fred's Story


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UK78 said:
Hi there, it's great to read your updates, I'm in a similar situation to you so was dissapointed to read that you are in a worse situation 2 years down the line although I suppose it could've been a lot worse had you not started treatment, I have heard that Fins effects can begin to wear off around 5+ years but not 2.
Thanks, as far as I am concerned, Proscar has actually slowed my hairloss down which is in itself great. I feel that I am worse than when I started treatment, but not that much considering it's 2 full years later, but this is the feeling I got right now; things are unpredictable and I may be on a bad hair(week) day.


Established Member
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Fred, it sounds like you were on and off finasteride quite a bit, do you think your breaks from it might have had a negative effect?


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Stu85 said:
Fred, it sounds like you were on and off finasteride quite a bit, do you think your breaks from it might have had a negative effect?
To be fair, everytime I missed one day (when I forgot or when I ran out of finasteride), I felt it, but I wonder if it was plain psychological or real. A shed, itchy scalp, or dizziness... I am not sure if it had any impact on the long term; if that is the case, then it's very unforgiving.
Now I am off finasteride for a few days, to see what happens. I wonder if anyone had irreversible effects for doing so...