Found something that actually works


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For me.. the traditional treatments are sorely lacking… Transplants work to a certain extent .. but even transplants will thin & no longer grow.. so to find the actual reason for healthy hair is of paramount interest..
At this point… I no longer believe much in traditional ways to solve the problem.. I am more convinced—that healthy blood flow to the scalp with a healthy blood flow pressure throughout the scalp is a better field of endeavor..
I came across a rather novel hypothesis lately.. The blood to the scalp is supplied by the superficial facial arteries. Which are fed by the carotid arteries running on opposite sides of your neck. Now if the blood flow or more precisely blood flow pressure is restricted by inflammation. bad posture, or simply bad habits we are unaware of.. that blood flow can be restricted 75%.
This hypothesis is something I hadn’t heard before this directly.. Lately I have experimenting with the massage scalp, lessen fibrosis/inflammation, dilate arteries regimen for healthier hair..
I could expound, but suffice to say possibly hairloss may just be a “ pinching” if I can use the term of the arteties & their branches, of the blood flow. An interesting thing is.. (and I haven’t tried this or research it much) is using dopler blood flow device.. like blood pressure or oxygen meter.. a probe can be placed on different places on scalp & measure the arterial blood flow pressure.. If for example a healthy male with full head of hair is measuring an 80 all over scalp & a young male balding is measuring a 20 or 25 or 30… we can see the problem.. Then next question is WHY? And there are some possibilities..


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The cause & effect mainly runs the other way.

First the hair follicles shut down from baldness. Then afterwards the skin gets thinner with reduced blood flow because it's not needed.

Transplants work because the process can run the other way. If you implant working follicles into balded skin, that skin will revert to its old hair-bearing condition and regain the blood flow.

Yeah, I know about transplants bring prone to some thinning over time. But if balded skin was not capable of reverting to hair-bearing condition in the broad sense, then transplants would never grow well even in the first few years.


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It’s all very fascinating & interesting…
The counter argument to hair transplants is the follicles are removed from 100% bloodflow areas.. into areas of declining bloodflow.. So these transplanted hairs are pristine and undamaged.. When they are transplanted they will now be affected but they have decades head start to the surrounding hairs in degradation comparisons.. The thinning of the scalp skin can occur in balding men as part of the degradation process..
So I think the DHT model is incomplete..
The skull expansion theory is not completely dismissed in my mind because the human bones & the skull is regenerating itself all the time. There is a related theory I have heard that many problems are caused by osteoporosis of the skull & this condition of improper skull formation gradually “pinched” vagus nerve & perhaps arteries & decreased blood flow pressures causing a whole cascade of problems like tinnitus & frequent urination.
There are theories on your dental bite
which is classified in 3 classes.
Overbite, normal, underbite.
with underbite—amazingly causing best bloodflow pressure to scalp & least balding.. So this is all very interesting..


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It’s all very fascinating & interesting…
The counter argument to hair transplants is the follicles are removed from 100% bloodflow areas.. into areas of declining bloodflow.. So these transplanted hairs are pristine and undamaged.. When they are transplanted they will now be affected but they have decades head start to the surrounding hairs in degradation comparisons.. The thinning of the scalp skin can occur in balding men as part of the degradation process..
So I think the DHT model is incomplete..
The skull expansion theory is not completely dismissed in my mind because the human bones & the skull is regenerating itself all the time. There is a related theory I have heard that many problems are caused by osteoporosis of the skull & this condition of improper skull formation gradually “pinched” vagus nerve & perhaps arteries & decreased blood flow pressures causing a whole cascade of problems like tinnitus & frequent urination.
There are theories on your dental bite
which is classified in 3 classes.
Overbite, normal, underbite.
with underbite—amazingly causing best bloodflow pressure to scalp & least balding.. So this is all very interesting..
With regards to you theory around the superficial facial arteries and muscle tightness, dental bite etc also remember to massage the jaw muscles and do jaw releasing/relaxing exercises.

With regards to posture, also work on pelvic floor muscle exercises as it's a direct extension of the core muscles and issues with pelvic floor can have a knock on effect upwards through the muscles of the lower and upper back,neck,jaw and of course galea. (Google posterior chain)