Frontal Balding


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Was just wondering what the forum people thought. Success? The four month pics are without nizoral and min.(just finasteride) Didn't see much change. The five and six month pics are after adding min and nizoral to my regime. Currently on finasteride for 6 months and min and nizoral for 2. Would appreciate your feed back. Thanks! (sorry if pics are out of order. just got a new mac and have no clue what i'm doing!)

[attachment=3:3u1wl5wl]4 months just finasteride.jpeg[/attachment:3u1wl5wl]


  • 4 months just finasteride.jpeg
    4 months just finasteride.jpeg
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    4 months just finasteride 2 .jpeg
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  • 5 months.jpeg
    5 months.jpeg
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  • 6 months.jpeg
    6 months.jpeg
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Thanks for the support. Has anyone on here had experience battling this type of frontal hairloss? Seems most guys are dealing with diffused or crowning.


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Actually just recently Ive been experiencing some heart palpitations which is the sensation of a fast paced heartbeat. I read that it's a rare side effect to min. Not sure what I'm gonna do about it. prob talk to my Doctor.


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I appreciate your input. I'm not sure what to do. I feel finasteride has been working so well. Don't want to get off. I have had heart palpitations in the past before finasteride. Have you had a chance to speak to a dr about this?


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Consider other things before finasteride.

Do you drink a lot of soda? Red bull? Coffee? I remember having a heavy heart beat once from having lots of salad dressing on a salad that had fructose syrup in it.


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Thanks for the post. I do drink coffee and soda. I am going to pay attention and monitor these heart palpitations before I freak out and stop finasteride and min. Fast heart beat is something ive dealt with long before finasteride. Got checked out by my Doctor a few years ago and he said I was fine. If it gets worse I will go see him again. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks so much for the input.


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I've overdosed on coffee once and had a bad night in a hotel room wanting the world to end. Had heart beating all weird, paranoia, bladder went strange, felt scared etc.

Cutting out soda will do you wonders anyway.


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back to the topic at hand I'm surprised your hair can be that long/thick after just 2 months of minoxidil. Is the photo misleading? Do you have shorter hairs coming in in front?


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willem07 said:
back to the topic at hand I'm surprised your hair can be that long/thick after just 2 months of minoxidil. Is the photo misleading? Do you have shorter hairs coming in in front?

Thanks for asking. My hair is actually not that much longer in the 6 month pic. Maybe a little. Had probably two haircuts in between these pictures.The hair on my head has just gotten much thicker. If you notice in the 4 month pics the hair is swooped to the side. It used to do that naturally because it was so thin and weak. All the the hair along my hairline (including the little baby hairs that were ready to fall out) have thickened up and lay flat.

I am starting to sprout new dark hairs in my temples and the hair remaining continues to get thicker.


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can you get a bigger current picture for us?

also, how old are you? and did you shed at all?


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blink said:
can you get a bigger current picture for us?

also, how old are you? and did you shed at all?

Thanks so much for commenting. I will make sure my next pics are bigger. I am 28 and so far no shed.


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hi ohioguy...looks great.. i am in the same situation.....any sides? I am thinking of starting finasteride as well..currently taking min for 2 significant changes at all....


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finfighter said:
OhioGuy said:
Actually just recently Ive been experiencing some heart palpitations which is the sensation of a fast paced heartbeat. I read that it's a rare side effect to min. Not sure what I'm gonna do about it. prob talk to my Doctor.

Be careful, rapid heart beat (Tachycardia) is not a hallmark of Minoxidil.....

It says right on the packaging that rapid heartbeat is a possible side effect of topical minoxidil. I've experienced it whenever I used too much.


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n0rc said:
hi ohioguy...looks great.. i am in the same situation.....any sides? I am thinking of starting finasteride as well..currently taking min for 2 significant changes at all....

Only side I have experienced is a sensation of an abnormal heartbeat. I believe it was from using too much min. Doing some experimenting now. I have temporarily dropped my min and lowered my dose of finasteride. So far it has been fine. I have felt maybe a little tightness in my chest but it could be in my head. Nothing like before. Thanks for commenting.


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beaner said:
finfighter said:
OhioGuy said:
Actually just recently Ive been experiencing some heart palpitations which is the sensation of a fast paced heartbeat. I read that it's a rare side effect to min. Not sure what I'm gonna do about it. prob talk to my Doctor.

Be careful, rapid heart beat (Tachycardia) is not a hallmark of Minoxidil.....

It says right on the packaging that rapid heartbeat is a possible side effect of topical minoxidil. I've experienced it whenever I used too much.

Good to know. Thanks.