Frontal Balding


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Just to update. Since dropping min and lowering dose of finasteride I havent gained or lost any ground. Hair is still not coming out in the shower or on my pillow which is great. However my hair looks and feels thinner. Not as thick as it is in my posted picture. Going to give it another week or so then go back to normal dose of finasteride to see what happens.


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OhioGuy said:
Just to update. Since dropping min and lowering dose of finasteride I havent gained or lost any ground. Hair is still not coming out in the shower or on my pillow which is great. However my hair looks and feels thinner. Not as thick as it is in my posted picture. Going to give it another week or so then go back to normal dose of finasteride to see what happens.

my friend, do not drop either one of the big 2 from your regimen. you will lose whatever you gained. thats the downside of those treatments (which personally, with your results, i could live with VERY well). you depend on it for life, until something like hair multiplication comes out. your results are fantastic. dont jeopardize them, would be my humbe advice. good luck!


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pawelg said:
OhioGuy said:
Just to update. Since dropping min and lowering dose of finasteride I havent gained or lost any ground. Hair is still not coming out in the shower or on my pillow which is great. However my hair looks and feels thinner. Not as thick as it is in my posted picture. Going to give it another week or so then go back to normal dose of finasteride to see what happens.

my friend, do not drop either one of the big 2 from your regimen. you will lose whatever you gained. thats the downside of those treatments (which personally, with your results, i could live with VERY well). you depend on it for life, until something like hair multiplication comes out. your results are fantastic. dont jeopardize them, would be my humbe advice. good luck!

Thanks for the advice. Had to drop min to figure out what was going on with my heart palpitations. Still need more time to figure out what was going on. I'm hoping eventually I can go back to min with no problems. I'm doing much better and hair is hanging in there.


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which min do you use?
i used the kirkland with the same problem...then switched to genhair no ppg minoxi...and the side effect gone....i think the low amount of alc and no ppg didnt let the the minoxi to go too deep like in the kirkland minoxi and that why that should try it!


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moshe123 said:
which min do you use?
i used the kirkland with the same problem...then switched to genhair no ppg minoxi...and the side effect gone....i think the low amount of alc and no ppg didnt let the the minoxi to go too deep like in the kirkland minoxi and that why that should try it!

been using kirkland. I appreciate the advice. I'll look into switching. The problem is I can by the kirkland brand at my grocery store down the street. Not sure where to buy genhair.


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ohio guy, can you give me some more info. how old were u when u started thinning and how old were u when u started treatment. and how long have u been on treatment? how is your heart?


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guy83 said:
ohio guy, can you give me some more info. how old were u when u started thinning and how old were u when u started treatment. and how long have u been on treatment? how is your heart?

Sorry to respond so late. I was 18 when I started to thin at the temples and 27 when I started treatment. I have been on the treatment for just about 15 months. My heart palpitations still come every now and then at night when I'm laying on the couch. I've noticed it happens when I'm stressed or if I've drank a lot of caffeine that day. I spoke with my doctor about it and he's doesn't seem too concerned. He says its quite common and to let him know if it progresses.


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have u tried to quite caffeine or at least reduce your intake?

no worries, batter late than sorry. just kiddin


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Ohio guy: I have the same hair loss pattern as you, only in the front. I've been on finasteride for 3 months, thinking of adding nizoral (and maybe min after). Do you think most of your hair regrowth and/or hair maintenance was from finasteride, min, (or even nizoral?) thanks!


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rtc84 said:
Ohio guy: I have the same hair loss pattern as you, only in the front. I've been on finasteride for 3 months, thinking of adding nizoral (and maybe min after). Do you think most of your hair regrowth and/or hair maintenance was from finasteride, min, (or even nizoral?) thanks!

I would say most of my success has come from finasteride. I would recommend nizoral for sure. I really started to notice a change when I incorporated nizoral into my regime. It completely improves the appearance and thickness of your hair. Good luck!