FUE all hair left + SMP sides&back


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Is it possible to FUE _ALL_ hair from DHT-free area + possibly thick neckbeard to the top of the head, and then SMP the sides and back of the head? I think SMP looks decent but so unnatural as a hairline, I assume it looks better on sides&back?

I know many people hate that chav hairstyle but I am just curious if this even works without getting scars etc. Has anyone tried this?


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You do realize fue is not "scarless" as many clinics lead you to believe right? There would be small dots all over ur head and neck and it would likely look horrendous. What do u do when your hair starts to get white yet u have black dots all over ur horseshoe?


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You do realize fue is not "scarless" as many clinics lead you to believe right? There would be small dots all over ur head and neck and it would likely look horrendous. What do u do when your hair starts to get white yet u have black dots all over ur horseshoe?

FUE is not scarless, but if you can see 0.8 mm scars from a social distance (and talking to someone's back), congratulations! You have 200/20 vision.
Didn't know that, thanks! I've read some about Pilofocus which is supposed to have zero visible scars. Is there some hope about it being used within next 5 years you think?

And take scars and white hair ahead. Is this possible? Is the hair of a NW7 enough to fill a fairly thick hair on top? I understand there will be some downsides to it, but if new technology will make it without scars IMO it's the cure. You wont even need to use finasteride or anything since it's dht free right?


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Is it possible to FUE _ALL_ hair from DHT-free area + possibly thick neckbeard to the top of the head, and then SMP the sides and back of the head? I think SMP looks decent but so unnatural as a hairline, I assume it looks better on sides&back?

I know many people hate that chav hairstyle but I am just curious if this even works without getting scars etc. Has anyone tried this?

I think if you FUE'd all the hair from sides and back, you definitely wouldn't even need additional neck/beard hair to achieve a THICK NW1 density. You have more hair on your sides and back than on the top, and then some. It would be interesting if a GOOD ETHICAL hair transplant surgeon would even do this. If so, yes, you would have somewhat noticeable scarring from the punch, but with SMP I don't think anyone would be even paying attention to the sides and back, it would just be a style. IDK... interesting. DO IT!! Tell us how it goes. haha :)

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I am actually honestly considering getting a thick mohawk through fue, keeping it short, like a 10 guard and then getting a very conservative fue around it if I go completely bald, which I probably will. I don't see any problem with this at all. Joe Tillman has told me, he has had people request this, but never go through with it due to the FUSS. I already have a FUT scar though. I would be able to cover half of it with the mohawk, down the middle and I would simply have them FUE up the rest of it. I own my own business, so this style would work just fine. NOW, the HARD part is finding an awesome surgeon that would perform this operation.


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Its NOT possible.If you ask why you certainly shouldnt even think about it


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Its NOT possible.If you ask why you certainly shouldnt even think about it
I'll ask anyways :) Not enough grafts? Technology not good enough?


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If afterwards the sides bother you, perhaps because of texture or something, you could get some grafts from your body hair and put them their and shave it, I think that'd look decent with SMP. However, do you want to be rocking that hairstyle in your 70s lol


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Micro dots will be visible if you shaved/faded your head.


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If afterwards the sides bother you, perhaps because of texture or something, you could get some grafts from your body hair and put them their and shave it, I think that'd look decent with SMP. However, do you want to be rocking that hairstyle in your 70s lol
Yeah good point, you could BHT to top of the sides/back to create a nice fade :) 100% shaved sides looks kinda chavy to be fair but if you create a nice fade it's what every other lad has these days.. In my 70s i'll be drinking piña colada somehere on a sunny beach, don't think hair will be too important! Otherwise u could go temporary smp all the way, and at 70 u can go slick bald haha.
Micro dots will be visible if you shaved/faded your head.
From the SMP, or how do you mean? As an experienced realist you are, is this a realistic idea to do within next 5 years?


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Recently I was wondering if over harvesting the donor hair (50-70%) then using leg hair between the head hair grafts would be a good solution. Of course the leg hair wouldn't grow long, but if you kept it short, about 1cm, I imagine this could work quite well. Leg hair alone would suck, but combining with head hair might give a nice aesthetic result...


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Recently I was wondering if over harvesting the donor hair (50-70%) then using leg hair between the head hair grafts would be a good solution. Of course the leg hair wouldn't grow long, but if you kept it short, about 1cm, I imagine this could work quite well. Leg hair alone would suck, but combining with head hair might give a nice aesthetic result...
What's stopping you from doing this? What are the disadvantages


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I think with a good, big strip procedure, most people can attain a decent head of diffused hair, with minimal hair in the crown and a somewhat decent hair line. BUT, this is for people with good donor density and thicker hair in general. My plan is to put all the cards on the table, and spend 25k on a 7,000 graft FUT with hasson and wong and just live with a diffused head of permanent hair and f*ck all the treatments. After all most of the appearance is just framing the face with a hair line.


