friends with hairloss and how well they are doing


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You will have just endure like me,and somehow accept(like me)that as a bald man society doesn't really like us,and we look abnormal.


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but i wont accept that, i want to normal, and have a full head of hair, and look like a regular person and be socially accepted into society.


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this is totally homosexual behavior again but here is a picture of her at his wedding at 25.

tbh as i said im not vain (she looks alright), but its the money that bothered me, im not buying a GF for £20,000 a year.

she doesnt work day in her life, he does all the work, he buys her car and looks after everything (this includes bearing a child not his own)

my mum had a brother like me , 5 5 and bald, he had a unnattractive wife and looked after 2 kids not his own, maybe he had to pay his way into her massively as well.

and yes ALL WOMEN are attracted to money, its universal, money/power almost always turns them on.


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I also want too have hair and look "normal",but I cant.Keeping up this pretence,in the long term will destroy you.


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HairPieceMan said:
you mean the effort of me glueing fake hair to my head costing £500 a year, or the effort of my brother writing out a £20,000 check to his wife each year for putting out, and always wondering what would it be like to lay more than 5 girls in his entire lifetime?

which is worse?

ok now i know not every balding guy is like this, or like us, weak in the mind or what have you.

but to come on the forum and CLAIM that we dont need hair esp. to me and saf and laughable because we are all fixing hairloss here, most people here are pro hairloss fix, what about dudemon as well, life f***ed over as well.

Your brother sounds like he has been seriously pussy whipped. If he had a pair of balls, he would lead the b**ch.
And you know what, she would fall into place, because she knows she is with a confident man with balls, unless she is a total b**ch. Right now, she can sense his neediness, and is basically using that against him.

Which raises the point, why the f*** did he marry her in the first place?

Quality not quantity mate. So what if he had laid < 5, if out of the 5 , the 1 girl is amazing, that's all you need.

And nobody is saying it doesn't hurt your changes, I can imagine it does, but you have to change your perspective on things:

1) Don't go try and pull girls in clubs if you look like sh*t with it.

It's that simple.

You are asking to be rejected, and if not, YOU JUST know its going to be hard.

Rather, concentrate on meeting girls through friends - this is how every single person I know; balding or not has met their partners. That way you can use your personality, and charm.

If SAF can get a date, with a dodgy hair-transplant, why can't you? SAF is doing better then me, and I probably have rockstar hair in comparison to him.


I am probably taller then him as well, and definently younger. It's much more then about looks.


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he can't do anything, he retardedly got married so if they break up with a divorce she gets half his money(which is a lot)

i have no clue why he got married, there was no reason to, maybe its just a form of writing out yet another cheque for her.


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Scared of being left on the shelf,companionship,friendship,love,loneliness,sex etc.A number of possible reasons why he got married.


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yeah but there is no reason to solidify the deal with more money, did he think she was going to leave him.

I dunno, either way not the life i want to lead, i want to lead a more normal life.


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To try and set the record straight here I'm not judging you for going the wig route if that makes you feel better I'm just trying to drive home the fact that if you have no confidence or game without the wig and lifts. You wont suddenly turn into a bird puller just by sticking those things on.
Maybe the hair transplant's helped me out abit but I dont believe that the difference between me now and 10 yrs ago is purely down to now having a little bit of hair.
When it comes to getting a woman its definatley not all about having hair or not or being tall or not.
From your posts its obvious that you see fault with many areas of your appearance and even with the fakery attached ie wearing a wig and slipping on the lifts you still have major insecurities about these 2 things. It seems to me like you have a case of OCD.

And Women pick up on things like confidence more than wether a guy is 5'7" or 5'9" or more than wether he's a NW1 or NW2.

Most guys are not looking at themselves so criticly I know fat guys who dont really care about how it looks to women or guys with big noses ect who dont obsess on it and still have the confidence to try their luck with any girl.


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with all due respect saf, Bullshit.

hair makes a little difference if your black.

if your white however, its REALLY important, you are not even recognisable with no hair vs full head of hair.

i think you need to view those mockup pics of robert patterson and brad pitt bald.

Maybe the hair transplant's helped me out abit but I dont believe that the difference between me now and 10 yrs ago is purely down to now having a little bit of hair.

got you still ignored women, and if you truly believe that shave away your transplanted hair for 1 year and go lead a full social life with baldness, you will begin to see the whole world crashing around you (women leaving you etc.)

When it comes to getting a woman its definatley not all about having hair or not or being tall or not.

no it not ALL about having hair, but if you were to be missing your hair, say next year, i will bet you girls wont like you...even ones you have been with in the past, they will claim they didnt care but just wait and you will see them start to go away from you.


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s.a.f said:
From your posts its obvious that you see fault with many areas of your appearance and even with the fakery attached ie wearing a wig and slipping on the lifts you still have major insecurities about these 2 things. It seems to me like you have a case of OCD.

i dont have MANY insecurities, unlike CCS fact is im NW6 and 5 5 i just want to be NW1 and 5 8, that's all, its not that big a deal, i kinda stick out like a sore thumb in any social setting i will always be "the short, young 20 something bald guy" in the room, and 99% of the male population will be either 1) taller than me or 2) have much more hair.

its a pretty common seperator

also you have to take into account other social situations, what about if an x gf sees me bald, then what, i genuinly DO look 10x worse and much older bald, you really think it doesnt matter if i have a full head of hair.

you keep going on about how it doesnt matter that much, but if i saw my x gf overwieght id cross her off the list just as much as she would if i was balding massively, its the same thing regardless of my confidence/attitude.

but she was into me 90% becuase of my money so hypothetically she might not care, but meh why risk it.


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ok, take this situation.

this is a CCS love calculation post

say at 18 i was a 6, i dated a girl who was a 9, i raised myself to a 9 because of my money. (this is a real situation btw)

then something "happened" to me, that brought me down to a 3. (pre mature baldness.

could i really get my 9 x-gf back?

listen it just isnt going to happen

now upon the CCS calculation, i COULD increase my c*** size to put my level up, but i don't see how my x-gf will see my new c*** size to make up for my baldness without having x-ray vision.

remember the CCS calculation.

love = c*** size x money / attractiveness - hairloss


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