Found The Patent Recipes For The Original And Modified Brotzu Lotions


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I am no a bio chemist so unfortunately I can’t answer your questions about vehicle even if I thought I knew, but we haven’t seen or heard anything from Brotzu/Fidia for some time now and question whether it would work at all. Indeed, others have attempted to recreate with no results, but this is only a rough recipe. The real thing is obviously far more detailed.

Hopefully one of the more scientifically knowledgeable members can chime in to answer some of your questions here
u think we gonna make it ?


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lol show me the announcent and the he proof that it works for Androgenetic Alopecia and I’ll believe it
Don't give up! Soon we will know more. Let's wait the middle of April. Brotzu is the closest and probably the cheapest thing that we can have in near future.

I can understand you, I'm also young. Just want this lotion to be working, some users say that there is a solid science behind the lotion, it gives me additional hope.


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Hey bud, just F.Y.I. according to Brotzu himself, PGE1 oxidizes very easily and is therefore hard to deliver it within a topical; Brotzu first attempted to use PGE1 directly:

The following is written in his second patent:
"Encapsulation in liposomes is not able to increase the very poor stability of PGE1, though; the findings of WO2013171668 in fact, must be freeze-dried or, if in suspension, stored at low temperature (about -20°C) up to the time of use, if one intends to prevent the almost complete oxidation of PGE1. This obviously represents a complication not only on the industrial production level, but mainly on the product safety level. To act against the oxidative process, in fact, the trend is to resort to PGE1 doses that might be dangerous for the body, considered the repeated employment of these products, which must be administered over very long periods."

He claims to have switched to DGLA because 1) it is a precursor to PGE1; that is, your body can use it to produce PGE1 within your cells, 2) it does not easily oxidize and 3) unlike PGE1, it is not considered a drug and thus does not require clinical trials.

So I do think if you try to use PGE1, it won't work.

I posted earlier that liposomes can deliver drugs straight to the follicle; this improves drug delivery and so you can use less to get a greater effect. This is partially discussed in the patent. Large oral (i.e. systemic) doses of equol do little.

I cannot tell you why the doctor claims that s-equol only works in conjunction with DGLA. Or why this detail had to be amended on the patent. Or how, having started the work by investigating PGE1, he would have seen results without using s-equol or why he would ever think to use a plant phytoestrogen to begin with. I am equally befuddled, but that's what the man claims.

Awesome info - thanks! Is a little befuddling!

Need to look into PGE1 instability more - seems a bit of a blocker.

I have ordered the powdered form so would be interesting to understand if mixing up immediately before application may reduce the level of oxidation, but would need to ensure the power is ideally broken down in daily amounts and frozen to avoid constantly opening up the package and exposing all powder to oxidation. Need to some research

Any understanding of DGLA's level of stability?

Also, any option for easy way to make something that would be similar to a liposome vehicle?


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Someone posted recently in the brotzu thread some results from someone who apparently managed to emulate the lotion and get legit results, if its true and this guy can do it then surely we can also

Heres the link :
You speak Italian?
I can’t understand a f*****g word of what’s written but those results are neck level.


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You speak Italian?
I can’t understand a f*****g word of what’s written but those results are neck level.

Use chrome @Georgie and it'll translate for you. Think he was using DGLA and equol according to the comments..


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Yes definitely! As you saw from the post above, liposomal delivery improves absorption and may even deposit selectively within the hair follicle.

But my experience as a researcher tells me that you want to have some characterization tools before you play around, because most of the time, things go wrong for unforseen reasons and force you to troubleshoot; rarely does the thing work the first time. If you could measure the liposome size, it would be so helpful. Otherwise you're totally in the blind - maybe you made it right or maybe you didn't, or maybe it was perfect but degraded after 24 hours, etc.

Getting liposome size and measuring its composition may be annoying.

Do you think the use of Liposomes could actually dramatically increase the effectiveness of RU, Sets.. etc ?

Im guessing theres no way to just buy pre-made liposomes and mix it all together ?


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I remember losing 80$ to that scamming Italian dude that said he can get a lab to make the brotzu lotion. What a load of bs that guy was. Let's hope we get some good news on the April conference.


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I remember losing 80$ to that scamming Italian dude that said he can get a lab to make the brotzu lotion. What a load of bs that guy was. Let's hope we get some good news on the April conference.
Oh for real? What a piece of sh*t. Probably minoxidil results then.


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I remember losing 80$ to that scamming Italian dude that said he can get a lab to make the brotzu lotion. What a load of bs that guy was. Let's hope we get some good news on the April conference.

The actual guy in the pics ?


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I remember losing 80$ to that scamming Italian dude that said he can get a lab to make the brotzu lotion. What a load of bs that guy was. Let's hope we get some good news on the April conference.

That rat who scammed everyone its not the same as the guy with the pics right?


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No its not the same guy, sorry for not clarifying it. It was that one dude with the blog, I forgot what he goes by, but I'm pretty sure a lot of ppl here got scammed too. He made prolly over 25k.