Found something that actually works


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A friend referred me to it, it's a new formulation which I have been trying and it definitely grows hair (at least for myself and my friend). I'm a newby, not sure if I am allowed to post info about it here? It's a topical, takes a few seconds to apply. Blows Rogaine out of the water.


My Regimen
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A friend referred me to it, it's a new formulation which I have been trying and it definitely grows hair (at least for myself and my friend). I'm a newby, not sure if I am allowed to post info about it here? It's a topical, takes a few seconds to apply. Blows Rogaine out of the water.
No, you're not allowed to spam these forums with snake oil and pretend like you aren't being paid to advertise it here.

"Blows Rogaine out of the water" definitely not the sentence of someone who works in marketing, just a regular Joe that coincidentally found something that outperformed everything on the market in the last 30 years.

Take some advice, your target audience needs to be oblivious to the reality of hairloss treatment. find adspace on something trashy like The Sun, the audience there is much more gullible than people who've browsed hairloss treatments for years. Market your snake oil there and I'm betting you'd find a lot more suckers than here. We've already seen your tactics before so it's not gonna catch our interest, you see


My Regimen
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No, you're not allowed to spam these forums with snake oil and pretend like you aren't being paid to advertise it here.

"Blows Rogaine out of the water" definitely not the sentence of someone who works in marketing, just a regular Joe that coincidentally found something that outperformed everything on the market in the last 30 years.

Take some advice, your target audience needs to be oblivious to the reality of hairloss treatment. find adspace on something trashy like The Sun, the audience there is much more gullible than people who've browsed hairloss treatments for years. Market your snake oil there and I'm betting you'd find a lot more suckers than here. We've already seen your tactics before so it's not gonna catch our interest, you see
If it blows rogaine out of the water then we should all have 2 questions; why might the OP be storing their rogain in water, and if it blows anything anywhere then it may have explosive compounds which shouldn't be put on delicate miniaturising hair follicles. Best be safe and not use it!


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Yes, I am new here and not familiar with the rules. Sorry, I was just trying to help. And no this isn't a snake oil formulation, it's a drug combo and is in clinical trials and available through doctors and works very well. But whatever.

Ralph Wiggum

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Look, I totally get it. Sometimes there are extremely effective hair loss medications that are still in clinical trials, but that are already being prescribed by doctors, and we can't expect the people who obsess over this sort of thing to be aware of it - that's why they need you! Unfortunately you're too new here and can't mention the name, but maybe I can send you money for some?


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Established Member
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A friend referred me to it, it's a new formulation which I have been trying and it definitely grows hair (at least for myself and my friend). I'm a newby, not sure if I am allowed to post info about it here? It's a topical, takes a few seconds to apply. Blows Rogaine out of the water.
lol f*** you