much as you want to dwell on this idea that no woman will ever want you because you're hideous it's just not true. Does it drastically limit your options, yes... but that's not always a bad thing