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25000k? In Belgium you can get a 4000 grafts FUE for 8000€/$.

Indeed, framing the face is 90% of the work. You'll feel the remaining 10% under harsh lightning.

Well, I would be paying the extra because it is Hasson and Wong and that gives me almost complete assurance that the hair line will look awesome. Who do you recommend in Belgium? I was considering Erdogan or ********* in Turkey as well... A lot cheaper.

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and luckily, I have EXTREMELY course hair (from my half Persian side I assume) so, right now, I am living with extremely diffused hair behind the hair line, and I know it will just get worst and worst, unless RU provides some miracle for me. With a decent hair line, I can comb it up or back, and get o.k. coverage. I don't even care anymore. I just want it to look normal.

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Well, I would be paying the extra because it is Hasson and Wong and that gives me almost complete assurance that the hair line will look awesome. Who do you recommend in Belgium? I was considering Erdogan or ********* in Turkey as well... A lot cheaper.

- - - Updated - - -

and luckily, I have EXTREMELY course hair (from my half Persian side I assume) so, right now, I am living with extremely diffused hair behind the hair line, and I know it will just get worst and worst, unless RU provides some miracle for me. With a decent hair line, I can comb it up or back, and get o.k. coverage. I don't even care anymore. I just want it to look normal.

and, like you've mentioned before, I think my case would bode well with some SMP and a nice tan to give the illusion of more density. I would opt for SMP in a second, if I knew the direction of my hair loss. After a huge transplant, at least I know what I have and don't have to be constantly paranoid about continual hair loss in unexpected places.


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In Belgium? ********, Mwamba, De Reys, Feriduni, Devroye and prohairclinic.

But only De Reys and prohairclinic have fair prices. 25000€ to be butchered (FUT)? No thanks.

Fred couple questions for a veteran member here -

1) who did you get your hair transplant with?

2) How much was it?

3) How was the scaring? what size punch? how many grafts

4) If strip surgery "worked" for me (as in, the results are horrendous, but all the hair grows in recipient site) would you personally recommend going for one large FUE procedure. I am talking about a couple sessions, like 5,000 or more FUE.

-I don't want to have to continually fly to Europe for multiple procedures. I can afford to stay there for probably a month, and get multiple sessions. I want this done and over with. If it works, it works. If not, than I am bald and f*ck it. I am sick of being depressed about this. If none of the treatments I am on work, then I am saving and planning on doing it in the fall, so 2017 I can start my life over.


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Fred couple questions for a veteran member here -

1) who did you get your hair transplant with?

2) How much was it?

3) How was the scaring? what size punch? how many grafts

4) If strip surgery "worked" for me (as in, the results are horrendous, but all the hair grows in recipient site) would you personally recommend going for one large FUE procedure. I am talking about a couple sessions, like 5,000 or more FUE.

-I don't want to have to continually fly to Europe for multiple procedures. I can afford to stay there for probably a month, and get multiple sessions. I want this done and over with. If it works, it works. If not, than I am bald and f*ck it. I am sick of being depressed about this. If none of the treatments I am on work, then I am saving and planning on doing it in the fall, so 2017 I can start my life over.


it's censored buy you can probably guess where to find it.

This should answer some of your questions. Fred's result was so transformative I booked a 1200 graft FUE with the same surgeon for this summer too...
One patient a day, max 1200 grafts per day, does all of the punches and incisions himself rather than leave it to techs, best FUE graft survival rates around, a conservative yet artistic approach to hairlines. He really seems like the perfect choice!


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25000k? In Belgium you can get a 4000 grafts FUE for 8000€/$.

Indeed, framing the face is 90% of the work. You'll feel the remaining 10% under harsh lightning.

Lol FUE isn't optimal for all high norwoods dude.

Most don't have adequate donors that can harvest enough without over thinning the donor region.

hence why FUT will always be the gold standard, despite FUE being a good alternative approach for smaller end procedures.


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What's wrong with thinning the donor? Beats having a prominent scar and a tighter scalp. A thin donor would give less contrast against a thin top too, after all, the top should always look thicker than the sides for good aesthetics...
FUT is better than FUE, but not because of a thinning donor, it's the same amount of hair either way. FUT is better because it gets higher graft survival rates, which higher Norwood patients desperately need and because its more suitable for single large sessions whereas FUE sessions are slower so multiple smaller sessions are needed instead of one big one.

If FUE could get the same survival rate as FUT then there would be no contest, FUE would smash it.


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If you're scared of getting **** density, how about this? : http://i2.irishmirror.ie/incoming/a...ATES/s615b/Chelsea-v-Liverpool-Premier-League

SMP back + sides and BHT from legs/armpits what ever at the non hair areas at the top of the head. SURELY you'll have GOOD density + fairly natural looking hair. The only problem is scars I guess but it's enough to cover with SMP+BHT ?

Thought of something like this:
